convert JCMT state structure into TST format JCMTSTATE2CAT
-f tst"
command line
This information includes the telescope pointing position (Actual, Demand and Base) in both the tracking system and AZEL coordinate frames, jiggle patterns, telescope row/offset index amongst others.
topcat -f tst catalogue.tst
Additional derived columns are included in addition to those stored directly in the JCMTSTATE extension. All telescope values include a correction for motion of the secondary mirror.
Tracking coordinates in degrees. The columns will have the same name even if the telescope was tracking in GALACTIC.
Tracking offsets from the base position in arcsec.
Azimuth and elevation in degrees. Calculated directly from JCMTSTATE without being converted to RA/Dec.
Azimuth and elevation offsets from the base position in arcsec.
Instantaneous telescope speed in arcsec/sec.
Zenith 225 GHz opacity derived from the water vapor radiometer.
Precipitable water vapor at the zenith in mm.
Precipitable water vaport in the line of sight in mm.
Note that information from the ACSIS extension is not included at this time. This is partly because this extension can change in shape between observations. MCE header information is included for SCUBA-2 data files.