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Edits an NDF FITS extension via a text file or parameters


This application edits the FITS extension  of an NDF  file in a variety of ways. It permits insersion of new keywords, including comment lines; revision of existing keyword, values, and inline comments; relocation of keywords; deletion of keywords; printing of keyword values; and it can test whether or not a keyword exists. The occurrence of keywords may be defined, when there are more than one cards of the same name. The location of each insertion or move is immediately before some occurrence of a corresponding keyword.

Control of the editing can be through parameters, or from a text file whose format is described in topic "File Format".


fitsmod ndf {
keyword edit value comment position table=?



The comments to be written to the KEYWORD keyword for the "Update", "Write", and "Amend"editing commands. A null value (!) gives a blank comment. The special value "$C" means use the current comment. In addition "$C(keyword)" requests that the comment of the keyword given between the parentheses be assigned to the keyword being edited. If this positional keyword does not exist, the comment is unchanged for "Update", and is blank for a "Write" edit. The same applies to the "Amend" edit, the choice depending on whether or not the KEYWORD keyword exists.
The editing command to apply to the keyword. The allowed options are listed below.
"Amend" –- acts as option "Update" if the keyword exists, but as the "Write" option should the keyword be absent.
"Delete" –- removes a named keyword.
"Exist" –- reports TRUE to standard output if the named keyword exists in the header, and FALSE if the keyword is not present.
"Move" –- relocates a named keyword to be immediately before a second keyword (see Parameter POSITION). When this positional keyword is not supplied, it defaults to the END card, and if the END card is absent, the new location is at the end of the headers.
"Null" nullifies the value of the named keyword. Spaces substitute the keyword’s value.
"Print" –- causes the value of a named keyword to be displayed to standard output. This will be a blank for a comment card.
"Rename" –- renames a keyword, using Parameter NEWKEY to obtain the new keyword.
"Update" –- revises the value and/or the comment. If a secondary keyword is defined explicitly (Parameter POSITION), the card may be relocated at the same time. If the secondary keyword does not exist, the card being edited is not moved. "Update" requires that the keyword being edited exists.
"Write" –- creates a new card given a value and an optional comment. Its location uses the same rules as for the "Move" command. The FITS extension is created first should it not exist.


The name of the keyword to be edited in the FITS extension. A name may be compound to handle hierarchical keywords, and it has the form keyword1.keyword2.keyword3 etc. The maximum number of keywords per FITS card is twenty. Each keyword must be no longer than eight characters, and be a valid FITS keyword comprising only alphanumeric characters, hyphen, and underscore. Any lowercase letters are converted to uppercase and blanks are removed before insertion, or comparison with the existing keywords.

The keywords " ", "COMMENT", and "HISTORY" are comment cards and do not have a value.

The keyword must exist except for the "Amend", "Write", and "Exist" commands.

Both KEYWORD and POSITION keywords may have an occurrence specified in brackets [] following the name. This enables editing of a keyword that is not the first occurrence of that keyword, or locate a edited keyword not at the first occurrence of the positional keyword. Note that it is not normal to have multiple occurrences of a keyword in a FITS header, unless it is blank, COMMENT or HISTORY. Any text between the brackets other than a positive integer is interpreted as the first occurrence.

The mode by which the editing instructions are supplied. The alternatives are "File", which uses a text file; and "Interface" which uses parameters. ["Interface"]
NDF = NDF (Read and Write)
The NDF in which the FITS extension is to be edited.
The name of the keyword to replace the KEYWORD keyword. It is only accessed when EDIT="Rename". A name may be compound to handle hierarchical keywords, and it has the form keyword1.keyword2.keyword3 etc. The maximum number of keywords per FITS card is twenty. Each keyword must be no longer than eight characters, and be a valid FITS keyword comprising only alphanumeric characters, hyphen, and underscore.
The position keyword name. A position name may be compound to handle hierarchical keywords, and it has the form keyword1.keyword2.keyword3 etc. The maximum number of keywords per FITS card is twenty. Each keyword must be no longer than eight characters. When locating the position card, comparisons are made in uppercase and with the blanks removed. An occurrence may be specified (see Parameter KEYWORD for details).

The new keywords are inserted immediately before each corresponding position keyword. If any name in it does not exist in FITS array, or the null value (!) is supplied the consequences will be as follows. For a "Write", "Amend" (new keyword), or "Move" edit, the KEYWORD keyword will be inserted just before the END card or appended to FITS array when the END card does not exist; for an "Update" or "Amend" (new keyword) edit, the edit keyword is not relocated.

A positional keyword is only accessed by the "Move", "Amend", "Write", and "Update" editing commands.

Determines if read or write access is requested for the NDF. If a TRUE value is supplied for READONLY, the NDF is opened for reading only. An error will then be reported if any of the requested editing operations would change the contents of the NDF. If a FALSE value is supplied for READONLY, the NDF is opened for both reading and writing, but an error will be reported if the NDF file is write-protected on disk. If the MODE parameter is set to "File", the dynamic default value for READONLY is FALSE. If MODE is set to "Interface", the dynamic default value for READONLY depends on the value of the EDIT parameter: TRUE for "Print" and "Exist", and FALSE for all other editing commands. []
When STRING is FALSE, inferred data typing is used for the "Write", "Update", and "Amend" editing commands. So for instance, if Parameter VALUE = "Y", it would appears as logical TRUE rather than the string ’Y         ’ in the FITS header. See topic "Value Data Type". When STRING is TRUE, the value will be treated as a string for the purpose of writing the FITS header. [FALSE]
The text file containing the keyword translation table. The format of this file is described under "File Format". For illustrations, see under "Examples of the File Format".
The new value of the KEYWORD keyword for the "Update", "Write", and "Amend" editing commands. The special value "$V" means use the current value of the KEYWORD keyword. This makes it possible to modify a comment, leaving the value unaltered. In addition "$V(keyword)" requests that the value of the reference keyword given between the parentheses be assigned to the keyword being edited. This reference keyword must exist and have a value for a "Write" or "Amend" (new keyword) edit; whereas the FITS-header value is unchanged for "Update" or "Amend" (keyword exists) if there are problems with this reference keyword.

Results Parameters

The result of the final "Exist" operation (see Parameter EDIT).


fitsmod dro42 bscale exist
This reports TRUE or FALSE depending on whether or not the FITS keyword BSCALE exists in the FITS extension of the NDF called dro42.
fitsmod dro42 bscale p
This reports the value of the keyword BSCALE stored in the FITS extension of the NDF called dro42. An error message will appear if BSCALE does not exist.
fitsmod abc edit=move keyword=bscale position=bzero
This moves the keyword BSCALE to lie immediately before keyword BZERO in the FITS extension of the NDF called abc. An error will result if either BSCALE or BZERO does not exist.
fitsmod dro42 airmass dele
This deletes the keyword AIRMASS, if it exists, in the FITS extension of the NDF called dro42.
fitsmod ndf=dro42 edit=d keyword=airmass[2]
This deletes the second occurrence of keyword AIRMASS, if it exists, in the FITS extension of the NDF called dro42.
fitsmod @100 airmass w 1.456 "Airmass at mid-observation"
This creates the keyword AIRMASS in the FITS extension of the NDF called 100, assigning the keyword the real value 1.456 and comment "Airmass at mid-observation". The header is located just before the end. The FITS extension is created if it does not exist.
fitsmod @100 airmass w 1.456 "Airmass at mid-observation" phase
As the previous example except that the new keyword is written immediately before keyword PHASE.
fitsmod obe observer u value="O’Leary" comment=$C
This updates the keyword OBSERVER with value "O’Leary", retaining its old comment. The modified FITS extension lies within the NDF called obe.
fitsmod test filter w position=end value=27 comment=! string
This creates the keyword FILTER in the FITS extension of the NDF called test, assigning the keyword the string value "27". There is no comment. The keyword is located at the end of the headers, but before any END card. The FITS extension is created if it does not exist.
fitsmod test edit=w keyword=detector comment="     Detector name" value=$V(ing.dethead) accept
This creates the keyword DETECTOR in the FITS extension of the NDF called test, assigning the keyword the value of the existing hierarchical keyword ING.DETHEAD. The comment is "     Detector name", the leading spaces are significant. The keyword is located at the current position keyword. The FITS extension is created if it does not exist.
fitsmod datafile mode=file table=fitstable.txt
This edits the FITS-extension of the NDF called datafile, creating the FITS extension if it does not exist. The editing instructions are stored in the text file called fitstable.txt.


Parameter Defaults

All the parameters have a suggested default of their current value, except NDF, which uses the global current dataset.


Approximately proportional to the number of FITS keywords to be edited. "Update" and "Write"  edits require the most time.

File Format

The file consists of a series of lines, one per editing instruction, although blank lines and lines beginning with a ! or # are treated as comments. Note that the order does matter, as the edits are performed in the order given.

The format is summarised below:

command keyword{[occurrence]}{(keyword{[occurrence]})} {value {comment}}

where braces indicate optional values, and occur is the occurrence of the keyword. In effect there are four fields delineated by spaces that define the edit operation, keyword, value and comment.

Value Data Type

The data type of a value is determined as follows:

Examples of the File Format

The best way to illustrate the options is by listing some example lines.

This reports the value of keyword AIRMASS to standard output.
This determines whether keyword FILTER exists and reports TRUE or FALSE to standard output.
This deletes the keyword OFFSET.
Delete OFFSET[2]
This deletes any second occurrence of keyword OFFSET.
This renames the second occurrence of keyword OFFSET1 to have keyword OFFSET2.
This writes a real value to new keyword AIRMASS, which will be located at the end of the FITS extension.
This writes a real value to keyword AIRMASS if it exists, otherwise it writes a real value to new keyword AIRMASS located at the end of the FITS extension.
This blanks the value of the AIRMASS keyword, if it exists.
This writes a logical true value to new keyword FILTER, which will be located just before the AIRMASS keyword, if it exists.
As the preceding example except that this writes a character value "Y".
W COMMENT(AIRMASS) . Following values apply to mid-observation
This writes a COMMENT card immediately before the AIRMASS card, the comment being "Following values apply to mid-observation". Note the full stop.
W DROCOM(AIRMASS) ” Following values apply to mid-observation
As the preceding example but this writes to a non-standard comment keyword called DROCOM. Note the need to supply a null value.
W (AIRMASS) ” Following values apply to mid-observation
As the preceding example but this writes to a blank-keyword comment.
U OBSERVER "Dr. Peter O’Leary" Name of principal observer
This updates the OBSERVER keyword with the string value "Dr. Peter O’Leary", and comment "Name of principal observer". Note that had the value been enclosed in single quotes (’), the apostrophe would need to be doubled.
This moves the keyword OFFSET to just before the END card.
This moves the keyword OFFSET to just before the SCALE card.
This moves the second occurrence of keyword OFFSET to just before the third COMMENT card.


"A User’s Guide for the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS)", NASA/Science Office of Science and Technology (1994).

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