There are two Picard recipes which can be used with ACSIS data and are of general interest:
This recipe is used to create a moments maps from a cube. It smooths the cube in frequency and spatial
extents, then uses the ClumpFind algorithm to find clumps of emission. Everything in the cube not
found in a clump is masked out, then the masked cube is collapsed to form the moments map.
Recipe options:
) [integ]
This recipe co-add the given files into a single map while correctly handling the exposure time FITS header and
other NDF components. The maps are combined using inverse-variance weighting and the output variance is
derived from the input variances. You can choose either wcsmosaic or a combination of wcsalign and the
Ccdpack application makemos to mosaic the images.
Recipe options:
(default), mean
or sigmas
. See ccdpack manual for advice on choosing a method.
There are a number of options available when running Picard recipes. The example below illustrates most of them.
. It is called by the recpars
option. This
file has the same .ini
format used by the Orac-dr pipeline (see Section 6.2).
in this
option specifies whether the log file should be written to the
screen [s
], a file [f
] or an xwindow [x
extension on filenames is required by Picard.
is defined, any files created by Picard will be written in that
location. Check there if new files are expected but do not appear in your working directory.