Create an Instrumental Polarisation (IP) model from a set of POL2 observations


This script produces Q and U maps from a supplied list of POL2 planet observations (this list should include observations over a wide range of elevations). It then estimates the parameters of an IP model that gives good estimates of the resulting Q and U, based on a supplied total intensity map of the planet.

It is assumed that the source is centred at the reference point of the supplied observations.

An IP model gives the normalised Q and U values (Qn and Un) with respect to focal plane Y axis, at any point on the sky, as functions of elevation. The correction is applied as follows:

Q_corrected = Q_original - IQn U_corrected = U_original - IUn

where " I" is the total intensity at the same point on the sky as Q_original and U_original. All (Q,U) values use the focal plane Y axis as the reference direction.

The " PL2" IP model is as follows (" el" = elevation in radians):

p1 = A + Bel + Celel Qn = Ip1cos(-2(el-D)) Un = Ip1sin(-2(el-D))

It is parameterised by four constants A, B, C and D, which are calculated by this script. It represents an instrumental polarisation that varies in size with elevation but is always at a fixed angle (D radians) from the elevation axis.

The PL2 model replaces the earlier PL1 model. The difference is that the D constant was fixed at zero in the PL1 model.


pol2ip obslist iref [diam] [pixsize]


DIAM = _REAL (Read)
The diameter of the circle (in arc-seconds), centred on the source, over which the mean Q, U and I values are found. If zero, or a negative value, is supplied, the fit is based on the weighted mean values within the source, where the spatial weiging function is a fitted beam shape determined using kappa:beamfit. In this case, a text file called " beamfit.asc" is created in the current directory. This is a table containg columns of the geometric properties of the polarised intensity beam in each observation. The header for this file contains the parameters of quadratic fits to these properties, which are used within pol2scan. [40]
Controls the level of information displayed on the screen by the script. It can take any of the following values (note, these values are purposefully different to the SUN/104 values to avoid confusion in their effects):
  • " NONE" : No screen output is created

  • " CRITICAL" : Only critical messages are displayed such as warnings.

  • " PROGRESS" : Extra messages indicating script progress are also displayed.

  • " ATASK" : Extra messages are also displayed describing each atask invocation. Lines starting with " > > >" indicate the command name and parameter values, and subsequent lines hold the screen output generated by the command.

  • " DEBUG" : Extra messages are also displayed containing unspecified debugging information. In addition scatter plots showing how each Q and U image compares to the mean Q and U image are displayed at this ILEVEL.

In adition, the glevel value can be changed by assigning a new integer value (one of starutil.NONE, starutil.CRITICAL, starutil.PROGRESS, starutil.ATASK or starutil.DEBUG) to the module variable starutil.glevel. [" PROGRESS" ]

IREF = NDF (Read)
A 2D NDF holding a map of total intensity (in pW) for the object covered by the observations in OBSLIST. It is assumed that the object is centred at the reference point in the map. The supplied map is resampled to to give it the pixel size specified by parameter PIXSIZE. If a null value(!) is supplied, the total intensity is determined from the POL2 data itself.
The name of the log file to create if GLEVEL is not NONE. The default is " <command >.log" , where <command > is the name of the executing script (minus any trailing " .py" suffix), and will be created in the current directory. Any file with the same name is over-written. The script can change the logfile if necessary by assign the new log file path to the module variable " starutil.logfile" . Any old log file will be closed befopre the new one is opened. []
Path to a directory containing any pre-existing Q/U/I maps. Each UT date should have a separate subdirectory within " mapdir" , and each observation should have a separate subdirectory within its <UT > date subdirectory. Any new Q/U/I maps created by this script are placed in this directory. If null (!) is supplied, the root directory containing the Q/U maps is placed within the temporary directory used to store all other intermediate files. [!]
Controls the default level of information reported by Starlink atasks invoked within the executing script. This default can be over-ridden by including a value for the msg_filter parameter within the command string passed to the " invoke" function. The accepted values are the list defined in SUN/104 (" None" , " Quiet" , " Normal" , " Verbose" , etc). [" Normal" ]
The path to a text file listing the POL2 observations to use. Each line should contain a string of the form " <ut >/ <obs >" , where <ut > is the 8 digit UT date (e.g. " 20151009" ) and <obs > is the 5 digit observation number (e.g. " 00034" ). Blank lines and lines starting with " #" are ignored. The raw data for all observations is expected to reside in a directory given by environment variable " SC2" , within subdirectories with paths of the form: $SC2/[s4a|s8a]/20150918/00056/ etc. The choice of " s8" or " s4" is made on the basis of parameter WAVEBAND.
Pixel dimensions in the Q and U maps, in arcsec. The default is 4 arc-sec for 850 um data and 2 arc-sec for 450 um data. []
If a value is assigned to this parameter, it should be the path to a directory containing the intermediate files created by a previous run of POL2IP (it is necessry to run POL2IP with RETAIN=YES otherwise the directory is deleted after POL2IP terminates). If supplied, any files which can be re-used from the supplied directory are re-used, thus speeding things up. The path to the intermediate files can be found by examining the log file created by the previous run. [!]
Should the temporary directory containing the intermediate files created by this script be retained? If not, it will be deleted before the script exits. If retained, a message will be displayed at the end specifying the path to the directory. [FALSE]
Path to a directory containing any pre-existing Q/U/I time streams. Each UT date should have a separate subdirectory within " qudir" , and each observation should have a separate subdirectory within its <UT > date subdirectory. Any new Q/U/I time streams created by this script are placed in this directory. If null (!) is supplied, the root directory containing the Q/U time streams is placed within the temporary directory used to store all other intermediate files. [!]
The path to a new text file to create in which to place a table holding columns of elevation, Q, U, Qfit and Ufit (and various other useful things), in TOPCAT ASCII format. [!]
The path to an existing text file containing a table created by a previous run of this script, using the TABLE parameter. If supplied, none of the other parameters are accessed, and a fit is performed to the values in the supplied table. [!]
If TRUE, the Q and U values for all observations are normalised using the same total intensity value - the mean of the total intensity values averaged over all observations. If FALSE, the Q and U values for each observation are normalised using the total intensity value for that observation. [TRUE]
Indicates the waveband - " 450" or " 850" .