B Classified list of LCOGT primitives

LCOGT primitives may be classified in terms of their camera class and observing mode as follows. Note that a lot of the LCOSBIG primitives are common to the other instrument classes unless it has been overridden by an instrument-specific version. The instrument-specific primitives are used in preference to the generic ones when reducing that class of instrument data i.e. the LCOSINISTRO version of _MAKE_BIAS_FROM_GROUP_ will be used instead of the LCOSBIG one when reducing LCOSINISTRO data.

SBIG Camera (LCOSBIG) imaging data:

Bias observations

File a copy of the masterbias SDF, PNG and calibration index files in the calibration library
Makes a masterbias from the current group of frames.
Sets up data-reduction tasks and data for REDUCE_BIAS recipes.
Steers processing for REDUCE_BIAS recipe.
Removes unwanted intermediate files for the REDUCE_BIAS recipe.

Dark observations

File a copy of the masterdark SDF, PNG and calibration index files in the calibration library
Makes a masterdark from the current group of frames.
Steers processing for REDUCE_DARK recipe.
Removes unwanted intermediate files for the REDUCE_DARK recipe.
Subtracts a bias frame.

Flat observations

File a copy of the masterflat SDF, PNG and calibration index files in the calibration library
To perform Quality Control on flat fields produced by this pipeline.
Makes a masterflat from the current group of frames.
Subtracts a bias frame.
Steers processing for SKY_FLAT recipes.
Subtracts a dark frame.
Subtracts a dark frame without thresholding of remaining hot pixels.

Science observations

Performs automated astrometric corrections.
Calculate various image quality statistics based on an input catalog(ue).
Extract objects and determine the average FWHM, ellipticity, and position angle across a field.
Calculate various image quality statistics based on an input catalogue.
Performs source extraction and photometry on all sources.
Evaluates the image data quality control flag and sets the relevant bitmask keywords in the data catalogue product.
Create derived products from the processed frames.
Steers processing for DERIVED_PRODUCTS recipe.
Divides an object frame by a flatfield frame.
Primitive description
Subtracts a bias frame.
Subtracts a dark frame.
Subtracts a dark frame without thresholding of remaining hot pixels.
Evaluate and set Quality Control flags.


Adds the current pipeline version to the file.
Checks whether the proposal id in the frame header is known to the science archive.
Finds the clipped mean, median and standard deviation of a frame.
Converts current observation to FITS.
Create a PNG, GIF, or JPG graphic from a given file.
Creates a raw frame in ORAC_DATA_OUT.
Remove the raw frame file.
Returns LCOGT optical filter characteristics.
Finds the LCOGT instrument gain in electrons per ADU for the current Frame.
Finds the LCOGT instrument readnoise in electrons for the current Frame.
Finds the LCOSBIG saturation level in ADU the current Frame.
Primitive description
Performs the LCOSBIG-specific imaging setup.
Obtains the catalogue magnitude of a LCOGT standard.
Produces a text file log of a night’s imaging observations.
Sets up data-reduction tasks and data for OFFLINE_REDUCTION recipes.
Sets up data-reduction tasks and data for QUICK_LOOK recipes.
Sets the origin of an observation.
Obtains the catalogue magnitude of a standard.
Switches on history recording.

Context Camera (LCOCC) imaging data:

Null primitive for Context Camera
Return central wavelength, extinction and zeropoint for a given filter for the ContextCamera.

Sinistro Camera (LCOSINISTRO) imaging data:

alculate various image quality statistics based on an input catalogue.
source extraction and photometry on all sources.
Create derived products from the processed frames.
To perform Quality Control on flat fields produced by this pipeline.
Returns LCOGT optical filter characteristics.
Finds the LCOGT Sinistro instrument gain in electrons per ADU for the current Frame.
Finds the LCOGT Sinistro instrument readnoise in electrons for the current Frame.
Finds the LCOSINISTRO saturation level in ADU the current Frame.
Makes a masterbias from the current group of frames.
Makes a masterdark from the current group of frames.
Makes a masterflat from the current group of frames.

Spectral Instruments Camera (LCOSPECTRAL) imaging data:

Creates a raw frame in ORAC_DATA_OUT, removing legacy header items if present.
Finds the LCOGT Spectral instrument gain in electrons per ADU for the current Frame.
Finds the LCOGT Spectral instrument readnoise in electrons for the current Frame.
Performs the LCOSPECTRAL-specific imaging setup.

FLI Autoguider Camera (LCOFLI) imaging data:

Adds the current pipeline version to the file.
Creates a raw frame in ORAC_DATA_OUT, removing legacy header items if present.
Makes a masterdark from the current group of frames.
FLOYDS Andor Camera (LCOFLOYDS) spectroscopy data:
Adds the current pipeline version to the file.
Determine the number of array reads per exposure.
Determine the waveband for flux calibration and blackbody calculations.
Null primitive for LCOFLOYDS.
Makes a masterbias from the current group of frames.
Copies raw data to a _mraw file.
Sets up data-reduction tasks and data for the REDUCE_BIAS recipe.
Steers processing for the REDUCE_BIAS recipe.
Removes unwanted intermediate files for the REDUCE_BIAS recipe.