Year 1986
Jan 27 |
SUC/5: Considered paper "Future Possibilities for Starlink". |
Feb 11 |
Software Environment Review meeting 2 (RAL) - 14 present (SGP/33). Decided to adopt ADAM as the environment to be developed. |
25/26 |
SMM/20 (DUR) |
Mar 1 |
Monica Kendall joined Starlink at RAL as assistant to Lawden. Moved under Terrett on 22 May 86. |
Malcolm Currie joined Starlink at RAL as application programmer. |
Apr 1 |
Starlink questionnaire distributed to 669 people of which 394 returned. |
St Andrews microVAX became operational (Roger Stapleton - SM). |
Roger Noble replaced Chris Flatters as JOD Site Manager. |
May 23 |
SUC/6 |
Preston microVAX became operational (Ian Butchart - acting SM). |
Jun 2 |
Jo Murray joined Starlink at RAL. |
23 |
Eugene Black joined Starlink at RAL as assistant to Lawden. |
24/25 |
SMM/21 (ROE) |
Aug 7 |
Starlink questionnaire results issued as SGP/35. |
Sep 1 |
SUC/7: Repelled take over bid from ROE; wants centre to remain at RAL. |
24 |
1st release of ADAM - Starlink's 3rd environment. |
26 |
Southampton microVAX became operational (Bernie Payne - SM). |
Oct 1/2 |
SMM/22 (RAL) |
13 |
SUC/8 |
17 |
Estimates (87/88) and forward look: |
12 |
12 |
12 |
9 |
9 |
9 |
Manpower |
307 |
316 |
321 |
241 |
241 |
241 |
Recurrent |
1283 |
1506 |
1489 |
1430 |
1430 |
1430 |
Total |
1590 |
1822 |
1810 |
1671 |
1671 |
1671 |
Phil Daly replaced Mike Denby as Leicester Site Manager. |
Brian McIlwrath replaced Chris Flatters as Jodrell Site Manager. |
Nov 1 |
Jim Peden (programmer BIR) left Starlink. |
19 |
First release of KAPPA - the first ADAM application package. |
Year 1987
Jan 1 |
Sandy Leggett joined Starlink as DBSIG programmer - Univ of Edinburgh. |
12 |
SUC/9 |
19 |
Richard Prestage joined Starlink as RASIG programmer - JOD. |
Feb 4 |
SMM/23 (UCL) |
9 |
Nicholas Eaton joined Starlink as IPESIG programmer - DUR. |
12 |
Data Format Standards meeting at RAL - 20 people. Led to SGP/38. |
23 |
Cardiff microVAX became operational (Bob Thomson - SM). |
May 1 |
Paul C T Rees joined Starlink as SPECSIG programmer - UCL. |
4 |
Dave S Berry joined Starlink as IRASIG programmer - MAN. |
11 |
Cardiff site officially opened by the Astronomer Royal - Prof Sir F Graham Smith. |
18 |
SUC/10 |
Jun 15 |
Richard D Saxton joined Starlink as XRAYSIG programmer - LEI |
25/26 |
SMM/24 (BIR) |
QMC microVAX became operational (Jim Emerson & Brian Whitmore joint SM). |
Aug 6 |
Keele microVAX became operational (Peter Allan & Brian McIlwrath SMs). |
26 |
Estimates (88/89) and forward look: |
12 |
12 |
12 |
12 |
12 |
12 |
Total |
1582 |
1545 |
1523 |
1523 |
1523 |
1523 |
Sep 8/18 |
Second ADAM Workshop held in Hawaii. |
14 |
SUC/11: Ground Based Plan. Future of RGO node. Associated mini-nodes. |
30-Oct 1 |
SMM/25 (RAL) |
26 |
SUC/12 |
Nov 1 |
Rodney F Warren-Smith joined Starlink as IPESIG programmer - DUR. |
20 |
Oxford microVAX became operational (Jon Godwin - SM). |
Dec 5 |
ADAM Steering Committee Meeting 1. |
31 |
Carol Robinson (CAM) left Starlink to go to Australia with her husband. |
Armagh and Belfast started as Starlink's 11th and 12th sites (usually referred to as the `Northern Ireland node'). |
Year 1988
Jan 1 |
Paul Brown joined Starlink as Northern Ireland Site Manager (ARM/BEL) |
5 |
Starlink Bulletin 1 issued. This is the start of a new series of newsletters; the last series ended 4.7 years ago. |
18 |
SUC/13 |
19 |
MAN node became a VAXcluster with addition of VAXstation 1000. |
23 |
1st edition of SGP/38 on Standard Data Structures released. |
Feb 1 |
Tony Lynas-Gray replaced Jon Godwin as OXF Site Manager. |
Chris Clayton joined Starlink as CAM Site Manager. |
2 |
OXF became accessible from DECNET and JANET. |
3/4 |
SMM/26 (RAL) |
18 |
Dave Pearce died. |
29 |
Starlink Database microVAX (CEN) started to offer a user service. |
Mar 30 |
Richard Prestage (JOD) left Starlink to join JCMT group at ROE. |
31 |
Richard Hook (Site Manager) left Starlink - UCL. Paul Rees became acting Site Manager at UCL. |
Apr 21 |
ADAM Steering Committee Meeting 2. Plans made for ADAM/FIGARO release. |
Software development microVAX started to offer a user service at RAL. |
May 1 |
Deanna (Dee) Nicholson joined Starlink as the new UCL Site Manager. |
James Albinson became the acting Keele Site Manager. |
5 |
Official opening of the Northern Ireland Starlink Node (ARM & BEL) |
Jun 1 |
Chris Flatters joined Starlink at JOD as RASIG programmer. |
Starlink Bulletin 2 issued. |
15/16 |
SMM/27 (Belfast/Armagh) |
Aug 15 |
Sandy Leggett (Univ of Edinburgh) left Starlink. |
Sep 1 |
Allan Willis replaced Craig Mackay as SUC chairman. |
13 |
SUC/14 |
19 |
David Rawlinson joined Starlink at RAL as assistant to Mike Lawden. |
Oct 1 |
Kevin Richardson joined Starlink as the new QMC Site Manager. |
10 |
James Albinson joined Starlink as the new Keele Site Manager. |
12/13 |
SMM/28 (Coseners House, RAL). First Starlink AGM (replacing SMM once a year). |
14 |
The number of registered Starlink users reached 1000 for the first time. |
18 |
TCP/1: First meeting of Theory & Computation Panel. Considered proposal for ADAM support group. |
27 |
Foundation stone of RGO's new building at Cambridge laid by Robert Jackson, Science Minister. Main relocation to RGO is due in early 1990 |
Dec 5 |
New microVAX II (RLSMV1) installed at RAL. |
7 |
ADAM support group bid accepted by APSB. |
22 |
New microVAX II installed at CAM |
31 |
Bernard Payne ceased to be acting Site Manager at SOU. |