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Creates a catalogue holding a positions list


This application creates a catalogue containing a list of positions supplied by the user, together with information describing the co-ordinate Frames  in which the positions are defined. Integer position identifiers which allow positions to be distinguished are also stored in the catalogue. The catalogue may be manipulated using the Cursa  package, and is stored in either FITS binary format or the Small Text List  (STL) format defined by Cursa.

If an NDF  is specified using Parameter NDF, then the positions should be given in the current co-ordinate Frame of the NDF. Information describing the co-ordinate Frames available within the NDF will be copied to the output positions list. Subsequent applications can use this information in order to align the positions with other data sets.

If no NDF is specified, then the user must indicate the co-ordinate Frame in which the positions will be supplied using Parameter FRAME. A description of this Frame will be written to the output positions list for use by subsequent applications.

The positions themselves may be supplied within a text file, or may be given in response to repeated prompts for a parameter. Alternatively, pixel centres in the NDF supplied for Parameter NDF can be used (see Parameter MODE).

The output can be initialised by copying positions from an existing positions list. Any positions supplied directly by the user are then appended to the end of this initial list (see Parameter INCAT).


listmake outcat [ndf] [mode] {
file=? position=?



A string determining the co-ordinate Frame in which positions are to be stored in the output catalogue associated with Parameter OUTCAT. The string supplied for CATFRAME can be one of the following options.
  • A domain name  such as SKY, AXIS, PIXEL.

  • An integer value giving the index of the required Frame.

  • An IRAS90 Sky Co-ordinate System (SCS) values such as "EQUAT(J2000)" (see SUN/163).

If a null (!) value is supplied, the positions will be stored in the current Frame. [!]

The epoch at which the sky positions stored in the output catalogue were determined. It will only be accessed if an epoch value is needed to qualify the co-ordinate Frame specified by COLFRAME. If required, it should be given as a decimal years value, with or without decimal places ("1996.8" for example). Such values are interpreted as a Besselian epoch if less than 1984.0 and as a Julian epoch otherwise.
If TRUE, a detailed description of the co-ordinate Frame in which positions are required will be displayed before the positions are obtained using either Parameter POSITION or FILE. [current value]
The number of axes for each position. It is only accessed if a null value is supplied for Parameter NDF.
If an IRAS90 Sky Co-ordinate System specification is supplied (using Parameter DOMAIN) for a celestial co-ordinate system, then an epoch value is needed to qualify it. This is the epoch at which the supplied sky positions were determined. It should be given as a decimal years value, with or without decimal places ("1996.8" for example). Such values are interpreted as a Besselian epoch if less than 1984.0 and as a Julian epoch otherwise.
A text file containing the positions to be stored in the output positions list. Each line should contain the formatted axis values for a single position, separated by white space. It is only accessed if Parameter MODE is given the value "File".
Specifies the co-ordinate Frame of the positions supplied through Parameters POSITION or FILE. There is a cascade of allowed interpretations of this parameter value; the search for the co-ordinate Frame ends once there is a successful interpretation, otherwise the search moves on to the next possible meaning in the following order.
An HDS path containing a WCS FrameSet, whose current Frame defines the co-ordinate Frame.
The name of an NDF, whose current WCS co-ordinate Frame is used.
If the parameter value ends with .FIT, an attempt is made to interpret the parameter value as the name of a FITS file. If successful, the primary WCS co-ordinate system from the primary HDU headers is used.
A text file containing either an AST Frame dump (such as produced by commands in the ATOOLS package), or a set of FITS WCS headers.
An IRAS90 Sky Co-ordinate System (SCS) string such as "EQUAT(J2000)" (see SUN/163), whereupon the positions are assumed to be two-dimensional celestial co-ordinates in the specified system.
Domain name without any interpretation. Any Domain name may be supplied, but normally one of the standard Domain names, such as GRID, PIXEL, GRAPHICS  should be given. Parameter DIM is used to determine the number of axes in the Frame.

This parameter is only accessed if the parameter NDF is given a null value.

A catalogue containing an existing positions list which is to be included at the start of the output positions list. These positions are mapped into the current co-ordinate Frame of the supplied NDF, or into the Frame specified by Parameter FRAME if no NDF was supplied. A message is displayed indicating the Frame in which alignment occurred. They are then stored in the output list before any further positions are added. A null value may be supplied if there is no input positions list. [!]
The mode by which the positions are to be obtained. The options are as follows.
  • "Interface" –- The positions are obtained using Parameter POSITION.

  • "File" –- The positions are to be read from a text file specified using Parameter FILE.

  • "Good" –- The positions used are the pixel centres in the data file specified by Parameter NDF. Only the pixels that have good values in the Data array of the NDF are used.

  • "Pixel" –- The positions used are the pixel centres in the data file specified by Parameter NDF. All pixel are used, whether the pixel values are good or not.


The NDF which defines the available co-ordinate Frames in the output positions list. If an NDF is supplied, the positions obtained using Parameter POSITION or FILE are assumed to be in the current co-ordinate Frame of the NDF, and the WCS component of the NDF is copied to the output positions list. If a null value is supplied, the single co-ordinate Frame defined by Parameter FRAME is stored in the output positions list, and supplied positions are assumed to be in the same Frame. [!]
The catalogue holding the output positions list.
The co-ordinates of a single position to be stored in the output positions list. Supplying ":" will display details of the co-ordinate Frame in which the position is required. The position should be given as a list of formatted axis values separated by white space. You are prompted for new values for this parameter until a null value is entered. It is only accessed if Parameter MODE is given the value "Interface".
A title for the output positions list. If a null (!) value is supplied, the value used is obtained from the input positions list if one is supplied. Otherwise, it is obtained from the NDF if one is supplied. Otherwise, it is "Output from LISTMAKE". [!]


listmake newlist frame=pixel dim=2
This creates a FITS binary catalogue called newlist.FIT containing a list of positions, together with a description of a single two-dimensional pixel co-ordinate Frame. The positions are supplied as a set of space-separated pixel co-ordinates in response to repeated prompts for the Parameter POSITION.
listmake stars.txt frame=equat(B1950) epoch=1962.3
This creates a catalogue called stars.txt containing a list of positions, together with a description of a single FK4 equatorial RA/DEC co-ordinate Frame (referenced to the B1950 equinox). The catalogue is stored in a text file using the CAT Small Text List format ("STL"–-see SUN/190). The positions were determined at epoch B1962.3. The epoch of observation is required since the underlying model on which the FK4 system is based is non-inertial and rotates slowly with time, introducing fictitious proper motions. The positions are supplied hours and degrees values in reponse to repeated prompts for Parameter POSITIONS.
listmake outlist ndf=allsky mode=file file=stars
This creates a FITS binary catalogue called outlist.FIT containing a list of positions, together with descriptions of all the co-ordinate Frames contained in the NDF allsky. The positions are supplied as co-ordinates within the current co-ordinate Frame of the NDF. Application WCSFRAME can be used to find out what this Frame is. The positions are supplied in a text file called stars.
listmake out.txt incat=old.fit frame=gal
This creates an STL format catalogue stored in a text file called out.txt containing a list of positions, together with a description of a single galactic co-ordinate Frame. The positions contained in the existing binary FITS catalogue old.fit are mapped into galactic co-ordinates (if possible) and stored in the output positions list. Further galactic co-ordinate positions are then obtained by repeated prompting for the Parameter POSITION. These positions are appended to the positions obtained from file old.fit.
listmake out.txt incat=old.fit ndf=cobe
As above but the output positions list contains copies of all the Frames in the NDF cobe. The positions in old.fit are mapped into the current co-ordinate Frame of the NDF (if possible) before being stored in the output positions list. The new positions must also be supplied in the same Frame (using Parameter POSITION).
listmake profpos.fit ndf=prof1 mode=pixel
This creates a positions list called profpos.fit containing the positions of all the pixel centres in the one-dimensional NDF called prof. This could for instance be used as input to application PROFILE in order to produce another profile in which the samples are at the same positions as those in NDF prof.


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