Starlink Software Collection - Download and Install Lehuakona
Four distributions of the Lehuakona release of the Starlink Software Collection are available:
32-bit Linux (507MB .tar.gz, md5sum: c6d35d2ed87c9d4f872bc09b3bedf2d9)
64-bit Linux (582MB .tar.gz, md5sum: 26d8936c59dbf13b2c28a7362a33cfab)
PPC OS X 10.4 (Tiger) (385MB .tar.gz, md5sum: c3618abfd4288a22fd67cab3c6f52d10)
Intel OS X 10.4 (Tiger) (376MB .tar.gz, md5sum: 3c08329032cf6e14a9c9705430efb456)
The above Linux distributions are built on glibc 2.5. Older versions of glibc will not work and are currently not supported. To check your glibc version, type "rpm -qi glibc" on RedHat-rel ated distributions.
A beta release for 32-bit Linux systems running glibc 2.3.4 is now available (457MB .tar.gz, md5s um: cbf4881c4ad33c1bf14d97fdc7dc2993). This release has not been tested, thus its beta status.
The Intel OS X 10.4 distribution will work on Intel OS X 10.5 as well.
To check the MD5 checksum of your downloaded file, run either the md5sum, md5, or md5deep command, depending on which you have installed.
Parties interested in releases for other platforms (i.e. Solaris) can email <scicom AT SPAMFREE eao DOT hawaii DOT edu>. Please note that the Joint Astronomy Centre only runs Linux operationally and can only devote time and resources to Linux builds; all others (including those not listed here) are supported on a best-efforts basis.
Installation instructions
The tar file will unzip into a star/ directory in the directory you downloaded the tar file to. This release can be placed anywhere. When using the software, set the STARLINK_DIR environ ment variable to the location of the star/ directory, i.e. if I had unzipped it into a /home/bradc/software directory, then the STARLINK_DIR environment variable would be set to `/home /bradc/software/star`.
On some systems you may need the library. On Fedora Core (and presumably all Red Hat-derivative systems) this can be found in the compat-gcc-32 RPM. On Ubuntu (and presumably a ll Debian-derivative systems) this can be found in the libg2c0 package.
The 64-bit release requires glibc 2.5 and fairly recent versions of the X11 libraries (7.1 or higher). An up-to-date Gentoo, Fedora Core 6, or SUSE 10.1 are distributions that are known to w ork.
Note: The 64-bit keoe release installed into a star64/ directory. This has changed to standardise on a star/ installation location.
The tar file will unzip into a star/ directory in the directory where you downloaded the tar file. As with the Linux distribution, this release can be placed anywhere. However, this functi onality has not been tested on OS X, so it is recommended that the software be placed in the /star directory, or have a /star softlink pointing to the installation location.
The Intel release was built on OS X 10.4 (Tiger) but has been tested on 10.5 (Leopard). The PPC release was built on OS X 10.4 but not tested on 10.5.
If you have not installed the OS X SDK, you will need to install it to obtain the ncurses library. It is located on the Tiger installation DVD, or Disc 1 of your hardware's installation CD s (open the "Xcode Tools" folder, then double-click the "XcodeTools.mpkg" package). This will also install X11, which is needed for the various graphical Starlink programs like GAIA or KAPPA /DISPLAY.
Note: The PPC keoe and hokulei releases installed into a local-star/ directory. This has changed to standardise on a star/ installation location.
Post-installation Run-up
To set up your environment for use with the Starlink Software Collection, first set the STARLINK_DIR environment variable to the location of the star/ directory. For example, if you down loaded the tarball to /home/bradc/software and unzipped it there, the STARLINK_DIR environment variable to /home/bradc/software/star. It is recommended that you edit the `star/etc/logi n, star/etc/cshrc and star/etc/profile` files to set this environment variable at the top of each file.
To use the Starlink Software Collection on csh and related shells (like tcsh), source $STARLINK_DIR/etc/login and $STARLINK_DIR/etc/cshrc. On sh and related shells (like bash), s ource $STARLINK_DIR/etc/profile.
Because of the large size of WFCAM calibration files, they have been split off from the main download tarballs, as not everybody will be reducing WFCAM data using ORAC-DR. These calibrations
can be downloaded here (901MB .tar.gz). The tar file will unzip into a wfcam/ directory in the directory you d
ownloaded the tar file to. To install these calibration files, copy the directory into the $STARLINK_DIR/bin/oracdr/cal/ directory, thus creating the $STARLINK_DIR/bin/oracdr/cal/wfcam/ directory containing the calibration files.
This file has changed for the lehuakona release, as it provides updated flats.