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Creates a Mapping and optionally adds a new co-ordinate Frame into the WCS component of an NDF


This application can be used to create a new AST Mapping  and optionally use the Mapping to add a new co-ordinate Frame  into the WCS  component of an NDF  (see Parameter NDF). An output text file may also be created holding a textual representation of the Mapping for future use by other applications such as REGRID (see Parameter MAPOUT). A number of different types of Mapping can be used (see Parameter MAPTYPE).

When adding a new Frame to a WCS component, the Mapping is used to connect the new Frame to an existing one (called the basis Frame: see Parameter FRAME). The specific type of Frame to add is specified using Parameter FRMTYPE (the default is to simply copy the basis Frame). Optionally (see Parameter TRANSFER), attributes which have been assigned an explicit value in the basis Frame are transferred to the new Frame (but only if they are relevant to the type of the new Frame). The value of the Domain  attribute for the new Frame can be specified using Parameter DOMAIN. Other attribute values for the new Frame may be specified using Parameter ATTRS. The new Frame becomes the current co-ordinate Frame in the NDF (unless Parameter RETAIN is set TRUE).

WCSADD will only generate Mappings with the same number of input and output axes; this number is determined by the number of axes in the basis Frame if an NDF is supplied, or by the NAXES parameter otherwise.


wcsadd ndf frame domain maptype


A group of attribute settings to be applied to the new Frame before adding it into the NDF.

A comma-separated list of strings should be given in which each string is either an attribute setting, or the name of a text file preceded by an up-arrow character "^". Such text files should contain further comma-separated lists which will be read and interpreted in the same manner. Attribute settings are applied in the order in which they occur within the list, with later settings overriding any earlier settings given for the same attribute.

Each individual attribute setting should be of the form:


where <name> is the name of an attribute appropriate to the type of Frame specified by Parameter FRMTYPE (see SUN/210 for a complete description of all attributes), and <value> is the value to assign to the attribute. Default values will be used for any unspecified attributes–-these defaults are inherited from the basis Frame. Any unrecognised attributes are ignored (no error is reported).

CENTRE( 2 ) = _DOUBLE (Read)
The co-ordinates of the centre of a pincushion distortion. It is only used when MAPTYPE="PINCUSHION". See also DISCO. [0,0]
DIAG( ) = _DOUBLE (Read)
The elements along the diagonal of the linear transformation matrix. There will be as many of these as there are axes in the basis Frame. Each effectively gives the factor by which co-ordinates on the corresponding axis should be multiplied. This parameter is only used when MAPTYPE="DIAG".
The distortion coefficient of a pincushion distortion. Used in conjunction with the CENTRE parameter, this defines the forward transformation to be used as follows:


where (X,Y) are the input co-ordinates, (XX,YY) the output co-ordinates, D is DISCO, and C1 and C2 are the two elements of CENTRE. DISCO is only used when MAPTYPE="PINCUSHION".

The value for the Domain attribute for the new Frame. Care should be taken to ensure that domain names are used consistently. This will usually mean avoiding any domain names that are already in use within the WCS component, particularly the standard domain names  such as GRID, FRACTION, PIXEL, AXIS, and GRAPHICS. The supplied value is stripped of spaces, and converted to upper case before being used.

Note, if Parameter MAPTYPE is set to "REFNDF", then the value supplied for Parameter DOMAIN indicates the Domain of the Frame within the reference NDF that is to be copied (see Parameter REFNDF).

If the basis Frame is specified using a ‘Sky Co-ordinate System’ specification for a celestial co-ordinate system (see Parameter FRAME), then an epoch value is needed to qualify it. This is the epoch at which the supplied sky positions were determined. It should be given as a decimal-years value, with or without decimal places ("1996.8" for example). Such values are interpreted as a Besselian epoch if less than 1984.0 and as a Julian epoch otherwise. The suggested default is the value stored in the basis Frame.
A group of expressions to be used for the forward co-ordinate transformations in a MathMap. There must be at least as many expressions as the number of axes of the Mapping, but there may be more if intermediate expressions are to be used. The expressions may be given directly in response to the prompt, or read from a text file, in which case the name of the file should be given, preceded by a "^" character. Individual expression should be separated by commas or, if they are supplied in a file, newlines (see Section 4.13).

The syntax for each expression is Fortran-like; see the "Examples" section below, and Appendix G for details. FOREXP is only used when MAPTYPE="MATH".

A string specifying the basis Frame. If a null value is supplied the current co-ordinate Frame in the NDF is used. The string can be one of the following:
  • A domain name  such as SKY, AXIS, PIXEL. The two "pseudo-domains" WORLD and DATA may be supplied and will be translated into PIXEL and AXIS respectively, so long as the WCS component of the NDF does not contain Frames with these domains.

  • An integer value giving the index of the required Frame within the WCS component.

  • An IRAS90 Sky Co-ordinate System (SCS) values such as "EQUAT(J2000)" (see SUN/163).

The type of Frame to add to the NDF. If a null (!) value is supplied, a copy of the basis Frame is used (as modified by Parameters ATTRS and DOMAIN). The allowed values are as follows.
  • "FRAME" –- A simple Cartesian Frame (the number of axes is equal to the number of outputs from the Mapping)

  • "SKYFRAME" –- A two-dimensional Frame representing positions on the celestial sphere.

  • "SPECFRAME" –- A one-dimensional Frame representing positions within an electromagnetic spectrum.

  • "TIMEFRAME" –- A one-dimensional Frame representing moments in time.

Note, if Parameter MAPTYPE is set to "REFNDF", then Parameter FRMTYPE will not be used–-the Frame used will instead always be a copy of the Frame from the reference NDF (as selected by Parameter DOMAIN). [!]

The expressions to be used for the inverse co-ordinate transformations in a MathMap. See FOREXP. INVEXP is only used when MAPTYPE="MATH".
The name of a file containing an AST Mapping with which to connect the basis Frame to the new one. The file may be a text file which contains the textual representation of an AST Mapping, or a FITS  file which contains the Mapping as an AST object encoded in its headers, or an NDF. If it is an NDF, the Mapping from its base (GRID-domain) to current Frame will be used. Only used when MAPTYPE="FILE".
The name of a text file in which to store a textual representation of the Mapping. This can be used, for instance, by the REGRID application. If a null (!) value is supplied, no file is created. [!]
The type of Mapping to be used to connect the new Frame to the basis Frame. It must be one of the following strings, each of which require some additional parameters as indicated.
  • "DIAGONAL" –- A linear mapping with no translation of off-diagonal coefficients (see Parameter DIAG)

  • "FILE" –- A mapping defined by an AST Mapping supplied in a separate file (see Parameter MAPIN)

  • "LINEAR" –- A general linear mapping (see Parameter TR)

  • "MATH" –- A general algebraically defined mapping (see Parameters FOREXP, INVEXP, SIMPFI, SIMPIF)

  • "PINCUSHION" –- A pincushion/barrel distortion (see Parameters DISCO and CENTRE)

  • "REFNDF" –- The Mapping is obtained by aligning the NDF with a second reference NDF (see Parameter REFNDF)

  • "SHIFT" –- A translation (see Parameter SHIFT)

  • "UNIT" –- A unit mapping

  • "ZOOM" –- A uniform expansion/contraction (see Parameter ZOOM)


The number of input and output axes which the Mapping will have. Only used if a null value is supplied for Parameter NDF.
NDF = NDF (Read and Write)
The NDF in which to store a new co-ordinate Frame. Supply a null (!) value if you do not wish to add a Frame to an NDF (you can still use the MAPOUT parameter to write the Mapping to a text file).
A reference NDF from which to obtain the Mapping and Frame. The NDFs specified by Parameters NDF and REFNDF are aligned in a suitable co-ordinate system (usually their current Frames–-an error is reported if the two NDFs cannot be aligned). The Mapping from the basis Frame in “NDF” (specified by Parameter FRAME) to the required Frame in “REFNDF” (specified by Parameter DOMAIN) is then found and used. The Frame added into “NDF” is always a copy of the reference Frame–-regardless of the setting of Parameter FRMTYPE. Parameter REFNDF is only used when Parameter MAPTYPE is set to "REFNDF", in which case a value must also be supplied for Parameter NDF (an error will be reported otherwise).
Indicates whether the original current Frame should be retained within the WCS FrameSet of the modified NDF (see Parameter NDF). If FALSE, the newly added Frame is the current Frame on exit. Otherwise, the original current Frame is retained on exit. [FALSE]
SHIFT( ) = _DOUBLE (Read)
A vector giving the displacement represented by the translation. There must be one element for each axis. Only used when MAPTYPE="SHIFT".
The value of the Mapping’s SimpFI attribute (whether it is legitimate to simplify the forward followed by the inverse transformation to a unit transformation). This parameter is only used when MAPTYPE="MATH". [TRUE]
The value of the Mapping’s SimpIF attribute (whether it is legitimate to simplify the inverse followed by the forward transformation to a unit transformation). This parameter is only used when MAPTYPE="MATH". [TRUE]
TR( ) = _DOUBLE (Read)
The values of this parameter are the coefficients of a linear transformation from the basis Frame specified by Parameter FRAME to the new Frame. This parameter is only used when MAPTYPE="LINEAR". For instance, if a feature has co-ordinates (X,Y,Z,…) in the basis Frame, and co-ordinates (U,V,W,…) in the new Frame, then the following transformations would be used, depending on how many axes the two Frames have:
  • one-dimensional:

  • two-dimensional:


  • three-dimensional:



The correct number of values must be supplied (that is, N(N+1) where N is the number of axes in the new and old Frames). If a null value (!) is given it is assumed that the new Frame and the basis Frame are connected using a unit mapping (i.e. corresponding axis values are identical in the two Frames). This parameter is only used when MAPTYPE="LINEAR". [!]

If TRUE, attributes which have explicitly set values in the basis Frame (specified by Parameter FRAME) are transferred to the new Frame (specified by Parameter FRMTYPE), if they are applicable to the new Frame. If FALSE, no attribute values are transferred. The dynamic default is TRUE if and only if the two Frames are of the same class and have the same value for their Domain attributes. []
The scaling factor for a ZoomMap; every co-ordinate will be multiplied by this factor in the forward transformation. ZOOM is only used when MAPTYPE="ZOOM".


wcsadd speca axis frmtype=specframe maptype=unit
This example assumes the NDF called speca has an Axis structure describing wavelength in Ångstroms. It adds a corresponding SpecFrame  into the WCS component of the NDF. The SpecFrame is connected to the Frame describing the NDF Axis structure using a unit Mapping. Subsequently, WCSATTRIB can be used to modify the SpecFrame so that it describes the spectral-axis value in some other system (frequency, velocities of various forms, energy, wave number, etc.).
wcsadd ngc5128 pixel old_pixel unit
This adds a new co-ordinate Frame into the WCS component of the NDF called ngc5128. The new Frame is given the domain OLD_PIXEL and is a copy of the existing PIXEL Frame. This OLD_PIXEL Frame will be retained through further processing and can be used as a record of the original pixel co-ordinate Frame.
wcsadd my_data dist-lum dist(au)-lum linear tr=[0,2.0626E5,0,0,0,1]
This adds a new co-ordinate Frame into the WCS component of the NDF called my_data. The new Frame is given the domain DIST(AU)-LUM and is a copy of an existing Frame with domain DIST-LUM. The first axis in the new Frame is derived from the first axis in the basis Frame but is in different units (AU instead of parsecs). This change of units is achieved by multiplying the old Frame Axis 1 values by 2.0626E5. The values on the second axis are copied without change. You could then use application WCSATTRIB to set the Unit  attribute for Axis 1 of the new Frame to "AU".
wcsadd my_data dist-lum dist(au)-lum diag diag=[2.0626E5,1]
This does exactly the same as the previous example.
wcsadd ax322 ! shrunk zoom zoom=0.25 mapout=zoom.ast
This adds a new Frame to the WCS component of ax322 which is a one-quarter-scale copy of its current co-ordinate Frame. The Mapping is also stored in the text file zoom.ast.
wcsadd cube grid slid shift shift=[0,0,1024]
This adds a new Frame to the WCS component of the NDF cube which matches the GRID-domain co-ordinates in the first two axes, but is translated by 1024 pixels on the third axis.
wcsadd plane pixel polar math simpif simpfi
A new Frame is added which gives pixel positions in polar co-ordinates. Fortran-like expressions are supplied which define both the forward and inverse transformations of the Mapping. The symbols x and y are used to represent the two input Cartesian pixel co-ordinate axes, and the symbols r and theta are used to represent the output polar co-ordinates. Note, the single quotes are needed when running from the UNIX shell in order to prevent the shell interpreting the parentheses and commas within the expressions.
wcsadd plane pixel polar math simpif simpfi forexp=^ft invexp=^it
As above, but the expressions defining the transformations are supplied in two text files called ft and it, instead of being supplied directly. Each file could contain the two expression on two separate lines.
wcsadd ndf=! naxes=2 mapout=pcd.ast maptype=pincushion disco=5.3e-10
This constructs a pincushion-type distortion Mapping centred on the origin with a distortion coefficient of 5.3e-10, and writes out the Mapping as a text file called pcd.ast. This file could then be used by REGRID to resample the pixels of an NDF according to this transformation. No NDF is accessed.
wcsadd qmosaic frame=grid domain=polanal maptype=refndf refndf=imosaic
This adds a new co-ordinate Frame into the WCS component of the NDF called qmosaic. The new Frame has domain “POLANAL” and is copied from the NDF called imosaic (an error is reported if there is no such Frame with imosaic). The new co-ordinate Frame is attached to the base Frame (i.e. GRID co-ordinates) within qmosaic using a Mapping that produces alignment between qmosaic and imosaic.


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