Process data for the SASSy project


This is the recipe for processing data taken for the SCUBA-2 All-Sky Survey (SASSy). The aim of SASSy is to map as much of the sky at 850 um as possible, focussing on the Outer Galaxy covering the Galactic longitude from 120 to 240 degrees. Each input map covers a 2x2 sq degrees

Raw data are passed to the map maker which are processed to produce an image, which is calibrated in mJy/beam. Once all the data for a given target have been processed, the individual images are coadded using inverse-variance weighting. The noise properties of the coadd are calculated and written to a log file, log.noise.

The coadd has a matched-filter applied (to highlight compact sources) and is then passed to the Fellwalker source-finding algorithm to pick out sources at or above the 5-sigma level. A catalogue is written to disk if sources were found.


Available Parameters :

The following parameters can be set via the -recpars option:
Name of a config file for use with the CUPID findclumps task. The file must exist in the current working directory, $FINDCLUMPS_CONFIG_DIR or $ORAC_DATA_OUT.
Name of a config file for use with the SMURF makemap task. The file must exist in the current working directory, $MAKEMAP_CONFIG_DIR or $ORAC_DATA_OUT.

