13 Interaction Mode
We have seen the different co-ordinate systems Kappa uses. Now we address how the applications
obtain co-ordinate information itself. Applications often permit a variety of mechanisms for obtaining
those co-ordinates. Typical possibilities are as follows.
- — In this mode the application reads a file containing a positions list. This can
either be a FITS binary table, or a text file in STLformat, and can contain WCS information
allowing positions within the catalogue to be aligned with other data. Positions lists can
be created by several applications such as CURSOR, LISTMAKE, CENTROID, etc.
- — This mode utilises the cursor of the current graphics device. For this to work the
array must already be displayed as an image, or a contour plot, or line plot (provided
the application handles one-dimensional data), and the picture is stored in the graphics
- — This mode obtains co-ordinates from the parameter system, usually in response
to prompting.
- — In this mode the application reads a text file containing a list of co-ordinates in free
format, one object per record. There may be commentary lines in the file beginning with
or !
. The format and syntax of the files are ad hoc, and are described in the application
Applications that permit these options have a parameter, called MODE, by which you can control how
positional data are to be acquired. It would be tedious to have to specify a mode for each application,
therefore Kappa has a global parameter—the interaction mode—to which each application’s
interaction-mode parameter is defaulted. The global value remains in force until you change it by
assigning an application’s interaction mode on the command line. The following examples shows the
effect of the global parameter. For compactness GLOBALS will merely show the interaction
First we display an image on the xw
windows device.
ICL> gdset xw
ICL> display $KAPPA_DIR/ccdframec mode=pe \
Data will be scaled from 2366.001 to 2614.864.
ICL> globals
The current interaction mode is : <undefined>
Now we obtain the centroids of a couple of stellar/galaxian images via each of the interaction modes.
First in cursor mode. Note that CENTROID obtains the name of the input NDF from the graphics
database in this mode. If you need to preview which NDF is going to be selected use the PICIN
ICL> centroid mode=c
Current picture has name: DATA, comment: KAPPA_DISPLAY.
Using /star/bin/kappa/ccdframec as the input NDF.
To select a point press the left button on the mouse or trackerball.
To exit press the right button.
Use the cursor to select one point.
Input guess position was 86.23534, 295.0848
Output centroid position is 86.41057, 295.1141
Use the cursor to select one point.
Input guess position was 73.32529, 318.9757
Output centroid position is 72.76437, 318.9484
Use the cursor to select one point.
If we look at the global parameters again, indeed we see that it has become cursor mode.
Now we’ll see the effect of changing the mode parameter. Note that unless it is undefined or the
application does not support the current mode, you must change the mode on the command line. First
we shall prompt for the co-ordinates. A null ends the loop.
ICL> centroid mode=i
NDF - Array to be analysed /@/star/bin/kappa/ccdframec/ >
INIT - Guess at co-ordinates of star-like feature /108.8,403.5/ > 86,295
Input guess position was 86, 295
Output centroid position is 86.41057, 295.1141
INIT - Guess at co-ordinates of star-like feature /86,295/ > 73.3,319
Input guess position was 73.3, 319
Output centroid position is 72.76437, 318.9484
INIT - Guess at co-ordinates of star-like feature /73.3,319/ > !
Finally, we can create a text file called starlist.dat
and run CENTROID in file mode.
ICL> cat > starlist.dat
86 295
73 320
ICL> centroid mode=f
COIN - File of initial positions /@centroid.lis/ > starlist.dat
NDF - Array to be analysed /@$KAPPA_DIR/ccdframec/ >
Input guess position was 86, 295
Output centroid position is 86.41057, 295.1141
Input guess position was 73, 320
Output centroid position is 72.76437, 318.9484
Such co-ordinate files can also be created interactively with images by CURSOR.