Processing math: 100%


Pastes a series of NDFs upon each other


This application copies a series of NDFs , in the order supplied and taking account of origin information, on to a ‘base’ NDF to produce an output NDF. The output NDF is therefore a copy of the base NDF obscured wholly or partially by the other input NDFs. This operation is analogous to pasting in publishing. It is intended for image editing and the creation of insets.

The dimensions of the NDFs may be different, and indeed so may their dimensionalities. The output NDF can be constrained to have the dimensions of the base NDF, so the pasted NDFs are clipped. Normally, the output NDF will have dimensions such that all the input NDFs are accommodated in full.

Bad values in the pasted NDFs are by default transparent, so the underlying data are not replaced during the copying.

Input NDFs can be shifted in pixel space before pasting them into the output NDF (see Parameter SHIFT).


paste in p1 [p2] ... [p25] out=?


This parameter controls the dimensions of the output NDF. If CONFINE is FALSE the output NDF just accommodates all the input NDFs. If CONFINE is TRUE, the output NDF’s dimensions matches those of the base NDF. [FALSE]
IN = NDF (Read)
This parameter is either:
a) the base NDF on to which the other input NDFs supplied via Parameters P1 to P25 will be pasted; or
b) a group of input NDFs (of any dimensionality) comprising all the input NDFs, of which the first is deemed to be the base NDF, and the remainder are to be pasted in the order supplied.

The group should be given as a comma-separated list, in which each list element can be:

  • an NDF name, optionally containing wild-cards and/or regular expressions ("", "?", "[a-z]" etc.).

  • the name of a text file, preceded by an up-arrow character "^". Each line in the text file should contain a comma-separated list of elements, each of which can in turn be an NDF name (with optional wild-cards, etc.), or another file specification (preceded by an up-arrow). Comments can be included in the file by commencing lines with a hash character "#".

If the value supplied for this parameter ends with a hyphen "-", then you are re-prompted for further input until a value is given which does not end with a hyphen. All the NDFs given in this way are concatenated into a single group.

The group can contain no more than 1000 names.

OUT = NDF (Write)
The NDF resulting from pasting of the input NDFs on to the base NDF. Its dimensions may be different from the base NDF. See Parameter CONFINE.
P1-P25 = NDF (Read)
The NDFs to be pasted on to the base NDF. The NDFs are pasted in the order P1, P2, ... P25. There can be no missing NDFs, e.g. in order for P3 to be processed there must be a P2 given as well. A null value (!) indicates that there is no NDF. NDFs P2 to P25 are defaulted to !. At least one NDF must be pasted, therefore P1 may not be null.

P1 to P25 are ignored if the group specified through Parameter IN comprises more than one NDF.

SHIFT( * ) = _INTEGER (Read)
An incremental shift to apply to the pixel origin of each input NDF before pasting it into the output NDF. If supplied, this parameter allows a set of NDFs with the same pixel bounds to be placed ‘side-by-side’ in the output NDF. For instance, this allows a set of images to be pasted into a cube. The first input NDF is not shifted. The pixel origin of the second NDF is shifted by the number of pixels given in SHIFT. The pixel origin of the third NDF is shifted by twice the number of pixels given in SHIFT. Each subsequent input NDF is shifted by a further multiple of SHIFT. If null (!) is supplied, no shifts are applied. [!]
Title for the output NDF structure. A null value (!) propagates the title from the base NDF to the output NDF. [!]
If TRANSP is TRUE, bad values within the pasted NDFs are not copied to the output NDF as if the bad values were transparent. If TRANSP is FALSE, all values are copied during the paste and a bad value will obscure an underlying value. [TRUE]


paste aa inset out=bb
This pastes the NDF called inset on to the arrays in the NDF called aa to produce the NDF bb. Bad values are transparent. The bounds and dimensionality of bb may be larger than those of aa.
paste aa inset out=bb notransp
As above except that bad values are copied from the NDF inset to NDF bb.
paste aa inset out=bb confine
As the first example except that the bounds of NDF bb match those of NDF aa.
paste in="aa,inset" out=bb
The same as the first example.
paste in="aa,inset,inset2,inset3" out=bb
Similar to first example, but now two further NDFs inset2 and inset3 are also pasted.
paste ccd fudge inset out=ccdc
This pastes the NDF called fudge, followed by NDF inset on to the arrays in the NDF called ccd to produce the NDF ccdc. Bad values are transparent. The bounds and dimensionality of ccd may be larger than those of ccdc.
paste in="canvas,^shapes.lis" out=collage confine
This pastes the NDFs listed in the text file shapes.lis in the order given on the NDF called canvas. Bad values are transparent. The bounds of NDF collage match those of NDF canvas.
paste in=^planes out=cube shift=[0,0,1]
Assuming the text file planes contains a list of two-dimensional NDFs, this arranges them into a cube, one behind the other.

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