To plot a labelled graph of the curve joining (x,y) points given as separate x and y arrays, the following can be used:
XDRA and YDRA are real 1-dimensional arrays containing the x and y points respectively; the integer NPTS is the number of (x,y) values; XLAB, YLAB and GLAB are character strings giving the three labels (x-axis, y-axis and graph). Trailing blanks in the labels are ignored. Greek letters and special symbols can be used by including PWRITX function codes in the strings (see Appendix F) by virtue of linking with the Starlink version of AGPWRT (§3 and §7).
When using SNX, the format of numeric labels is “0.4", “−0.25" instead of the default style used by AUTOGRAPH, “.4", “−.25", by virtue of linking with the Starlink version of AGCHNL (§3). Other control over labelling (character sizes, multiple lines, character orientation, etc.) can be achieved by setting the appropriate AUTOGRAPH parameters and then calling the NCAR routine EZXY directly, and by writing bespoke versions of the user-replaceable routines AGCHNL and AGUTOL.
NCAR can plot other forms of data: e.g. y array only, multiple curves, etc. These are discussed in the NCAR AUTOGRAPH document – see EZY, EZMY, EZMXY.
Appendices C–E contain several examples of the use of SNX_EZRXY.