To set up one of the four predefined AUTOGRAPH labels (see §2.30 et seq. in the AUTOGRAPH document), the following call may be used:


LNAME and TEXT are both character strings. The first character of LNAME is the label name (‘R’, ‘L’, ‘B’ or ‘T’ for right, left, bottom, top respectively) and TEXT is the label text. Trailing blanks are ignored so that the text proper is correctly centred – for deliberate trailing blanks, use ‘$’ as an endmark. Also, PWRITX function codes can be inserted for special characters (see §3 and §7). For LNAME = ‘T’ or ‘L’, the AUTOGRAPH line number is set to 100; for ‘B’ or ‘R’, the line number is 100.

Illegal LNAME values cause the top label to be set to

  ’*** AGLAB LABEL ERROR ***’.

The SNX_AGLAB routine can be used in conjunction with the AUTOGRAPH facilities. For example, the following calls will create a 2-line ‘B’ label (beneath the x-axis), with the second line (numbered 200) of character height 0.03 grid units. Here, one grid unit is the height of the box within which the curve is plotted.

        CALL SNX_AGLAB( ’B’, ’This is the first line of text’ )
        CALL AGSETC( ’LABEL/NAME.’, ’B’ )
        CALL AGSETI( ’LINE/NUMBER.’, -200 )
        CALL AGSETF( ’LINE/CHARACTER.’, 0.03 )
        CALL AGSETC( ’LINE/TEXT.’, ’This is the second line of text’ )

It is permissible to omit the AGSETC call which specifies the ‘B’ label as this will have been done already by SNX_AGLAB.