Reduces a chopped and nodded observation of a faint source, combining images and smoothing


This script reduces a chopped and nodded observation of a faint point or compact source, currently just for Michelle data. It takes an imaging observation comprising a multiple-of-four object frames to make a calibrated, smoothed combined image of the source automatically.

It performs a null debiassing, creation and propagation of data variance, difference the integrations for each AB chop beam pair, bad-pixel masking, difference adjacent nodded pairs, registers the frames, and forms a mosaic containing positive and negative images of the source. Column and row patterns are filtered.

The script extracts the various chopped and nodded images of the source and neighbouring background from the mosaic. It combines them using a median filter at each pixel to form to form a single image of the source with four times the signal. This combined frame is smoothed to enhance the visibility of faint sources.

See the “Notes” for further information.


Output Data


The number of frames in the nod pattern. If absent, the number of offsets, as given by header NOFFSETS, minus one is used. If neither is available, 4 is used. An error state arises if the number of jittered frames is fewer than 4 and not a multiple of 4. []
Whether or not to create and propagate variance arrays. [1]

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