Averages groups of neighbouring spectra of a three-dimensional IFU NDF and then plots
these averaged spectra in a grid gridspec
The script averages spectra in the chosen region by specified compression factors in the spatial domain. It then displays the average spectra in a grid, where the exterior axes indicate the spatial co-ordinates of the averaged spectra, and the interior axes the data values against spectra co-ordinates.
The number of spectra to block average along the
respectively. This should be a comma-separated list or a single number; the latter case applies
the same compression factor to both spatial axes. The numbers must be positive integers.
The script will use this as its input file, the specified file should be a three-dimensional NDF. By
default the script will prompt for the input file.
The script will automatically prompt to select a region to zoom before prompting for the region of
interest. [TRUE]
The program will not prompt for a zoom before requesting the region of interest. [FALSE]
The compression is trimmed, so that only compression-factor multiples of original pixels are included in the plot.
The spatial averaging is aligned to obtain the expected number of pixels irrespective of the pixel origin of the input cube. Note that this may not be suitable if you wish to preserve alignment with another compressed dataset. See KAPPA:COMPAVE parameter ALIGN for more details.