H Release Notes—V4.0

 H.1 New recipes
 H.2 Modified recipes
 H.3 Global changes

The main changes are the addition of support for UIST, ISAAC, and INGRID instruments.

H.1 New recipes

The design of the data-handling system means a traditional ARRAY_TESTS is not possible for UIST. Thus there are two recipes to perform the equivalent steps for darks not in the same observation group. This recipe uses a long-exposure DARK frame to locate bad pixels, then creates and files a bad-pixel mask. It then measures and reports the dark current from a long-exposure DARK frame. If this recipe is run at UKIRT, the dark current is stored in an engineering log file.
Creates and files a bad-pixel mask from a long-exposure dark by thresholding +/ 5 clipped standard deviations about the clipped mean.
This is the second UIST-specific recipe replacing ARRAY_TESTS. This recipe measures the readnoise for a group of UIST DARK frames and files that measurement with the calibration system. If this recipe is run in a UKIRT environment it will create or append to a log file located at /ukirt_sw/logs/uist_array_tests.log.
This is like NOD_SELF_FLAT_NO_MASK, but it expects that the nod throws alternate to sky. The sky frames alone make the flat.

H.2 Modified recipes

H.3 Global changes

The main changes from a user perspective were as follows.

The main changes from a programmer perspective were as follows.