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18 Getting Data into KAPPA

 18.1 Automatic Conversion
 18.2 Other Routes for Data Import
 18.3 FITS readers
 18.4 The FITS Airlock

Kappa utilises general data structures within an HDS container file, with file extension .sdf. Most of the examples in this documentation processing is performed on data in this NDF  format generated from within Kappa. Generally, you will already have data in ‘foreign’ formats, that is formats other than the Starlink standard, particularly in the FITS (Flexible Image Transport System), IRAF, and Figaro DST formats.

18.1 Automatic Conversion

Although Kappa tasks do not work directly with ‘foreign’ formats, they can made to appear that they do. What happens is that the format is converted ‘on-the-fly’ to a scratch NDF, which is then processed by Kappa. If the processing creates an output NDF or modifies the scratch NDF, this may be back-converted ‘on-the-fly’ too, and not necessarily to the original data format. At the end, the scratch NDF is deleted. So for example you could have an IRAF image file, use BLOCK to filter the array, and output the resultant array as a FITS file.

We must first define the names of the recognised formats and a file extension associated with each format. In practice you’ll most likely do this with the convert command, which creates these definitions for many popular formats. The file extension determines in which format a file is written. There is an environment variable called NDF_FORMATS_IN which defines the allowed formats in a comma-separated list with the file extensions in parentheses. Here is an example.

       % setenv NDF_FORMATS_IN ’FITS(.fit),IRAF(.imh),FIGARO(.dst)’

Once defined it lets you run Kappa tasks on FITS, IRAF, or Figaro files, like

       % stats m51.fit
       % stats m51.dst

would compute the statistics of a FITS file m51.fit, and then a Figaro file m51.dst.

The environment variable also defines a search order. Had you entered

       % stats m51

STATS would first look for an NDF called m51 (stored in file m51.sdf). If it could not locate that NDF, STATS would then look for a file called m51.fit, and then m51.imh, and finally m51.dst, stopping once a file was found and associating the appropriate format with it. If none of the files exist, you’ll receive a “file not found” error message.

You can still define an NDF section when you access an existing data file in a foreign format. Thus

       % stats m51.imh"(100:200,200~81)"

would derive the statistics for x pixels between 100 and 200, and y pixels 160 to 240 in the IRAF file m51.imh.

The conversion tasks may be your own for some private format, but normally they will come from the Convert package (SUN/55). If you want to learn how to add conversions to the standard ones, you should consult SSN/20.

There is an environment variable that defines the format of new data files. This could be assigned the same value as NDF_FORMATS_OUT, though they don’t have to be.

       % setenv NDF_FORMATS_OUT ’FITS(.fit),IRAF(.imh),FIGARO(.dst)’

If you supply the file extension when a Kappa task creates a new dataset, and it appears in NDF_FORMATS_OUT, you’ll get a file in that format. So for instance,

       % ffclean in=m51.dst out=m51_cleaned.dst \\

cleans m51.dst and stores the result in m51_cleaned.dst. On the other hand, if you only give the dataset name

       % ffclean in=m51.dst out=m51_cleaned \\

the output dataset would be the first in the NDF_FORMATS_OUT list. Thus if you want to work predominantly in a foreign format, place it first in the NDF_FORMATS_IN and NDF_FORMATS_OUT lists.

If you want to create an output NDF, you must insert a full stop at the head of the list.

       % setenv NDF_FORMATS_OUT ’.,FITS(.fit),IRAF(.imh),FIGARO(.dst)’

This is the recommended behaviour. If you just want to propagate the input data format, insert an asterisk at the start of the output-format list.

       % setenv NDF_FORMATS_OUT ’*,.,FITS(.fit),IRAF(.imh),FIGARO(.dst)’

This only affects applications that create a dataset using information propagated from an existing dataset. For instance, if the above NDF_FORMATS_OUT were defined,

       % ffclean in=m51.dst out=m51_cleaned \\

would now create m51_cleaned.dst. If there is no propagation in the given application, the asterisk is ignored.

You can retain the scratch NDF by setting the environment variable NDF_KEEP to 1. This is useful if you intend to work mostly with NDFs and will save the conversion each time you access the dataset.

The convert command, which sets up definitions for the Convert package, defines the lists of input and output formats as follows.

       % setenv NDF_FORMATS_IN \
       % setenv NDF_FORMATS_OUT \

See the Convert documentation for more details of these conversions.

18.2 Other Routes for Data Import

You can run Convert (cf. SUN/55) directly to perform conversions. There is also TRANDAT, which will read a text file of data values, or co-ordinates and data values into an NDF, and ASCIN in the Figaro package (SUN/86).

18.3 FITS readers

The automatic conversion does not allow you the full control of the conversion that direct use of a FITS reader offers and it does not deal with the special properties of tape. For full control of the conversion process, you should use the FITS2NDF and MTFITS2NDF commands form the Convertpackage. FITS2NDF reads disk FITS files, and MTFITS2NDF reads FITS files from magnetic tape.

For historical reasons, Kappa contains its own additional FITS readers; FITSIN for reading data from tape, and FITSDIN for reading data from disk. These do not currently have all the features of the corresponding Convertcommands (for instance, they do not allow an NDF to be created from a specified FITS extension). For this reason, you should normally use the CONVERT commands described in SUN/55.

Let’s see the Kappa FITS readers in action.

18.3.1 Reading FITS Tapes

FITSIN reads FITS files stored on tape. For efficiency, you should select the ‘no-rewind’ device for the particular tape drive, for example /dev/nrmt0h on OSF/1 and /dev/rmt/1n on Solaris.

We ask for the second file on the tape, and the headers are displayed so we can decide whether this is the file we want. It is so we supply a name of an NDF to receive the FITS file. If it wasn’t we would enter ! to the OUT prompt. The FMTCNV parameter asks whether the data are to be converted to _REAL, using the FITS keywords BSCALE and BZERO, if present. If you are wondering why there is (1) after the file number, that’s present because FITS files can have sub-files, stored as FITS extensions.

       % fitsin
       MT - Tape deck /@/dev/nrmt0h/ >
       The tape is currently positioned at file 1.
       FILES - Give a list of the numbers of the files to be processed > 2
       File # 2(1)  Descriptors follow:
       SIMPLE  =                    T
       BITPIX  =                   16
       NAXIS   =                    2
       NAXIS1  =                  400
       NAXIS2  =                  590
       DATE    = ’03/07/88’                    /Date tape file created
       ORIGIN  = ’ING     ’                    /Tape writing institution
       OBSERVER= ’CL      ’                    /Name of the Observer
       TELESCOP= ’JKT     ’                    /Name of the Telescope
       INSTRUME= ’AGBX    ’                    /Instrument configuration
       OBJECT  = ’SYS:ARCCL.002’               /Name of the Object
       BSCALE  =                  1.0          /Multiplier for pixel values
       BZERO   =                  0.0          /Offset for pixel values
       BUNIT   = ’ADU     ’                    /Physical units of data array
       BLANK   =                    0          /Value indicating undefined pixel
                   :                :                :
                   :                :                :
                   :                :                :
       FMTCNV - Convert data? /NO/ >
       OUT - Output image > ff1
       Completed processing of tape file 2 to ff1.
       MORE - Any more files? /NO/ >

We can trace the structure to reveal the 2-byte integer CCD image. Notice that the FITS headers are stored verbatim in a component .MORE.FITS. This is the FITS extension. The extension contents can be listed with FITSLIST. There is more on this NDF extension and its purpose in the FITS Airlock.

       % hdstrace ff1
       FF1  <NDF>
          DATA_ARRAY(400,590)  <_WORD>   216,204,220,221,202,222,220,206,218,221,
                                         ... 216,218,218,204,221,218,219,222,221,218
          TITLE          <_CHAR*13>      ’SYS:ARCCL.002’
          UNITS          <_CHAR*3>       ’ADU’
          MORE           <EXT>           {structure}
             FITS(84)       <_CHAR*80>      ’SIMPLE  =                    T’,’BI...’
                                            ... ’   ...’,’         ING PACKEND’,’END’
       End of Trace.

If you have many FITS files to read there is a quick method for extracting all files or a selection. In automatic mode the output files are generated without manual intervention and the headers aren’t reported for efficiency. Should you want to see the headers, write them to a text file via the LOGFILE parameter. The cost of automation is a restriction on the names of the output files, but if you have over a hundred files on a tape are you really going to name them individually?

The following example extracts the fourth to sixth, and eighth files. Note that the [ ] are needed because the value for Parameter FILES is a character array.

       % fitsin auto
       MT - Tape deck /@/dev/nrmt0h/ >
       FMTCNV - Convert data? /NO/ > y
       PREFIX - Prefix for the NDF file names? /’FITS’/ > JKT
       FILES - Give a list of the numbers of the files to be processed > [4-6,8]
       Completed processing of tape file 4 to JKT4.
       Completed processing of tape file 5 to JKT5.
       Completed processing of tape file 6 to JKT6.
       Completed processing of tape file 8 to JKT8.
       MORE - Any more files? /NO/ >

You can list selected FITS headers from a FITS tape without attempting to read in the data into NDFs by using FITSHEAD. You can redirect its output to a file to browse at your leisure, and identify the files you want to convert. So for instance,

       % fitshead /dev/nrmt1h > headers.lis

lists all the FITS headers from a FITS tape on device /dev/nrmt1h to file headers.lis.

After running FITSIN you may notice a file USRDEVDATASET.sdf in the current directory. This HDS file records the current position of the tape, so you can use FITSIN to read a few files, and then run it again a little later, and FITSIN can carry on from where you left off. In other words FITSIN does not have to rewind to the beginning of the tape to count files. When you’re finished you should delete this file.

18.3.2 Reading FITS Files

For many years there was officially no such thing as disc FITS. However, ad hoc implementations have existed for a long time. Of these, FITSDIN will handle files adhering to the FITS rules for blocking (and more), but it doesn’t process byte-swapped ‘FITS’ files. Thus it can process files with fixed-length records of semi-arbitrary length; so, for example, files mangled during network transfer, which have 512-byte records rather than the customary 2880, may be read. However, it will not handle, VAX FITS files as may be produced with Figaro’s WDFITS. FITSDIN will accept a list of files with wildcards. However, a comma-separated list must be enclosed in quotation marks. Also wildcards must be protected. Here are some examples so you get the idea.

       % fitsdin ’*.fit’
       % fitsdin \*.fit
       ICL> fitsdin *.fit
       % fitsdin ’"i*.fit,abc123.fts"’
       ICL> fitsdin "i*.fit,abc123.fts"

In the following example a floating-point file is read (BITPIX=32) and so FMTCNV is not required.

       % fitsdin ’*.fits’
          2 files to be processed...
       Processing file number 1: /home/scratch/dro/gr.fits.
       File /scratch/dro/gr.fits(1)  Descriptors follow:
       SIMPLE  =                    T / Standard FITS format
       BITPIX  =                  -32 / No. of bits per pixel
       NAXIS   =                    2 / No. of axes in image
       NAXIS1  =                  512 / No. of pixels
       NAXIS2  =                  256 / No. of pixels
       EXTEND  =                    T / FITS extension may be present
       BLOCKED =                    T / FITS file may be blocked
       BUNIT   = ’none given      ’   / Units of data values
       CRPIX1  =   1.000000000000E+00 / Reference pixel
       CRVAL1  =   0.000000000000E+00 / Coordinate at reference pixel
       CDELT1  =   1.000000000000E+00 / Coordinate increment per pixel
       CTYPE1  = ’                ’   / Units of coordinate
       CRPIX2  =   1.000000000000E+00 / Reference pixel
       CRVAL2  =   0.000000000000E+00 / Coordinate at reference pixel
       CDELT2  =   1.000000000000E+00 / Coordinate increment per pixel
       CTYPE2  = ’                ’   / Units of coordinate
       ORIGIN  = ’ESO-MIDAS’          / Written by MIDAS
       OBJECT  = ’artificial image’   / MIDAS desc.: IDENT(1)
               :                :                :
               :                :                :
               :                :                :
       HISTORY  ESO-DESCRIPTORS END     ................
       OUT - Output image > gr
       Completed processing of disc file /home/scratch/dro/gr.fits to gr.
       File has illegal-length blocks (512).  Blocks should be a multiple (1--10) of the
       FITS record length of 2880 bytes.
       Processing file number 2: /home/scratch/dro/indef.fits.
       File /home/scratch/dro/indef.fits(1)  Descriptors follow:
       SIMPLE  =                    T  /  FITS STANDARD
       BITPIX  =                   32  /  FITS BITS/PIXEL
       NAXIS   =                    2  /  NUMBER OF AXES
       NAXIS1  =                  256  /
       NAXIS2  =                   20  /
       BSCALE  =      3.7252940008E28  /  REAL = TAPE*BSCALE + BZERO
       BZERO   =      7.9999999471E37  /
       OBJECT  = ’JUNK[1/1]’  /
       ORIGIN  = ’KPNO-IRAF’  /
               :                :                :
               :                :                :
               :                :                :
       OUT - Output image > iraf
       Completed processing of disc file /home/scratch/dro/indef.fits to iraf.

NDFTRACE shows that the object name is written to the NDF’s title, that axes derived from the FITS headers are present, and that gr is a _REAL NDF.

       % ndftrace gr
          NDF structure /home/scratch/dro/iraf:
             Title:  artificial image
             Units:  none given
             No. of dimensions:  2
             Dimension size(s):  512 x 256
             Pixel bounds     :  1:512, 1:256
             Total pixels     :  131072
             Axis 1:
                Label : Axis 1
                Units : pixel
                Extent: -0.5 to 511.5
             Axis 2:
                Label : Axis 2
                Units : pixel
                Extent: -0.5 to 255.5
          Data Component:
             Type        :  _REAL
             Storage form:  PRIMITIVE
             Bad pixels may be present
                FITS             <_CHAR*80>

Both FITSIN and FITSDIN write the FITS headers into an NDF extension called FITS within your NDF. The extension is a literal copy of all the 80-character ‘card images’ in order. These can be inspected or written to a file via the command FITSLIST. There is more on this NDF extension and its purpose in the FITS Airlock.

18.4 The FITS Airlock

18.4.1 NDF Extensions

An important feature of the NDF  is that it is designed to be extensible. The NDF has components whose meanings are well defined and universal, and so they can be accessed by general-purpose software, such as Kappa and Convert provide; but the NDF also allows independent extensions to be defined and added, which can store auxiliary information to suit the needs of a specialised software package. (Note that the term extension here refers to a structure within the NDF for storing additional data, and is neither the file extension .sdf nor extensions like BINTABLE within the FITS file.) An extension is only processed by software that understands the meanings obeys the processing rules of the various components of the extension. Other programmes propagate the extension information unaltered.

The existence of extensions makes it straightforward to write general utilities for converting an arbitrary format into an NDF. The idea being that every specialist package should not have to have its own conversion tools such as a FITS reader. However, this still leaves the additional data that requires specialist knowledge to move it into the appropriate extension components. The aim is to make the conversions themselves extensible, with add-on operations to move the specialist information to and from the extensions. This is where the FITS ‘airlock’ comes in.

The FITS data format comprises a header followed by the data array or table. The header contains a series of 80-character lines each of which contains the keyword name, a value and an optional comment. There are also some special keywords for commentary. The meanings of most keywords are undefined, and so can be used to transport arbitrary ancillary information, subject to FITS syntax limitations. There is a special NDF extension called FITS, which mirrors this functionality, and may be added to an NDF. It therefore can act as an airlock between the general-purpose conversion tools and specialist packages.

18.4.2 Importing and Exporting from and to the FITS Extension

The FITS extension comprises a one-dimensional array of 80-character strings that follow FITS-header formatting rules. In the case of FITSIN and FITSDIN, each FITS extension is a verbatim copy of the FITS header of the input file. Other conversion tools like IRAF2NDF and UNF2NDF of Convert can also create a FITS extension in the same fashion. On export, standard conversion tools propagate the FITS extension to any FITS headers or equivalent in the foreign format. However, information which is derivable from the standard NDF components, such as the array dimensions, data units, and linear axes, replaces any equivalent headers from FITS extension.

You use your knowledge, or the writer of the specialist package provides import tools, to recognise certain FITS keywords and to attribute meaning to them, and then to move or process their values to make the specialist extensions. One such is the PREPARE task in IRAS90. Similarly, the reverse operation—exporting the extension information—can occur too, prior to converting the NDF into another data format.

Kappa offers two simple tools for the importing and exporting of extension information: FITSIMP and FITSEXP. They both use a text file, which acts as a translation table between the FITS keyword and extension components. Starting with FITSIMP, its translation table might look like this.

       PLATE_SCALE  _REAL SCALE         ! The plate scale in arcsec/mm

It consists of three fields: the first is the name of the component in the chosen extension, the second is the HDS data type of that component, and the third is the FITS keyword. Optional comments can appear following an exclamation mark. So if we placed these lines in file imptable, we could create an extension called MYEXT of data type MJC_EXT (if it did not already exist) containing components ORDER_NUMBER, PLATE_SCALE, and SMOOTHED.

       % fitsimp mydata imptable myext mjc_ext

Should any of the keywords not exist in the FITS extension, you’ll be warned. If the extension already exists, you don’t need to specify the extension data type. FITSIMP will even handle hierarchical keywords and those much-loved ING packets from La Palma.

Going in the opposite direction, the text translation file could look like this

       MYEXT.ORDER_NUMBER  ORDNUM(LAST) The spectral order number
       MYEXT.PLATE_SCALE   SCALE   The plate scale in arcsec/mm

where the first column is the ‘name’ of the extension component to be copied to the FITS extension. The ‘name’ includes the extension name and substructures. The second column gives the FITS keyword to which to write the value. A further keyword in parentheses instructs FITSEXP to place the new FITS header immediately before the header with that keyword. If the second keyword is absent from the translation-table record or the FITS extension, the new header appears immediately before the END header line in the FITS extension. Thus the value of ORDER_NUMBER in extension MYEXT, creates a new keyword in the FITS extension called ORDNUM, and it is located immediately prior the keyword LAST.

18.4.3 Listing the FITS Extension and keywords

If you don’t want to be bothered with NDF  extensions, you might just want to know the value of some FITS keyword, say the exposure time, as part of your data processing. FITSLIST lists the contents of the FITS extension of an NDF or file. You can even search for keywords with grep.

       % fitslist myndf | grep "ELAPSED ="

This would find the keyword ELAPSED in the FITS extension of NDF myndf. (Keywords are 8 characters long and those with values are immediately followed by an equals sign.) However, the recommended way is to use the FITSVAL command. Since this command only reports the value, it is particularly useful in scripts that need ancillary-data values during processing. The following obtains the value of keyword ELAPSED.

       % fitsval myndf ELAPSED

In a script you may need to know whether the keyword exists and take appropriate action.

       filterpre = ‘fitsexist myndf filter‘
       if ( $filterpre == "TRUE" ) then
          filter = ‘fitsval myndf filter‘
          prompt -n "Filter > "
          set filter = $<

Shell variable filterpres would be assigned "TRUE" when the FILTER card is present, and "FALSE" otherwise. (The ‘ ‘ quotes cause the enclosed command to be executed.) So the user of the script would be prompted for a filter name whenever the NDF did not contain that information.

18.4.4 Creating and Editing the FITS Extension

Besides the conversion utilities, you can import your own FITS extension using FITSTEXT. You first prepare a FITS-like header in a text file. For example,

       % fitstext myndf myfile

places the contents of myfile in the NDF called myndf. This is not advised unless you are familiar with the rules for writing FITS headers. See the NOST A User’s Guide to FITS (URL http://archive.stsci.edu/fits/users_guide/). Other useful FITS documents, test files, and software are available at the FITS Support Office Home Page (URL http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/).

FITSTEXT does perform some limited validation of the FITS headers, and informs you of any problems it detects. See the FITSHEAD Notes in application specifications for details.

A safer bet for a hand-crafted FITS extension is to edit an existing FITS extension to change a value, or use existing lines as templates for any new keywords you wish to add. FITSEDIT lets you do this with your favourite text editor. Define the environment variable EDITOR to your editor, say

       % setenv EDITOR jed

to choose jed. If you don’t do this, and EDITOR is unassigned, FITSEDIT selects the vi editor. Then to edit the NDF extension is simple.

       % fitsedit myndf

This edits the FITS extension of the NDF called myndf. FITSEDIT extracts the file into a temporary file (zzfitsedit.tmp) which you edit, and then uses FITSTEXT to restore the FITS extension. It therefore has the same parsing of the edited FITS headers as FITSTEXT provides.

18.4.5 Easy way to create and edit the FITS Extension

Should you wish to write a new value without knowing about FITS, or in a script where manual editing is undesirable, the FITSWRITE command does the job. So for example,

       % fitswrite myndf filter value=K

will create a keyword FILTER with value K in the FITS extension of the NDF called myndf. If the extension does not exist, this command will first create it.

The FITSMOD command has several editing options including the ability to delete a keyword:

       % fitsmod myndf airmass edit=delete

here it removes the AIRMASS header; or rename a keyword:

       % fitsmod myndf band rename newkey=filter

as in this example, where keyword BAND becomes keyword FILTER; or update an existing keyword:

       % fitsmod myndf filter edit=u value=\$V comment=’"Standard filter name"’

this example modifies the comment string associated with the FILTER keyword, leaving the value unchanged.

For routine operations requiring many operations on a dataset, FITSMOD lets you specify the editing instructions in a text file.