Processing math: 100%


Make a map from SCUBA-2 data


This command is used to create a map from SCUBA-2 data. Two techniques are provided and can be selected using the METHOD parameter.

The " REBIN" method can be used to make a map by coadding all the samples in the correct location using a number of different convolution techniques. This is useful when the time series has been processed independently of the map-maker and the map should be made " as-is" . Raw data will be flatfielded but this method will not apply any extinction correction, sky removal or filtering. It is assumed that this has been handled by other tasks prior to making the map.

The default " ITERATE" method takes a more holistic approach to map making using an iterative technique to fit for a number of models for noise and instrumental behaviour, one of which is the underlying astronomical image. Details of the map making process can be controlled using the CONFIG parameter.


Set to a non-zero value on exit if the iterative process was aborted because of the ABORTSOON parameter being set TRUE. The specific non-zero value returned is the number of iterations that had been completed when the iterative process was aborted. Always set to zero if ABORTSOON is FALSE.
If TRUE, then the iterative process will exit as soon as it becomes likely that the convergence criterion (specified by configuration parameter MAPTOL) will not be reached within the number of iterations allowed by configuration parameter NUMITER. [FALSE]
If TRUE, then the spatial positions of the input data are aligned in the co-ordinate system specified by parameter SYSTEM. Otherwise, they are aligned in the ICRS co-ordinate system. For instance, if the output co-ordinate system is AZEL, then setting ALIGNSYS to TRUE will result in the AZEL values of the input data positions being compared directly, disregarding the fact that a given AZEL will correspond to different positions on the sky at different times. [FALSE]
BBM = NDF (Read)
Group of files to be used as bad bolometer masks. Each data file specified with the IN parameter will be masked. The corresponding previous mask for a subarray will be used. If there is no previous mask the closest following will be used. It is not an error for no mask to match. A NULL parameter indicates no mask files to be supplied. [!]
An output array holding the final normalised map change value for each chunk.
Specifies values for the configuration parameters used by the iterative map maker (METHOD=ITERATE). If the string " def" (case-insensitive) or a null (!) value is supplied, a set of default configuration parameter values will be used. A full list of the available configuration parameters is available in the appendix of SUN/258. A smaller list of the more commonly used configuration parameters is available in SC/21.

The supplied value should be either a comma-separated list of strings or the name of a text file preceded by an up-arrow character "^" , containing one or more comma-separated lists of strings. Each string is either a " keyword=value" setting, or the name of a text file preceded by an up-arrow character " ^" . Such text files should contain further comma-separated lists which will be read and interpreted in the same manner (any blank lines or lines beginning with " #" are ignored). Within a text file, newlines can be used as delimiters, as well as commas. Settings are applied in the order in which they occur within the list, with later settings over-riding any earlier settings given for the same keyword.

Each individual setting should be of the form:


The parameters available are listed in the " Configuration Parameters" appendix of SUN/258. Default values will be used for any unspecified parameters. Assigning the value " <def>" (case insensitive) to a keyword has the effect of reseting it to its default value. Unrecognised options will result in an error condition. This is done to help find spelling mistakes. [current value]

CROTA = _REAL (Read)
The angle, in degrees, from the second pixel axis in the output cube to north (in the coordinate system specified by the SYSTEM parameter), measured north through east. Only accessed if a null value is supplied for parameter REF.
FBL( ) = _DOUBLE (Write)
Sky coordinates (radians) of the bottom left corner of the output map (the corner with the smallest PIXEL dimension for axis 1 and the smallest PIXEL dimension for axis 2). No check is made that the pixel corresponds to valid data. Note that the position is reported for the centre of the pixel.
FBR( ) = _DOUBLE (Write)
Sky coordinates (radians) of the bottom right corner of the output map (the corner with the largest PIXEL dimension for axis 1 and the smallest PIXEL dimension for axis 2). No check is made that the pixel corresponds to valid data. Note that the position is reported for the centre of the pixel.
FLBND( ) = _DOUBLE (Write)
The lower bounds of the bounding box enclosing the output map in the selected output WCS Frame. The values are calculated even if no output cube is created. Celestial axis values will be in units of radians. The parameter is named to be consistent with KAPPA:NDFTRACE output.
Method to use to calculate the flatfield solution. Options are POLYNOMIAL and TABLE. Polynomial fits a polynomial to the measured signal. Table uses an interpolation scheme between the measurements to determine the power. [POLYNOMIAL]
The order of polynomial to use when choosing POLYNOMIAL method. [1]
Signal-to-noise ratio threshold to use when filtering the responsivity data to determine valid bolometers for the flatfield. [3.0]
If true the previous and following flatfield will be used to determine the overall flatfield to apply to a sequence. If false only the previous flatfield will be used. A null default will use both flatfields for data when we did not heater track at the end, and will use a single flatfield when we did heater track. The parameter value is not sticky and will revert to the default unless explicitly over-ridden. [!]
FTL( ) = _DOUBLE (Write)
Sky coordinates (radians) of the top left corner of the output map (the corner with the smallest PIXEL dimension for axis 1 and the largest PIXEL dimension for axis 2). No check is made that the pixel corresponds to valid data. Note that the position is reported for the centre of the pixel.
FTR( ) = _DOUBLE (Write)
Sky coordinates (radians) of the top right corner of the output map (the corner with the largest PIXEL dimension for axis 1 and the largest PIXEL dimension for axis 2). No check is made that the pixel corresponds to valid data. Note that the position is reported for the centre of the pixel.
FUBND( ) = _DOUBLE (Write)
The upper bounds of the bounding box enclosing the output map in the selected output WCS Frame. The values are calculated even if no output cube is created. Celestial axis values will be in units of radians. The parameter is named to be consistent with KAPPA:NDFTRACE output.
The FTS-2 port to use in calculating the mapping to sky coordinates, or null if FTS-2 was not in the beam. If set, this parameter should be " tracking" or " image" . [!]
IN = NDF (Read)
Input file(s).
IPREF = NDF (Read)
An existing NDF that is to be used to define the correction to be made for instrumental polarisation (IP). It is only accessed if the input data contains POL2 Q or U time-series values, as created by SMURF:CALCQU. No IP correction is made if a null (!) value is supplied. If a non-null value is supplied, it should be an NDF that holds the total intensity (in pW) within the area of sky covered by the output map. The supplied NDF need not be pre-aligned with the output map - the WCS information in the NDF will be used to aligned them. For each Q or U value in the input time-streams, the corresponding total intensity (I) value is found by sampling the supplied IPREF map at the sky position of the Q/U value. This I value is multipled by a factor that depends on elevation and focal plane position, to get the IP correction. These Q and U corrections are rotated so that they use the same reference direction as the input Q/U data, corrected for extinction, and are then subtracted from the input Q or U value before going on to make a map from the corrected values. [!]
Specifies the name of a file in which to place a copy of the current map at the end of each iteration. If a null (!) value is supplied, they are placed in the MORE.SMURF.ITERMAPS component of the main output NDF (see parameter OUT). See configuration parameter " Itermap" . [!]
If TRUE, the output map is created on the JSA all-sky pixel grid, and is split up into individual JSA tiles. Thus multiple output NDFs may be created, one for each JSA tile that touches the map. Each of these output NDFs will have the tile index number appended to the end of the path specified by parameter " OUT" . If " JSATILES" is TRUE, the " REF" parameter is ignored. [FALSE]
If parameter " JSATILES" is set TRUE, the zero-based indicies of the created JSA tiles will be written to this output parameter. The number of such indices is given the " NTILE" parameter
LBND( 2 ) = _INTEGER (Read)
An array of values giving the lower pixel index bound on each spatial axis of the output NDF. The suggested default values encompass all the input spatial information. The supplied values may be modified if TRIM is set TRUE. []
LBOUND( 2 ) = _INTEGER (Write)
The lower pixel bounds of the output NDF. Note, values will be written to this output parameter even if a null value is supplied for parameter OUT.
MASK2 = NDF (Read)
An existing NDF that can be used to specify a second external mask for use with either the AST, FLT or COM model. See configuration parameters AST.ZERO_MASK, FLT.ZERO_MASK and COM.ZERO_MASK. Note, it is assumed that this image is aligned in pixel coordinate with the output map. [!]
MASK3 = NDF (Read)
An existing NDF that can be used to specify a third external mask for use with either the AST, FLT or COM model. See configuration parameters AST.ZERO_MASK, FLT.ZERO_MASK and COM.ZERO_MASK. Note, it is assumed that this image is aligned in pixel coordinate with the output map. [!]
Maximum memory available for map-making in MiB (mebibytes). For machines with more than 20 GB or memory, the default is to leave 4 GB free for other processes. For machines with less than than 20 GB or memory, the default is to leave 20% of the total memory free for other processes. []
Specify which map-maker should be used to construct the map. The parameter can take the following values:
  • " REBIN" – Use a single pass rebinning algorithm. This technique assumes that the data have previously had atmosphere and instrument signatures removed. It makes use of the standard AST library rebinning algorithms (see also KAPPA:WCSMOSAIC). It is an excellent choice for obtaining an image quickly, especially of a bright source.

  • " ITERATE" – Use the iterative map maker. This map maker is much slower than the REBIN algorithm because it continually makes a map, constructs models for different data components (common-mode, spikes etc.). See CONFIG for parameters controlling the iterative map maker. [ITERATE]

Control the verbosity of the application. Values can be NONE (no messages), QUIET (minimal messages), NORMAL, VERBOSE, DEBUG or ALL. [NORMAL]
Effective number of bolometers in the output map when METHOD=iterate. [!]
Total number of continuous data chunks processed by makemap when METHOD=iterate. [!]
Total number of continuous data chunks processed by makemap when METHOD=iterate that failed to converge. [!]
Total number of continuous data chunks processed by makemap when METHOD=iterate that failed due to insufficient samples. [!]
The nominal beam FCF for the output map (Jy/beam/pW). This will depend on the observation dates of the input time-seroes files and the filter (450 or 850). If the input data spans a critical date at which the FCF changed, the stored value will be weighted by the amount of data included in the map that was taken before and after the critical date.
The number of output tiles used to hold the entire output array (see parameters JSATILES and TILEDIMS). If no input data fall within a specified tile, then no output NDF will be created for the tile, but (if JSATILES is FALSE) the tile will still be included in the tile numbering.
OUT = NDF (Write)
Output file.
The name of a text file to create, in which to put the names of all the output NDFs created by this application via parameter OUT (one per line). If a null (!) value is supplied no file is created. [!]
PARAMS( 2 ) = _DOUBLE (Read)
An optional array which consists of additional parameters required by the Sinc, SincSinc, SincCos, SincGauss, Somb, SombCos, and Gauss spreading methods (see parameter SPREAD).

PARAMS( 1 ) is required by all the above schemes. It is used to specify how many pixels on either side of the output position (that is, the output position corresponding to the centre of the input pixel) are to receive contributions from the input pixel. Typically, a value of 2 is appropriate and the minimum allowed value is 1 (i.e. one pixel on each side). A value of zero or fewer indicates that a suitable number of pixels should be calculated automatically. [0]

PARAMS( 2 ) is required only by the SombCos, Gauss, SincSinc, SincCos, and SincGauss schemes. For the SombCos, SincSinc, and SincCos schemes, it specifies the number of pixels at which the envelope of the function goes to zero. The minimum value is 1.0, and the run-time default value is 2.0. For the Gauss and SincGauss scheme, it specifies the full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the Gaussian envelope. The minimum value is 0.1, and the run-time default is 1.0. On astronomical images and spectra, good results are often obtained by approximately matching the FWHM of the envelope function, given by PARAMS(2), to the point-spread function of the input data.

PIXSIZE( 2 ) = _REAL (Read)
Pixel dimensions in the output image, in arcsec. If only one value is supplied, the same value will be used for both axes. The default depends on the wavelength of the input data.
The name of a text file containing corrections to the pointing read from the input data files. If null (!) is supplied, no corrections are used. If a file is supplied, it should start with one or more lines containing " #" in column one. These are comment lines, but if any comment line has the form " # SYSTEM=AZEL" or " # SYSTEM=TRACKING" then it determines the system in which the pointing correction are specified (SYSTEM defaults to AZEL). The last comment line should be a space-separated list of column names, including " TAI" , " DLON" and " DLAT" . Each remaining line should contain numerical values for each column, separated by white space. The TAI column should contain the TAI time given as an MJD. The DLON and DLAT columns should give arc-distance offsets parallel to the longitude and latitude axes, in arc-seconds. The TAI values should be monotonic increasing with row number. The longitude and latitude axes are either AZEL or TRACKING as determined by the SYSTEM value in the header comments. Blank lines are ignored. The DLON and DLAT values are added onto the SMU jiggle positions stored in the JCMTSTATE extension of the input NDFs. DLON and DLAT values for non-tabulated times are determined by interpolation.

If you need to apply two sets of pointing corrections, one in TRACKING and one in AZEL, you can include two tables (one for each system) in a single text file. Both tables should use the format described above. The two tables must be separated by a line containing two or more minus signs with no leading spaces. [!]

Set TRUE on exit if the iterative loop was terminated because the mean normalised change in the map does not seem to be falling (see config parameter " MAPTOL_RATE" ).
REF = NDF (Read)
An existing NDF that is to be used to define the output grid, or the string " JSA" . If an NDF is supplied, the output grid will be aligned with the supplied reference NDF. The reference can be either 2D or 3D and the spatial frame will be extracted. If " JSA" is supplied, the JSA all-sky pixel grid will be used (note, the map will still be created as a single NDF - if multiple NDFs, one for each JSA tile, are required, the " JSATILES" parameter should beset TRUE instead of using the " REF" parameter). If a null (!) value is supplied then the output grid is determined by parameters REFLON, REFLAT, etc. In addition, this NDF can be used to mask the AST, FLT or COM model. See configuration parameters AST.ZERO_MASK, FLT.ZERO_MASK and COM.ZERO_MASK. [!]
The formatted celestial latitude value at the tangent point of the spatial projection in the output cube. This should be provided in the coordinate system specified by parameter SYSTEM.
The formatted celestial longitude value at the tangent point of the spatial projection in the output cube. This should be provided in the system specified by parameter SYSTEM.
A group expression containing the resistor settings for each bolometer. Usually specified as a text file using " ^" syntax. An example can be found in $STARLINK_DIR/share/smurf/resist.cfg [$STARLINK_DIR/share/smurf/resist.cfg]
If true, responsivity data will be used to mask bolometer data when calculating the flatfield. [TRUE]
The method to use when spreading each input pixel value out between a group of neighbouring output pixels if using METHOD=REBIN (for METHOD=ITERATE nearest-neighbour resampling is always used). If SPARSE is set TRUE, then SPREAD is not accessed and a value of " Nearest" is always assumed. SPREAD can take the following values:
  • " Linear" – The input pixel value is divided bi-linearly between the four nearest output pixels. Produces smoother output NDFs than the nearest-neighbour scheme.

  • " Nearest" – The input pixel value is assigned completely to the single nearest output pixel. This scheme is much faster than any of the others.

  • " Sinc" – Uses the sinc(pix) kernel, where x is the pixel offset from the interpolation point (resampling) or transformed input pixel centre (rebinning), and sinc(z)=sin(z)/z. Use of this scheme is not recommended.

  • " SincSinc" – Uses the sinc(pix)sinc(kpix) kernel. A valuable general-purpose scheme, intermediate in its visual effect on NDFs between the bi-linear and nearest-neighbour schemes.

  • " SincCos" – Uses the sinc(pix)cos(kpix) kernel. Gives similar results to the " Sincsinc" scheme.

  • " SincGauss" – Uses the sinc(pix)exp(-kxx) kernel. Good results can be obtained by matching the FWHM of the envelope function to the point-spread function of the input data (see parameter PARAMS).

  • " Somb" – Uses the somb(pix) kernel, where x is the pixel offset from the transformed input pixel centre, and somb(z)=2J1(z)/z (J1 is the first-order Bessel function of the first kind). This scheme is similar to the " Sinc" scheme.

  • " SombCos" – Uses the somb(pix)cos(kpix) kernel. This scheme is similar to the " SincCos" scheme.

  • " Gauss" – Uses the exp(-kxx) kernel. The FWHM of the Gaussian is given by parameter PARAMS(2), and the point at which to truncate the Gaussian to zero is given by parameter PARAMS(1).

For further details of these schemes, see the descriptions of routine AST_REBINx in SUN/211. [" Nearest" ]

The celestial coordinate system for the output cube. One of ICRS, GAPPT, FK5, FK4, FK4-NO-E, AZEL, GALACTIC, ECLIPTIC. It can also be given the value " TRACKING" , in which case the system used will be which ever system was used as the tracking system during the observation. The supplied value is ignored if a value is supplied for parameter " REF" .

The choice of system also determines if the telescope is considered to be tracking a moving object such as a planet or asteroid. If the system is GAPPT or AZEL, then each time slice in the input data will be shifted in order to put the base telescope position (given by TCS_AZ_BC1/2 in the JCMTSTATE extension of the input NDF) at the same pixel position that it had for the first time slice. For any other system, no such shifts are applied, even if the base telescope position is changing through the observation. [TRACKING]

Only accessed if a non-null value is supplied for parameter TILEDIMS. It gives the width, in pixels, of a border to add to each output tile. These borders contain data from the adjacent tile. This results in an overlap between adjacent tiles equal to twice the supplied border width. If the default value of zero is accepted, then output tiles will abut each other in pixel space without any overlap. If a non-zero value is supplied, then each pair of adjacent tiles will overlap by twice the given number of pixels. Pixels within the overlap border will be given a quality name of " BORDER" (see KAPPA:SHOWQUAL). [0]
This parameter is ignored if parameter " JSATILES" is set TRUE.

For large data sets, it may sometimes be beneficial to break the output array up into a number of smaller rectangular tiles, each created separately and stored in a separate output NDF. This can be accomplished by supplying non-null values for the TILEDIMS parameter. If supplied, these values give the nominal spatial size of each output tile, in pixels. Edge tiles may be thinner if the TRIMTILES parameter is set TRUE. In order to avoid creating very thin tiles around the edges, the actual tile size used for the edge tiles may be up to 10 % larger than the supplied value. This creation of " fat" edge tiles may be prevented by supplying a negative value for the tile size, in which case edge tiles will never be wider than the supplied absolute value.

If only one value is supplied, the supplied value is duplicated to create square tiles. Tiles are created in a raster fashion, from bottom left to top right of the spatial extent. The NDF file name specified by " out" is modified for each tile by appending " _<N>" to the end of it, where <N> is the integer tile index (starting at 1). The number of tiles used to cover the entire output array is written to output parameter NTILES. The tiles all share the same projection and so can be simply pasted together in pixel coordinates to reconstruct the full size output array. The tiles are centred so that the reference position (given by REFLON and REFLAT) falls at the centre of a tile. If a tile receives no input data, then no corresponding output NDF is created, but the tile is still included in the tile numbering scheme. If a null (!) value is supplied for TILEDIMS, then the entire output array is created as a single tile and stored in a single output NDF with the name given by parameter OUT (without any " _<N>" appendix). [!]

If TRUE, then the output image is trimmed to remove any border of bad pixels. [FALSE]
Only accessed if the output is being split up into more than one spatial tile (see parameter TILEDIMS and JSATILES). If TRUE, then the tiles around the border will be trimmed to exclude areas that fall outside the bounds of the full sized output array. This will result in the border tiles being smaller than the central tiles. [FALSE]
UBND( 2 ) = _INTEGER (Read)
An array of values giving the upper pixel index bound on each spatial axis of the output NDF. The suggested default values encompass all the input spatial information. The supplied values may be modified if TRIM is set TRUE. []
UBOUND( 2 ) = _INTEGER (Write)
The upper pixel bounds of the output NDF. Note, values will be written to this output parameter even if a null value is supplied for parameter OUT.
Name of a text file into which to write raw WVM data with columns for each stage of processing. Multiple blocks of data may be written to the file if the WVM data are processed in chunks. New data are appended to the file if it already exists. If a null (!) value is supplied, no file is written. [!]


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