Calculate RMS and NEFD via two methods to compare with ITC


Calculate the RMS and NEFD from an input image to compare with the integration time calculator (ITC). The corresponding quick-look log file are read, if they exist, to obtain NEPs from which RMS and NEFD values may also be derived.

The average NEP and its standard deviation are determined for the observation corresponding to the current file. The FCF is used to convert that to an NEFD and thus an RMS using the length of the observation. The RMS for the map is derived from its error component, and the NEFD computed from this and the exposure time image. Finally the ITC is used to determine the expected noise and NEFD for the integration (elapsed) time.

The results are written to a log file, log.checkrms.


Available Parameters :

The following parameters can be set via the -recpars option:
Flag to denote whether to delete intermediate files. Default is to keep all intermediates. If set to 1, then only the cropped files will be kept (with suffix _crop). If set to 0 then all intermediate files will be deleted.
Radius of map in arcsec. Default is 90.
Estimator for NEFD and RMS values derived from map. May be mean or median (default).

