Creates and files a flat field derived from multiples of four frames using object masking to reduce artifacts
It performs a null debiassing, bad-pixel and non-signal region masking, and dark subtraction before combining the sky frames pixel by pixel to make the flat. See the “Notes” for further details. The parameters of the flat are filed in the index of flats for future selection and use of the flat.
For best results the field observed should contain few stars and no bright ones.
A World Co-ordinate System (WCS) using the AIPS convention is created in the headers should no WCS already exist.
The bad-pixel mask applied is $ORAC_DATA_CAL/bpm.
Each dark-subtracted frame has thresholds applied beyond which pixels are flagged as bad. The lower limit is 5 standard deviations below the mode, but constrained to the range −100 to 1. The upper limit is 1000 above the saturation limit for the detector in the mode used.
Applies a mask about the Fabry-Perot’s transmitted circular region on the detector. If the centre is not known through the fpcentre calibration, it is determined using profiles of the surrounding ring.
The flat field is created iteratively. First an approximate flat field is created by combining normalised sky frames using the median at each pixel. This flat field is applied to the sky frames. Sources within the flat-fielded frames are detected, and masked in the dark-subtracted frames. The first stage is repeated but applied to the masked frames to create the final flat field.
Intermediate frames are deleted.
Sub-arrays are supported.
The created flat field in flat_<filter>_<group_number> for the first or only cycle, and flat_<filter>_<group_number>_c<cycle_number> for subsequent recipe cycles. Token <filter> is the filter name, <group_number> is the frame number of the group, and <cycle_number> is the number of the cycle, counting from one.
The flats are filed in $ORAC_DATA_OUT/index.flat.
The processing engines are from the Starlink packages Ccdpack, Kappa, Figaro, and EXTRACTOR.
Uses the Starlink NDF format.
History is recorded within the data files.
The title of the data is propagated through the intermediate file to the flat.
Error propagation is controlled by the USEVAR parameter.