Starlink Project
Starlink Cookbook 20.3
H. S. Thomas, Malcolm J. Currie, & H. A. L. Parsons
2021 June 22
Copyright © 2015-2021 Science and Technology Facilities Council,
& East Asian Observatory
The Heterodyne Data Reduction Cookbook
This cookbook provides a short introduction to Starlink facilities, especially Smurf—the Sub-Millimetre User Reduction Facility—and Kappa—the Kernel Application Package—for reducing, displaying, and analysing ACSIS data. In particular, this cookbook illustrates the various steps required to reduce the data; and gives an overview of the ORAC-DR pipeline which carries out many of these steps using a single command. Specialised pipeline recipes are discussed. The cookbook also introduces cube analysis with the Gaia display tool, and spectral analysis with Splat.
ACSIS | Auto-Correlation Spectrometer and Imaging System |
ARD | ASCII Region Definition |
CADC | Canadian Astronomy Data Centre |
CSO | Caltech Submillimetre Observatory |
FITS | Flexible Image Transport System |
FWHM | Full-Width at Half-Maximum |
GAIA | Graphical Astronomy and Image Analysis Tool |
HDS | Hierarchical Data System |
JCMT | James Clerk Maxwell Telescope |
LSB | Lower sideband |
MSB | Minimum Schedulable Block |
NDF | Extensible N-Dimensional Data Format |
HARP | Heterodyne Array Receiver Programme |
QA | Quality Assurance |
RxA | Receiver A |
SAMP | Simple Application Messaging Protocol |
SDF | Starlink Data File |
S/N | Signal-to-Noise ratio |
USB | Upper sideband |
WCS | World Co-ordinate System |
WVM | Water Vapour radioMeter |
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