Processing math: 100%


Converts a sequential unformatted file to an NDF


This application converts a sequential unformatted Fortran file to an NDF. Only one of the array components may be created from the input file. Preceding the input data there may be an optional header. This header may be skipped, or may consist of a simple FITS header. In the former case the shape of the NDF has be to be supplied.


unf2ndf in out [comp] noperec [skip] shape [type]


The NDF component to be copied. It may be "Data", "Quality" or "Variance". To create a variance or quality array the NDF must already exist. ["Data"]
If TRUE, the initial records of the unformatted file are interpreted as a FITS header (with one card image per record) from which the shape, data type, and axis centres are derived. The last record of the FITS-like header must be terminated by an END keyword; subsequent records in the input file are treated as an array component given by COMP. [FALSE]
Name of the input sequential unformatted Fortran file. The file will normally have variable-length records when there is a header, but always fixed-length records when there is no header.
The number of data values per record of the input file. It must be positive on UNIX systems. The suggested default is the size of the first dimension of the array if there is no current value. A null (!) value for NOPEREC causes the size of first dimension to be used.
OUT = NDF (Read and Write)
Output NDF data structure. When COMP is not "Data" the NDF is modified rather than a new NDF created. It becomes the new current NDF.
The shape of the NDF to be created. For example, [40,30,20] would create 40 columns by 30 lines by 10 bands. It is only accessed when FITS is FALSE.
The number of header records to be skipped at the start of the input file before finding the data array or FITS-like header. [0]
The data type of the input file and output NDF. It must be one of the following HDS types: "_BYTE", "_WORD", "_REAL", "_INTEGER", "_INT64", "_DOUBLE", "_UBYTE", "_UWORD" corresponding to signed byte, signed word, real, integer, double precision, unsigned byte, and unsigned word. See SUN/92 for further details. An unambiguous abbreviation may be given. TYPE is ignored when COMP = "Quality" since the QUALITY component must comprise unsigned bytes (equivalent to TYPE = "_UBYTE") to be a valid NDF. The suggested default is the current value. TYPE is also only accessed when FITS is FALSE. ["_REAL"]


unf2ndf ngc253.dat ngc253 shape=[100,60] noperec=8
This copies a data array from the unformatted file ngc253.dat to the NDF called ngc253. The input file does not contain a header section. The NDF is two-dimensional: 100 elements in x by 60 in y. Its data array has type _REAL. The data records each have 8 values.
unf2ndf ngc253q.dat ngc253 q 100 shape=[100,60]
This copies a quality array from the unformatted file ngc253q.dat to an existing NDF called ngc253 (such as created in the first example). The input file does not contain a header section. The NDF is two-dimensional: 100 elements in x by 60 in y. Its data array has type _UBYTE. The data records each have 100 values.
unf2ndf ngc253.dat ngc253 fits noperec=!
This copies a data array from the unformatted file ngc253.dat to the NDF called ngc253. The input file contains a FITS-like header section, which is copied to the FITS extension of the NDF. The shape of the NDF is controlled by the mandatory FITS keywords NAXIS, AXIS1, …, AXISn, and the data type by keywords BITPIX and UNSIGNED. Each data record has AXIS1 values (except perhaps for the last).
unf2ndf type="_uword" in=ngc253.dat out=ngc253
This copies a data array from the unformatted file ngc253.dat to the NDF called ngc253. The input file does not contain a header section. The NDF has the current shape and data type is unsigned word. The current number of values per record is used.
unf2ndf spectrum zz skip=2 shape=200 noperec=!
This copies a data array from the unformatted file spectrum to the NDF called zz. The input file contains two header records that are ignored. The NDF is one-dimensional comprising 200 elements of type _REAL. There is one data record containing the whole array.
unf2ndf spectrum.lis ZZ skip=1 fits noperec=20
This copies a data array from the unformatted file spectrum.lis to the NDF called ZZ. The input file contains one header record, that is ignored, followed by a FITS-like header section, which is copied to the FITS extension of the NDF. The shape of the NDF is controlled by the mandatory FITS keywords NAXIS, AXIS1, …, AXISn, and the data type by keywords BITPIX and UNSIGNED. Each data record has AXIS1 values (except perhaps for the last).


The details of the conversion are as follows:

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