Copy a 2d image out of a time series file


This task can be used to extract data from a file for a particular time slice. The world coordinates will be valid on this slice so the data can be used for display or image overlay (e.g. when using the KAPPA OUTLINE command to determine where this slice lies in relation to the reconstructed map).

KAPPA NDFCOPY will not add the specific astrometry information when used to extract a slice and so cannot be used when WCS is required.


The FTS-2 port to use in calculating the WCS for the output NDF, or null if FTS-2 was not in the beam. If set, this parameter should be " tracking" or " image" . [!]
IN = NDF (Read)
Input file. Cannot be a DARK frame. If the input file is raw data it will be flatfielded before writing out. This allows a reasonable bad pixel mask to be applied.
Control the verbosity of the application. Values can be NONE (no messages), QUIET (minimal messages), NORMAL, VERBOSE, DEBUG or ALL. [NORMAL]
OUT = NDF (Write)
Output file. Extensions are not propagated.
The name of a text file containing corrections to the pointing read from the input data files. If null (!) is supplied, no corrections are used. If a file is supplied, it should start with one or more lines containing " #" in column one. These are comment lines, but if any comment line has the form " # SYSTEM=AZEL" or " # SYSTEM=TRACKING" then it determines the system in which the pointing correction are specified (SYSTEM defaults to AZEL). The last comment line should be a space-separated list of column names, including " TAI" , " DLON" and " DLAT" . Each remaining line should contain numerical values for each column, separated by white space. The TAI column should contain the TAI time given as an MJD. The DLON and DLAT columns should give arc-distance offsets parallel to the longitude and latitude axes, in arc-seconds. The TAI values should be monotonic increasing with row number. The longitude and latitude axes are either AXEL or TRACKING as determined by the SYSTEM value in the header comments. Blank lines are ignored. The DLON and DLAT values are added onto the SMU jiggle positions stored in the JCMTSTATE extension of the input NDFs. DLON and DLAT values for non-tabulated times are determined by interpolation. [!]
Index of time axis (GRID coordinates). 0 can be used to specify the last slice in the file without having to know how many slices are in the file.


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