Creates a one-dimensional profile through an n-dimensional NDF


This application samples an n-dimensional NDF  at a set of positions, producing a one-dimensional output NDF containing the sample values. Nearest-neighbour interpolation is used.

The samples can be placed at specified positions within the input NDF, or can be spaced evenly along a poly-line joining a set of vertices (see Parameter MODE). The positions of the samples may be saved in an output positions list (see Parameter OUTCAT).


profile in out
start finish [nsamp] incat=?



A string determining the co-ordinate Frame  in which positions are to be stored in the output catalogue associated with Parameter OUTCAT. The string supplied for CATFRAME can be one of the following options.
  • A Domain name  such as SKY, AXIS, PIXEL.

  • An integer value giving the index of the required Frame.

  • An IRAS90 Sky Co-ordinate System (SCS) values such as "EQUAT(J2000)" (see SUN/163).

If a null (!) value is supplied, the positions will be stored in the current Frame. [!]

The epoch at which the sky positions stored in the output catalogue were determined. It will only be accessed if an epoch value is needed to qualify the co-ordinate Frame specified by COLFRAME. If required, it should be given as a decimal years value, with or without decimal places ("1996.8", for example). Such values are interpreted as a Besselian epoch if less than 1984.0 and as a Julian epoch otherwise.
The co-ordinates of the last sample in the profile, in the current co-ordinate Frame of the NDF (supplying ":" will display details of the required co-ordinate Frame). The position should be supplied as a list of formatted axis values separated by spaces. This parameter is only accessed if Parameter MODE is set to "Curve" and a null (!) value is given for INCAT. If the last (top-right) pixel in the NDF has valid co-ordinates in the current co-ordinate Frame of the NDF, then these co-ordinates will be used as the suggested default. Otherwise there will be no suggested default.
If TRUE then the line segments which form the profile will be geodesic curves within the current co-ordinate Frame of the NDF. Otherwise, the line segments are simple straight lines. This parameter is only accessed if Parameter MODE is set to "Curve".

As an example, consider a profile consisting of a single line segment which starts at RA=0h DEC=+80d and finishes at RA=12h DEC=+80d. If GEODESIC is FALSE, the line segment will be a line of constant declination, i.e. the "straight" line from the position (0,80) to the position (12, 80), passing through (1, 80), (2, 80), etc. If GEODESIC is TRUE, then the line segment will be the curve of shortest distance on the celestial sphere between the start and end. In this particaular case, this will be a great circle passing through the north celestial pole. [FALSE]

IN = NDF (Read)
Input NDF structure containing the data to be profiled.
A catalogue containing a set of vertices or sample positions defining the required profile. The file should be in the format of a positions list such as produced by applications CURSOR and LISTMAKE. If a null value (!) is given then Parameters START and FINISH will be used to obtain the vertex positions. If Parameter MODE is given the value "Curve", then the Parameter INCAT is only accessed if a value is given for it on the command line (otherwise a null value is assumed).
The mode by which the sample positions are selected. The alternatives are listed below.
  • "Curve" –- The samples are placed evenly along a curve specified by a set of vertices obtained from the user. The line segments joining these vertices may be linear or geodesic (see Parameter GEODESIC). Multiple vertices may be supplied using a text file (see Parameter INCAT). Alternatively, a single line segment can be specified using Parameters START and FINISH. The number of samples to take along the curve is specified by Parameter NSAMP.

  • "Points" –- The positions at which samples should be taken are given explicitly by the user in a text file (see Parameter INCAT). No other sample positions are used.


The number of samples required along the length of the profile. The first sample is at the first supplied vertex, and the last sample is at the last supplied vertex. The sample positions are evenly spaced within the current co-ordinate Frame of the NDF. If a null value is supplied, a default value is used equal to one more than the length of the profile in pixels. This is only accessed if Parameter MODE is given the value "Curve". [!]
OUT = NDF (Write)
The output NDF. This will be one-dimensional with length specified by Parameter NSAMP.
An output positions list in which to store the sample positions. This is the name of a catalogue which can be used to communicate positions to subsequent applications. It includes information describing the available WCS co-ordinate Frames as well as the positions themselves. If a null value is supplied, no output positions list is produced. See also Parameter CATFRAME. [!]
The co-ordinates of the first sample in the profile, in the current co-ordinate Frame of the NDF (supplying ":" will display details of the required co-ordinate Frame). The position should be supplied as a list of formatted axis values separated by spaces. This parameter is only accessed if Parameter MODE is set to "Curve" and a null (!) value is given for INCAT. If the first (bottom-left) pixel in the NDF has valid co-ordinates in the current co-ordinate Frame of the NDF, then these co-ordinates will be used as the suggested default. Otherwise there will be no suggested default.


profile my_data prof "0 0" "100 100" 40 outcat=samps
Creates a one-dimensional NDF called prof, holding a profile of the data values in the input NDF my_data along a profile starting at pixel co-ordinates [0.0, 0.0] and ending at pixel co-ordinates [100.0, 100.0]. The profile consists of forty samples spread evenly (in the pixel co-ordinate Frame) between these two positions. This example assumes that the current co-ordinate Frame in the NDF my_data represents pixel co-ordinates. This can be ensured by issuing the command "wcsframe my_data pixel" before running profile. A FITS binary catalogue is created called samps.FIT containing the positions of all samples in the profile, together with information describing all the co-ordinate Frames in which the positions of the samples are known. This file may be examined using application LISTSHOW.
profile my_data prof "15:32:47 23:40:08" "15:32:47 23:42"
This example is the same as the last one except that it is assumed that the current co-ordinate Frame in the input NDF my_data is an equatorial (RA/DEC) system. It creates a one-dimensional profile starting at RA=15:32:47 DEC=23:40:08, and ending at the same RA and DEC=23:42:00. The number of points in the profile is determined by the resolution of the data.
profile allsky prof incat=prof_path npoint=200 geodesic
This examples creates a profile of the NDF allsky through a set of points given in a FITS binary catalogue called prof_path.FIT. Such catalogues can be created (for example) using application CURSOR. Each line segment is a geodesic curve. The profile is sampled at 200 points. The samples positions are written to the output positions list
profile allsky2 prof2 mode=point
This examples creates a profile of the NDF allsky2 containing samples at the positions given in the positions list Thus, the profiles created by this example and the previous example will sample the two images allsky and allsky2 at the same positions and so can be compared directly.


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