Processing math: 100%


Reduces a “standard jitter” photometry observation of a moving target using just the basic operations for speed


This script reduces a “standard jitter” photometry observation with UKIRT imaging data. It takes an observation comprising jittered object frames of a moving target and a dark frame to make automatically a calibrated, untrimmed mosaic in the reference frame of the target.

It performs a null debiassing, bad-pixel masking, dark subtraction, flat-field creation and division, amd integer shifts of pixel origin to register to fixed sky co-ordinates. See the “Notes” for further information.

The registration is adjusted to track the motion of the moving target using ephemeris data stored in file target_ephem.dat. See “Ephemeris-file Format” for details of this file’s format.

This recipe aims to keep pace with the pipeline’s incoming data. It works well for faint moving sources and in moderately crowded fields. It should not be used for frames where the telescope guided on the moving object. In that case reduction should be performed by JITTER_SELF_FLAT_TELE which registers using the telescope offsets alone.


Ephemeris-file Format

The current format of the ephemeris file is one line per object comprising three space-separated fields in the following order:

Note that the right-ascension motion is the change in right ascension multiplied by the cosine of the declination. The format may change to include UT and possibly date.

Output Data


The number of frames in the jitter pattern. If not supplied the number of offsets, as given by FITS header NOFFSETS, minus one is used. If neither is available, 9 is the default. An error state arises if the number of jittered frames is fewer than 3. For observations prior to the availability of full ORAC, header NOFFSETS will be absent. []

Related Recipes


Implementation Status:

Deprecated Variants