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Starlink Project
STARLINK User Note 237.4

A. Allan & Malcolm J. Currie

2010 September 7

DATACUBE — An IFS datacube manipulation package

Version 1.3

User’s Manual



Datacube is a package which includes the IFU Data Product Cookbook (SC/16), and a collection of example shell scripts for IFS data cube manipulation.


1 The Datacube Package
2 Setting up the applications
A Descriptions of Individual Applications
compare – Compares multiple extracted spectra from a three-dimensional IFU NDF
gridspec – Averages groups of neighbouring spectra of a three-dimensional IFU NDF and then plots these averaged spectra in a grid
mapbyvel – Uses a velocity map to extract values from a velocity cube forming a new map
multistack – Averages groups of spectra extracted from a three-dimensional IFU NDF and then plots these averaged spectra in a stack
passband – Displays multiple passband images from a three-dimensional IFU NDF.
peakmap – Builds a map of emission-line strength from a spectral-cube NDF.
pvslice – Extracts and displays a velocity-position slice from an (RA,Dec,vel) cube
ripper – Extracts a one-dimensional spectrum from a three-dimensional IFU NDF.
squash – Extracts a two-dimensional white-light image from a three-dimensional IFU NDF.
stacker – Plots a stack of spectra extracted from a three-dimensional IFU NDF.
step – Steps through the each X-Y plane of a three-dimensional IFU NDF in the spectral direction using KAPPA:DISPLAY to display the output.
trendview – Plots multiple spectra from a cube overlaying fitted trends and mask
velmap – Builds a velocity map of an emission line from a spectral-cube NDF by line fitting.
velmoment – Builds a velocity map from a three-dimensional IFU NDF from the intensity-weighted spectral co-ordinates

B Release Notes—V1.1
 B.1 New Commands
 B.2 Modified Commands
 B.3 General changes
C Release Notes—V1.2
 C.1 New Commands
 C.2 Modified Commands
D Release Notes—V1.3
 D.1 New Commands
 D.2 Modified Commands

Revision history

9th November 2000; Version 0.1 Original version (AA)
30th December 2000; Version 0.2 Auto-generated code prologs (AA)
2nd January 2001; Version 1.0 Release version (AA)
2005 October 20; Version 1.1 Removed applications, and improved scripts (MJC)
2006 March 10; Version 1.1 Add gridspec and velmoment, and used implementation status (MJC)
2008 July 2; Version 1.2 Added trendview and improved the introduction (MJC)
2010 July 13; Version 1.2 Added pvslice (MJC)


In compiling this document I (AA) have again depended heavily on the help of many people in the IFS community. However, special thanks should go to Rachel Johnston, Jeremy Allington-Smith, James Turner and Frank Valdes for their co-operation and contributions.