Stack 2d processed frames into time series cube


Takes a stack of 2d frames of bolometer data, usually noise images or responsivity images, and combines them into a single cube with, if sort is enabled, an annotated time axis or an axis based on a numeric FITS header item. This makes it easy to look at the behaviour of a single detector as it varies with time. Not all observations include time information or should be sorted at all and for those set SORT to false. The 3rd axis will not be a sorted axis in that case. This can be useful for examining bolometer maps created by MAKEMAP.


IN = NDF (Read)
Input file(s). Files must all be 2-d and have the same dimensions. For the SORT option to be available they must have a DATE-OBS FITS header.
Control the verbosity of the application. Values can be NONE (no messages), QUIET (minimal messages), NORMAL, VERBOSE, DEBUG or ALL. [NORMAL]
OUT = NDF (Write)
Single output file with all the 2d images stacked into a single observation.
Should the data be sorted into time order (true) or left in the order given in IN (false). If the first file in IN has no date information sorting will be disabled automatically. Default is true if date information is available.
If the data are sorted (SORT=TRUE) this parameter controls which header item should be used to do the sorting. Options are MJD (the date) or the name of a numeric FITS header. MJD is not allowed if no date items are present. [MJD]


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