Split a single NDF up into a set of JSA tiles


This script re-projects a supplied NDF onto the JSA all-sky pixel grid and then splits the resulting NDF into more JSA tiles.


jsasplit in out [trim] [retain] [msg_filter] [ilevel] [glevel] [logfile]


Controls the level of information to write to a text log file. Allowed values are as for " ILEVEL" . The log file to create is specified via parameter " LOGFILE" . [" ATASK" ]
Controls the level of information displayed on the screen by the script. It can take any of the following values (note, these values are purposefully different to the SUN/104 values to avoid confusion in their effects):
  • " NONE" : No screen output is created

  • " CRITICAL" : Only critical messages are displayed such as warnings.

  • " PROGRESS" : Extra messages indicating script progress are also displayed.

  • " ATASK" : Extra messages are also displayed describing each atask invocation. Lines starting with " > > >" indicate the command name and parameter values, and subsequent lines hold the screen output generated by the command.

  • " DEBUG" : Extra messages are also displayed containing unspecified debugging information. In addition scatter plots showing how each Q and U image compares to the mean Q and U image are displayed at this ILEVEL.

In adition, the glevel value can be changed by assigning a new integer value (one of starutil.NONE, starutil.CRITICAL, starutil.PROGRESS, starutil.ATASK or starutil.DEBUG) to the module variable starutil.glevel. [" PROGRESS" ]

IN = NDF (Read)
The input NDF.
Selects the tiling scheme to be used. The following instrument names are recognised (unambiguous abbreviations may be supplied): " SCUBA-2(450)" , " SCUBA-2(850)" , " ACSIS" , " DAS" . If the input NDF contains JCMT data, the default value for this parameter is determined from the FITS headers in the input NDF. Otherwise, there is no default and an explicit value must be supplied. []
The name of the log file to create if GLEVEL is not NONE. The default is " <command >.log" , where <command > is the name of the executing script (minus any trailing " .py" suffix), and will be created in the current directory. Any file with the same name is over-written. []
Controls the default level of information reported by Starlink atasks invoked within the executing script. This default can be over-ridden by including a value for the msg_filter parameter within the command string passed to the " invoke" function. The accepted values are the list defined in SUN/104 (" None" , " Quiet" , " Normal" , " Verbose" , etc). [" Normal" ]
The basename for the output NDFs. Each output NDF will have a name formed by appending the integer tile index to the supplied basename, preceeded by and underscore. A null (!) value causes the name of the input NDF to be used.
Should the temporary directory containing the intermediate files created by this script be retained? If not, it will be deleted before the script exits. If retained, a message will be displayed at the end specifying the path to the directory. [FALSE]
A zero or negative value results in each output NDF covering the full area of the corresponding JSAtile. A value of one results in each output NDF being cropped to the bounds of the supplied NDF. A value of two or more results in each output NDF being cropped to remove any blank borders. [2]