Starlink Software Collection - 2015B Release Notes
- Support for the 2015 July leap second is fully included (the previous release will not correctly grid JCMT data taken after June 2015).
- The Heterodyne Data Reduction Cookbook (SC/20) is now included.
- The SCUBA-2 Data Reduction Cookbook (SC/21) has been updated and improved.
Recent Articles on Starlink software
Automated reduction of sub-millimetre single-dish heterodyne data from the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope using ORAC-DR, Jenness et al., MNRAS, 453, 73, doi:10.1093/mnras/stv1545
Change log
Changes to Applications
- Fix for FITS airlock propagation when WCS is in the airlock (used by WFCAM).
- The handling of END cards in the NDF extension has been improved. It should now work when it is not present.
FIGARO (ascl:1411.022)
- Use IAU/FITS standard units strings.
GAIA (ascl:1403.024)
- The URAT1 catalog has been added to the standard list.
- The centroid option in optimal photometry is now disabled. This has always been true, just previously toggling this control had no effect.
- A work around for problems when printing a colour ramp from an image that has a very large data range has been added. Previously this failed completely.
- In the previous release a change to the output format of EXTRACTOR/SExtractor meant that the number of detected objects was no longer set. This has been fixed.
KAPPA (ascl:1403.022)
- NORMALIZE can now store the calculated slopes and offsets in a pair of output NDFs.
- NORMALIZE now calculates the correlation coefficient of the two input data sets.
- ROTATE now stores the used rotation angle within an output parameter.
- New application NDFCOMPARE compares two NDF files for significant differences. This includes shape, data values, variances, quality, and WCS.
- A bug has been fixed in BEAMFIT that caused incorrect results when used to process HEALPix maps from the JCMT Science Archive.
ORAC-DR (ascl:1310.001)
POLPACK (ascl:1405.014)
- The POLROTREFR command no longer has an ANGLE parameter. Instead, the new reference direction is specified as being parallel to a specified axis of a specified coordinate-system.
SMURF (ascl:1310.007)
- Many changes and additions have been made to support processing of POL-2 data. However, POL-2 is still in a commissioning phase and so POL-2-related software should be considered unstable.
- A bug has been fixed in SKYLOOP that caused any supplied fake-map to be added into the data multiple times (once for each iteration).
- The iterative section of the map-maker can now remove correlated backgrounds from the time-stream data using a PCA (Principal Component Analysis) model instead of the usual COM (common-mode) model. Previously use of PCA was limited to the cleaning phase prior to the iterative section.
- More of the PCA code is now multi-threaded and so is much faster.
- A new command called SC2COMPARE has been added that will compare two SCUBA-2 maps for any significant differences. This includes changes in shape, WCS, data values, variances, quality, and ancillary metadata.
- A new tau source option "WVMFIT" has been added. There is currently only one entry in the provided WVM fits file, to cover a short gap in the WVM data while the CSO tau meter was offline. SMURF will now attempt to use this source in auto mode if raw WVM data are unavailable.
- The included JCMT source catalogue has been updated.
SPLAT (ascl:1402.008)
- The previously deprecated PLASTIC VO interoperability has now been removed.
A new command-line option --interop none has been added to stop any attempt to communicate with any running SAMP hubs.
TOPCAT (ascl:1101.010)
Updated to version 4.3-2.
Changes to Libraries
- Fix for a bug related to non-overlapping sections.
AST (ascl:1404.016)
- Improved choice of tick-mark gaps for graphical time axes.
- The FITS "XPH" (polar HEALPix) projection is now supported.
The SkyFrame class has a new attribute called SkyTol, which specifies the smallest significant distance within the SkyFrame. It is used to determine when two SkyFrames can be considered equivalent, thus simplifying the Mapping between them.
- A new method called astRegionOutline has been added to the Plot class. It draws the outline of a supplied AST Region.
Plus many other more minor changes - see the AST release notes for a full list.
- The atlFrameSetSplit function now searches other frames in the set if current frame doesn't match the specified domain.
HDS (ascl:1502.009)
- Fix issues caused by accessing sections that contain more than 2^32 pixels.
- Fixed a bug that caused the wrong section of CAR projections to be displayed.
- Permit trailing END header to be written by FITSMOD.
- Added C wrapper for kpg1_asmrg.f.
- Added double-precision Gaussian random-number generator.
NDF (ascl:1411.023)
Take account of the limited precision of _REAL valued AXIS arrays within WCS FrameSets.
- Improved handling of NDF sections specified by WCS values in cases where the WCS axes are at 45 degrees to the pixel axes.
- Improved wording of error messages when recording of NDF group contents fails.
- Now ensure that the return value of PAR_CHOIV is initialized.
Updated to version 3.0-6.
- Build only the used components of VTK, thus significantly accelerating a full Starlink build.