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Convolves a pair of one- or two-dimensional NDFs together


This application smooths a one- or two-dimensional NDF  using a Point-Spread Function given by a second NDF. The output NDF is normalised to the same mean data value as the input NDF (if Parameter NORM is set to TRUE), and is the same size as the input NDF.


convolve in psf out xcentre ycentre


AXES( 2 ) = _INTEGER (Read)
This parameter is only accessed if the NDF has exactly three significant pixel axes. It should be set to the indices of the NDF pixel axes which span the plane in which smoothing is to be applied. All pixel planes parallel to the specified plane will be smoothed independently of each other. The dynamic default is the indices of the first two significant axes in the NDF. []
IN = NDF (Read)
The input NDF containing the image to be smoothed.
Determines how the output NDF is normalised to take account of the total data sum in the PSF, and of the presence of bad pixels in the input NDF. If TRUE, bad pixels are excluded from the data sum for each output pixel, and the associated weight for the output pixel is reduced appropriately. The supplied PSF is normalised to a total data sum of unity so that the output NDF has the same normalisation as the input NDF. If NORM is FALSE, bad pixels are replaced by the mean value and then included in the convolution as normal. The normalisation of the supplied PSF is left unchanged, and so determines the normalisation of the output NDF. [TRUE]
OUT = NDF (Write)
The output NDF which is to contain the smoothed image.
PSF = NDF (Read)
An NDF holding the Point-Spread Function (PSF) with which the input image is to be smoothed. An error is reported if the PSF contains any bad pixels. The PSF can be centred anywhere within the image (see Parameters XCENTRE and YCENTRE). A constant background is removed from the PSF before use. This background level is equal to the minimum of the absolute value in the four corner pixel values. The PSF is assumed to be zero beyond the bounds of the supplied NDF. It should have the same number of dimensions as the NDF being smoothed, unless the input NDF has three significant dimensions, whereupon the PSF must be two-dimensional. It will be normalised to a total data sum of unity if Parameter NORM is TRUE.
A title for the output NDF. A null (!) value means using the title of the input NDF. [!]
WLIM = _REAL (Read)
If the input array contains bad pixels, and NORM is TRUE, then this parameter may be used to determine the number of good pixels that must be present within the smoothing box before a valid output pixel is generated. It can be used, for example, to prevent output pixels from being generated in regions where there are relatively few good pixels to contribute to the smoothed result.

By default, a null (!) value is used for WLIM, which causes the pattern of bad pixels to be propagated from the input image to the output image unchanged. In this case, smoothed output values are only calculated for those pixels which are not bad in the input image.

If a numerical value is given for WLIM, then it specifies the minimum total weight associated with the good pixels in the smoothing box required to generate a good output pixel (weights for each pixel are defined by the normalised PSF). If this specified minimum weight is not present, then a bad output pixel will result, otherwise a smoothed output value will be calculated. The value of this parameter should lie between 0.0 and 1.0. A value of 0.0 will result in a good output pixel being created even if only one good input pixel contributes to it. A value of 1.0 will result in a good output pixel being created only if all the input pixels which contribute to it are good. See also Parameter NORM. [!]

The x pixel index (column number) of the centre of the PSF within the supplied PSF array. The suggested default is the centre of the PSF array. (This is how the PSF command would generate the array.)
The y pixel index (line number) of the centre of the PSF within the supplied PSF array. The suggested default is the centre of the PSF array. (This is how the PSF command would generate the array.)


convolve ccdframe iraspsf ccdlores 50 50
The image in the NDF called ccdframe is convolved using the PSF in NDF iraspsf to create the smoothed image ccdlores. The centre of the PSF image in iraspsf is at pixel indices (50, 50). Any bad pixels in the input image are propagated to the output.
convolve ccdframe iraspsf ccdlores 50 50 wlim=1.0
As above, but good output values are only created for pixels which have no contributions from bad input pixels.
convolve ccdframe iraspsf ccdlores
As in the first example except the centre of the PSF is located at the centre of the PSF array.


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