H Release Notes—V4.0
The main changes are the addition of support for UIST, ISAAC, and INGRID instruments.
H.1 New recipes
- The design of the data-handling system
means a traditional ARRAY_TESTS is not possible for UIST. Thus there are two recipes
to perform the equivalent steps for darks not in the same observation group. This recipe
uses a long-exposure DARK frame to locate bad pixels, then creates and files a bad-pixel
mask. It then measures and reports the dark current from a long-exposure DARK frame.
If this recipe is run at UKIRT, the dark current is stored in an engineering log file.
- Creates and files a bad-pixel mask from a long-exposure dark by thresholding
5 clipped standard deviations about the clipped mean.
- This is the second UIST-specific recipe replacing ARRAY_TESTS.
This recipe measures the readnoise for a group of UIST DARK frames and files that
measurement with the calibration system. If this recipe is run in a UKIRT environment it
will create or append to a log file located at /ukirt_sw/logs/uist_array_tests.log.
- This is like NOD_SELF_FLAT_NO_MASK, but it expects that
the nod throws alternate to sky. The sky frames alone make the flat.
H.2 Modified recipes
- ARRAY_TESTS The log file is now called instrument_array_tests.log
where instrument
is the lowercase instrument name.
- NOD_CHOP_FAINT There is now an option to create and display a quality map of the
combined source images.
This recipe and NOD_SELF_FLAT_NO_MASK_APHOT now do not clean deviant pixels
from the individual frames contributing to the flat. Bad pixels in the mosaic are not filled.
The difference-pair frames (suffix _dp) are no longer removed upon recipe completion.
- REDUCE_DARK This now supports variance creation and propagation by default.
There is a new steering parameter USEVAR to disable this.
H.3 Global changes
The main changes from a user perspective were as follows.
- Updated and expanded documentation, particularly the description of the primitives
and lists the main primitives used at each stage, mention of xoracdr, and many more
- Introduction of environment variable
to retain intermediate frames.
- Environment variables
can define paths relative to the
current working directory.
- xoracdr now knows the default calibrations for all instruments. A bug which prevented
xoracdr operating on non-networked computers is fixed.
- Calibration reference offset added for off-centre nod patterns. This and the baseshift offset
used array references. Arrays of values in a
can be comma separated.
- A bug affecting ORACTIME in calibrations for Michelle fixed; it was previously set to 0
in all cases.
- Cater for early Michelle data which had missing metadata affecting six headers. Allow
for missing, undefined, or malformed RA_BASE and DEC_BASE headers in UFTI data.
- Allow for old UFTI data with CTYPE1 header set erroneously to
’Detector Rows’
create WCS.
- For IRIS2, modify the header translations for filter name and observation mode; correct
the airmass calculation; and allow alternate frames to have alternate files, but still be
members of the same group by using different headers for group membership checks.
- There is no longer the assumption of a right-handed world co-ordinate system in
co-ordinate transformations benefitting UIST and future instruments with an extra
reflection in the optical train.
- There are additional checks for significantly negative frame means after dark subtraction.
Depending on the severity this may stop the pipeline, or merely issue a warning. This is
to ensure that valid darks are observed.
- The broadened mean method has been reinstated for combining frames into a flat. This
avoids the artefact in self-flat fielding where in an -point
jitter pattern, 1/
pixels divide by themselves giving rise to a false peak at the normalisation factor in the
histogram of values in a flat-fielded frame.
- A possible cause of cause of a negative mode in is given in the warning announnced by
- _GENERATE_OFFSETS_EXTENDED_ now uses the 98 percentile, the same as the other
_GENERATE_OFFSETS_ primitives.
- Centroiding now has a default smoothing option to make object location more robust for
fainter sources.
- A double-pass median filtering of bad pixels now occurs just prior to the near-infra-red
photometry to reduce bias from unmeasured flux. It particulalry helps the flat-fielded
images, as the mosaics almost invariably lose their bad pixels in the region of interest
during their formation.
- If variance information is available, the aperture photometry uses it to estimate
photometric errors.
- Tidying correctly erases NDF components within HDS container files. Allow for
in relevant _TIDY_ primitives.
- Support added to remove electronic ghosting, correct residual bias, and resample for field
distortion, all initially for ISAAC.
The main changes from a programmer perspective were as follows.
- Calibration index files permit user header (uhdr) to be in expressions for bias, dark, flat,
and sky.
- Infrastructure uses perl modules
for access to FITS headers, and
for manipulation of HDS components.
- Add the internal headers ORAC_TELESCOPE, ORAC_X_REFERENCE_PIXEL, and
- There is a $Grp->memberindex( $Frm ) method which returns the position the supplied
frame has in the group, starting from 0. This is useful in batch-mode processing where
the groups are pre-populated.
- _CLIPPED_STATS_ has new NUMBER argument returning the number of good pixels.
flat-fielding of sky frames via a new argument FLATSKY.
- There are some new primitives including _GET_FILTER_PARAMETERS_ to encapsulate
filter attributes, and _FORM_SKY_LEVELS_ to determine the modal sky level for the sky
frames after flat-fielding.
- Script
is moved from the etc/
to the new admin/
- Lexical handles rather than global variables are used for accessing files.
Copyright © 2004 Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council