Process SCAN-mode data


This is the default recipe for processing SCAN data.

Raw data are passed to the map maker which are processed using the default config file (unless the source is a calibrator) to produce a an image. FCFs are derived if the source is a calibrator. This image is calibrated in mJy/beam, displayed and tagged as a reduced product. A coadd is created and displayed after all the individual observations have been processed. The noise properties of the coadd are calculated and written to a log file, log.noise. The NEFD properties of each image produced by makemap and the coadd are written to another log file, log.nefd.

Finally, the CUPID task findclumps is run using the fellwalker algorithm to create a source catalogue.


Available Parameters :

The following recipe parameters can be set via the -recpars
Units in which to calibrate the output map. Can be " BEAM" (mJy/beam), " ARCSEC" (mJy/square arcsecond) or " PW" (map left in pW).
Name of a config file for use with the CUPID findclumps task. The file must exist in the current working directory, $FINDCLUMPS_CONFIG_DIR or $ORAC_DATA_OUT.
Name of a config file for use with the SMURF makemap task. The file must exist in the current working directory, $MAKEMAP_CONFIG_DIR, $ORAC_DATA_OUT, $ORAC_DATA_CAL or $STARLINK_DIR/share/smurf.
Size of the pixels in the output map. If not specified, the recipe uses the appropriate default value. Note that the timeseries will be downsampled to match this scale during the map-making process.
Name of a reference image (NDF format) to use to define the output pixel grid. The NDF can be either 2D or 3D and the spatial WCS frame will be extracted.


The Frame image is displayed in Gaia window 1. The Group image is displayed in Gaia window 2; its variance is displayed in window 3.