Processing math: 100%

Appendix A

 A.3 Running PICARD recipes

There are two Picard recipes which can be used with ACSIS data and are of general interest:


This recipe is used to create a moments maps from a cube. It smooths the cube in frequency and spatial extents, then uses the ClumpFind algorithm to find clumps of emission. Everything in the cube not found in a clump is masked out, then the masked cube is collapsed to form the moments map.

Recipe options:


This recipe co-add the given files into a single map while correctly handling the exposure time FITS header and other NDF components. The maps are combined using inverse-variance weighting and the output variance is derived from the input variances. You can choose either wcsmosaic or a combination of wcsalign and the Ccdpack application makemos to mosaic the images.

Recipe options:

A.3 Running PICARD recipes

There are a number of options available when running Picard recipes. The example below illustrates most of them.

  % picard -recpars params.ini MOSAIC_JCMT_IMAGES -files myfilelist.lis -log sfx

The .sdf extension on filenames is required by Picard.

If the environment variable ORAC_DATA_OUT is defined, any files created by Picard will be written in that location. Check there if new files are expected but do not appear in your working directory.