Extracts and displays a velocity-position slice from an (RA,Dec,vel) cube pvslice
The script displays a chosen spatial plane from the supplied cube in the left half of the current graphics device. You are then invited to select two spatial positions within the displayed plane using the cursor. A two-dimensional slice is then extracted from the cube that passes through the two selected spatial positions. The first axis in this slice measures spatial distance along the line, and the second axis is the velocity axis. This slice appears in the right-hand side of the current graphics device, and saved to the specified output NDF.
The name of an existing three-dimensional (RA,Dec,vel) cube. The script will prompt for the input file
if not supplied on the command line.
The name of the NDF in which to store the velocity-position slice. The script will prompt for this NDF
if it is not supplied via this option.
Velocity or pixel index of the plane to display to enable cursor selection of the slice end points. To
specify a velocity supply a floating-point value such as 2.0; for an index supply an integer.
The WCS in the returned NDF is somewhat complex; it has a degenerate pixel axis and a degenerate
WCS axis. These could be removed using ndfcopy trim
, but this would result in a WCS with no
inverse transformation (from current to pixel), which gives problems when displaying it, etc.
Alternatively, the AXIS frame can be used by doing wcsframe frame=axis
To avoid modification of the input cube, the script creates a temporary copy in the current directory, and deletes the copy upon completion.
While the script is intended to make position-velocity slices from spectral cubes, the contents of the third axis is arbitrary.
The script clears the graphics database for the current device. It then creates two FRAME pictures with labels a1 and a2. Within each of these DISPLAY creates FRAME and DATA pictures, the former holding annotated axes. On exit a2 is the current picture.
The label for the spatial (first) axis in the slice plot is "Offset from start"