Creates and files a flat field derived from jittered frames using object masking to reduce artifacts


This recipe makes a sky flat for UKIRT imaging from a series of sky or object frames which are combined using one of a selection of statistics. It expects one dark frame followed by jittered sky frames.

It performs a null debiassing, bad-pixel masking, and dark subtraction before combining the sky frames pixel by pixel to make the flat. See the “Notes” for further details. The parameters of the flat are filed in the index of flats for future selection and use of the flat.

For best results the field observed should contain few stars and no bright ones. In sparse fields, recipe SKY_FLAT is a faster alternative.


Output Data


The number of frames in the jitter. If absent, the number of offsets, as given by header NOFFSETS, minus one is used. If neither is available, 5 is used. An error state arises if the number of jittered frames is fewer than 3. []
Whether or not to create and propagate variance arrays. [0]

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