routine calculates a bolometer responsivity image from a stored flatfield solution. To calculate a new
flatfield solution, use the CALCFLAT command on a FLATFIELD observation.
IN =
NDF (Read)
Input files to be processed. Each input file is processed independently so will work
with all observation files including dark observations and a combination of sub-arrays.
Control the verbosity of the application. Values can be
NONE (no messages), QUIET (minimal messages), NORMAL, VERBOSE, DEBUG or ALL.
NGOOD() = _INTEGER (Write)
Number of bolometers with good responsivities.
Integer array, one entry for each input file.
A group expression
containing the resistor settings for each bolometer. Usually specified as a text file using "
syntax. An
example can be found in $STARLINK_DIR/share/smurf/resist.cfg [$STARLINK_DIR/share/smurf/resist.cfg]
OUT = NDF (Write)
Output responsivity images. If the input files were each taken with the same
stored FLATFIELD solution the output responsivity images will be identical.
Works on all raw data files. The responsivity image will be identical for all files in a single observation
since it is only updated following a FLATFIELD observation.
Provenance is not propagated to the output files, since the output files do not depend on the
bolometer data.
The responsivity data are filtered using a signal-to-noise ratio of 5.0. The number of bolometers
passing this criterion is reported in the NGOOD parameter. The variance is stored in the output files
so additional filtering is possible.
For TABLE flatfields the CALCFLAT calculation of responsivity can use the variance of each
measurement to calculate a weighted fit. The data files themselves do not store the variance in the
flatfield solution so the answer from CALCRESP may differ slightly to the answer calculated with
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