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Draws a multi-line plot of the data values in a two-dimensional NDF


This application plots a set of curves giving array value against position in a two-dimensional NDF . All the curves are drawn within a single set of annotated axes. Each curve is displaced vertically by a specified offset to minimise overlap between the curves. These offsets may be chosen automatically or specified by the user (see Parameter SPACE). The curves may be drawn in several different ways such as a "join-the-dots"  plot, a "staircase"  plot, a "chain"  plot (see Parameter MODE).

The data represented by each curve can be either a row or column (chosen using Parameter ABSAXS) of any array component within the supplied NDF (see Parameter COMP). Vertical error bars may be drawn if the NDF contains a VARIANCE component (see Parameter ERRBAR). The vertical axis of the plot represents array value (or the logarithm of the array value–-see Parameter YLOG). The horizontal axis represents position, and may be annotated using an axis selected from the Current Frame of the NDF (see Parameter USEAXIS).

Each curve may be labelled using its pixel index or a label specified by the user (see Parameters LINLAB and LABELS). The appearance of these labels (size, colour, fount, horizontal position, etc.) can be controlled using Parameter STYLE. A key may be produced to the left of the main plot listing the vertical offsets of the curves (see Parameter KEY). The appearance of the key may be controlled using Parameter KEYSTYLE. Its position may be controlled using Parameter KEYOFF. Markers indicating the zero point for each curve may also be drawn within the main plot (see Parameter ZMARK).

The bounds of the plot on both axes can be specified using Parameters XLEFT, XRIGHT, YBOT, and YTOP. If not specified they take default values which encompass the entire supplied data set. The current picture is usually cleared before plotting the new picture, but Parameter CLEAR can be used to prevent this, allowing several plots to be ‘stacked’ together. If a new plot is drawn over an existing plot, then the bounds of the new plot are set automatically to the bounds of the existing plot (XLEFT, XRIGHT, YBOT, and YTOP are then ignored).


mlinplot ndf [comp] lnindx [mode] [xleft] [xright] [ybot] [ytop] [device]


This selects whether to plot rows or columns within the NDF. If ABSAXS is 1, each curve will represent the array values within a single row of pixels within the NDF. If it is 2, each curve will represent the array values within a single column of pixels within the NDF. [1]
TRUE if labelled and annotated axes are to be drawn around the plot. If a null (!) value is supplied, FALSE is used if the plot is being aligned with an existing plot (see Parameter CLEAR), and TRUE is used otherwise. Parameters USEAXIS and YLOG determine the quantities used to annotated the horizontal and vertical axes respectively. The width of the margins left for the annotation may be controlled using Parameter MARGIN. The appearance of the axes (colours, founts, etc.) can be controlled using the Parameter STYLE. [!]
If TRUE the current picture is cleared before the plot is drawn. If CLEAR is FALSE not only is the existing plot retained, but also the previous plot is used to specify the axis limits. [TRUE]
The NDF component to be plotted. It may be "Data", "Quality", "Variance", or "Error" (where "Error" is an alternative to "Variance" and causes the square root of the variance values to be displayed). If "Quality" is specified, then the quality values are treated as numerical values (in the range 0 to 255). ["Data"]
The plotting device. [current graphics device]
TRUE if vertical error bars are to be drawn. This is only possible if the NDF contains a VARIANCE component, and Parameter COMP is set to "Data". The length of the error bars (in terms of standard deviations) is set by Parameter SIGMA. The appearance of the error bars (width, colour, etc.) can be controlled using Parameter STYLE. See also Parameter FREQ. [FALSE]
The frequency at which error bars are to be plotted. For instance, a value of 2 would mean that alternate points have error bars plotted. This lets some plots be less cluttered. FREQ must lie in the range 1 to half of the number of points to be plotted. FREQ is only accessed when Parameter ERRBAR is TRUE. [1]
TRUE if a key giving the offset of each curve is to be produced. The appearance of this key can be controlled using Parameter KEYSTYLE, and its position can be controlled using Parameter KEYPOS. [TRUE]
KEYPOS() = _REAL (Read)
Two values giving the position of the key. The first value gives the gap between the right-hand edge of the multiple-line plot and the left-hand edge of the key (0.0 for no gap, 1.0 for the largest gap). The second value gives the vertical position of the top of the key (1.0 for the highest position, 0.0 for the lowest). If the second value is not given, the top of the key is placed level with the top of the multiple-line plot. Both values should be in the range 0.0 to 1.0. If a key is produced, then the right hand margin specified by Parameter MARGIN is ignored. [current value]
A group of attribute settings describing the plotting style to use for the key (see Parameter KEY).

A comma-separated list of strings should be given in which each string is either an attribute setting, or the name of a text file preceded by an up-arrow character "^". Such text files should contain further comma-separated lists which will be read and interpreted in the same manner. Attribute settings are applied in the order in which they occur within the list, with later settings overriding any earlier settings given for the same attribute.

Each individual attribute setting should be of the form:


where <name> is the name of a plotting attribute, and <value> is the value to assign to the attribute. Default values will be used for any unspecified attributes. All attributes will be defaulted if a null value (!)–-the initial default–-is supplied. To apply changes of style to only the current invocation, begin these attributes with a plus sign. A mixture of persistent and temporary style changes is achieved by listing all the persistent attributes followed by a plus sign then the list of temporary attributes.

See Section E for a description of the available attributes. Any unrecognised attributes are ignored (no error is reported).

The heading in the key can be changed by setting a value for the Title attribute (the supplied heading is split into lines of no more than 17 characters). The appearance of the heading is controlled by attributes Colour(Title), Font(Title), etc. The appearance of the curve labels is controlled by attributes Colour(TextLab), Font(TextLab), etc. (the synonym Labels can be used in place of TextLab). The appearance of the offset values is controlled by attributes Colour(NumLab), Font(NumLab), etc. (the synonym Offset can be used in place of NumLab). Offset values are formatted using attributes Format(2), etc. (the synonym Offset can be used in place of the value 2). [current value]

A group of strings with which to label the plotted curves. A comma-separated list of strings should be given, or the name of a text file preceded by an up-arrow character "^". Such text files should contain further comma-separated lists which will be read and interpreted in the same manner. The first string obtained is used as the label for the first curve requested using Parameter LNINDX, the second string is used as the label for the second curve, etc. If the number of supplied strings is less than the number of curves requested using LNINDX, then extra default labels are used. These are equal to the NDF pixel index of the row or column, preceded by a hash character ("#"). If a null (!) value is supplied for LABELS, then default labels are used for all curves. [!]
If TRUE, the curves in the plot will be labelled using the labels specified by Parameter LABELS. A single label is placed in-line with the curve. The horizontal position and appearance of these labels can be controlled using Parameter STYLE. [TRUE]
Specifies the NDF pixel indices of the rows or columns to be displayed (see Parameter ABSAXS). A maximum of 100 lines may be selected. It can take any of the following values.
  • "ALL" or "" –- All lines (rows or columns).

  • "xx,yy,zz" –- A list of line indices.

  • "xx:yy" –- Line indices between xx and yy inclusively. When xx is omitted the range begins from the lower bound of the line dimension; when yy is omitted the range ends with the maximum value it can take, that is the upper bound of the line dimension or the maximum number of lines this routine can plot.

  • Any reasonable combination of above values separated by commas.

MARGIN( 4 ) = _REAL (Read)
The widths of the margins to leave around the multiple-line plot for axis annotation. The widths should be given as fractions of the corresponding dimension of the current picture. Four values may be given, in the order; bottom, right, top, left. If fewer than four values are given, extra values are used equal to the first supplied value. If these margins are too narrow any axis annotation may be clipped. See also Parameter KEYPOS. [current value]
This parameter is only accessed if Parameter MODE is set to "Chain" or "Mark". It specifies the symbol with which each position should be marked, and should be given as an integer PGPLOT marker type. For instance, 0 gives a box, 1 gives a dot, 2 gives a cross, 3 gives an asterisk, 7 gives a triangle. The value must be larger than or equal to 31. [current value]
Specifies the way in which each curve is drawn. MODE can take the following values.
  • "Histogram" –- An histogram of the points is plotted in the style of a ‘staircase’ (with vertical lines only joining the y values and not extending to the base of the plot). The vertical lines are placed midway between adjacent x positions.

  • "Line" –- The points are joined by straight lines.

  • "Point" –- A dot is plotted at each point.

  • "Mark" –- Each point is marker with a symbol specified by Parameter MARKER.

  • "Chain" –- A combination of "Line" and "Mark".

[current value]

NDF = NDF (Read)
NDF structure containing the array to be plotted.
This parameter is used to obtain the vertical offsets for the data curve when Parameter SPACE is given the value "Free". The number of values supplied should equal the number of curves being drawn.
A group of strings, separated by semicolons, each of which specifies the appearance of a pen to be used to draw a curve. The first string in the group describes the pen to use for the first curve, the second string describes the pen for the second curve, etc. If there are fewer strings than curves, then the supplied pens are cycled through again, starting at the beginning. Each string should be a comma-separated list of plotting attributes to be used when drawing the curve. For instance, the string "width=0.02,colour=red,style=2" produces a thick, red, dashed curve. Attributes which are unspecified in a string default to the values implied by Parameter STYLE. I f a null value (!) is given for PENS, then the pen attributes implied by Parameter STYLE are used. [!]
If vertical error bars are produced (see Parameter ERRBAR), then SIGMA gives the number of standard deviations that the error bars are to represent. [current value]
The value of this parameter specifies how the vertical offset for each data curve is determined. It should be given one of the following values:
  • "Average" –- The offsets are chosen automatically so that the average data values of the curves are evenly spaced between the upper and lower limits of the plotting area. Any line- to-line striping is thus hidden and the amount of overlap of adjacent traces is minimised.

  • "Constant" –- The offsets are chosen automatically so that the zero points of the curves are evenly spaced between the upper and lower limits of the plotting area. The width of any line- to-line strip is constant, which could result in the curves becoming confused if the bias of a curve from its zero point is so large that it overlaps another curve.

  • "Free" –- The offsets to use are obtained explicitly using Parameter OFFSET.

  • "None" –- No vertical offsets are used. All curves are displayed with the same zero point.

The input can be abbreviated to an unambiguous length and is case insensitive. ["Average"]

A group of attribute settings describing the plotting style to use when drawing the annotated axes, data curves, error bars, zero markers, and curve labels.

A comma-separated list of strings should be given in which each string is either an attribute setting, or the name of a text file preceded by an up-arrow character "^". Such text files should contain further comma-separated lists which will be read and interpreted in the same manner. Attribute settings are applied in the order in which they occur within the list, with later settings overriding any earlier settings given for the same attribute.

Each individual attribute setting should be of the form:


where <name> is the name of a plotting attribute, and <value> is the value to assign to the attribute. Default values will be used for any unspecified attributes. All attributes will be defaulted if a null value (!)–-the initial default–-is supplied. To apply changes of style to only the current invocation, begin these attributes with a plus sign. A mixture of persistent and temporary style changes is achieved by listing all the persistent attributes followed by a plus sign then the list of temporary attributes.

See Section E for a description of the available attributes. Any unrecognised attributes are ignored (no error is reported).

The appearance of the data curves is controlled by the attributes Colour(Curves), Width(Curves), etc. (the synonym Lines may be used in place of Curves). The appearance of markers used if Parameter MODE is set to "Point", "Mark" or "Chain" is controlled by Colour(Markers), Width(Markers), etc. (the synonym Symbols may be used in place of Markers). The appearance of the error bars is controlled using Colour(ErrBars), Width(ErrBars), etc. (see Parameter ERRBAR). The appearance of the zero-point markers is controlled using Colour(ZeroMark), Size(ZeroMark), etc. The appearance of the curve labels is controlled using Colour(Labels), Size(Labels), etc. LabPos(Left) controls the horizontal position of the in-line curve label (see Parameter LINLAB), and LabPos(Right) controls the horizontal position of the curve label associated with the right-hand zero-point marker (see Parameter ZMARK). LabPos without any qualifier is equivalent to LabPos(Left). LabPos values are floating point, with 0.0 meaning the left edge of the plotting area, and 1.0 the right edge. Values outside the range 0 to 1 may be used. [current value]

The quantity to be used to annotate the horizontal axis of the plot specified by using one of the following options.
  • An integer index of an axis within the current co-ordinate Frame  of the input NDF (in the range 1 to the number of axes in the current Frame).

  • An axis Symbol  string such as "RA" or "VRAD".

  • A generic option where "SPEC" requests the spectral axis, "TIME" selects the time axis, "SKYLON" and "SKYLAT" picks the sky longitude and latitude axes respectively. Only those axis domains present are available as options.

The quantity used to annotate the horizontal axis must have a defined value at all points in the array, and must increase or decrease monotonically along the array. For instance, if RA is used to annotate the horizontal axis, then an error will be reported if the profile passes through RA=0 because it will introduce a non-monotonic jump in axis value (from 0h to 24h, or 24h to 0h). If a null (!) value is supplied, the value of Parameter ABSAXS is used. [!]

The axis value to place at the left-hand end of the horizontal axis. If a null (!) value is supplied, the value used is the first element in the data being displayed. The value supplied may be greater than or less than the value supplied for XRIGHT. A formatted value for the quantity specified by Parameter USEAXIS should be supplied. [!]
The axis value to place at the right-hand end of the horizontal axis. If a null (!) value is supplied, the value used is the last element in the data being displayed. The value supplied may be greater than or less than the value supplied for XLEFT. A formatted value for the quantity specified by Parameter USEAXIS should be supplied. [!]
The data value to place at the bottom end of the vertical axis. If a null (!) value is supplied, the value used is the lowest data value to be displayed, after addition of the vertical offsets. The value supplied may be greater than or less than the value supplied for YTOP. [!]
TRUE if the value displayed on the vertical axis is to be the logarithm of the supplied data values. If TRUE, then the values supplied for Parameters YTOP and YBOT should be values for the logarithm of the data value, not the data value itself. [FALSE]
The data value to place at the top end of the vertical axis. If a null (!) value is supplied, the value used is the highest data value to be displayed, after addition of the vertical offsets. The value supplied may be greater than or less than the value supplied for YBOT. [!]
If TRUE, then a pair of short horizontal lines are drawn at the left and right edges of the main plot for each curve. The vertical position of these lines corresponds to the zero point for the corresponding curve. The right-hand marker is annotated with the curve label (see Parameter LABELS). The appearance of these markers can be controlled using the Parameter STYLE. [TRUE]


mlinplot rcw3_b1 reset
Plot the first five rows of the two-dimensional NDF file, rcw3_b1 on the current graphics device. The lines are offset such that the averages of the rows are evenly separated in the direction of the vertical axis.
mlinplot rcw3_b1 lnindx="1,3,5,7:10"
Plot the rows 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the two-dimensional NDF file, rcw3_b1, on the current graphics device.
mlinplot rcw3_b1 lnindx=
Plot all rows of the two-dimensional NDF file, rcw3_b1, on the current graphics device.
mlinplot rcw3_b1 lnindx=* style="colour(curve)=red+width(curve)=4"  
As the previous example, but the rows are drawn in red at four times normal thickness. The change of line coluor persists to the next invocation, but not the temporary widening of the lines.
mlinplot rcw3_b1 lnindx=* style="+width(curve)=4"  
As the previous example, but now the rows are drawn in the current line colour.
mlinplot rcw3_b1 absaxs=2 lnindx="20:25,30,31"
Plot columns 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30 and 31 of the two-dimensional NDF file, rcw3_b1, on the current graphics device.
mlinplot rcw3_b1 style="Title=CRDD rcw3_b1"
Plot the currently selected rows of the two-dimensional NDF file, rcw3_b1, on the current graphics device. The plot has a title of "CRDD rcw3_b1".
mlinplot rcw3_b1(100:500,) ybot=0.0 ytop=1.0E-3
Plot the currently selected rows of the two-dimensional NDF, rcw3_b1, between column 100 and column 500. The vertical display range is from 0.0 to 1.0E-3.
mlinplot rcw3_b1 space=constant device=ps_p
Plot the currently selected rows of the two-dimensional NDF file, rcw3_b1, on the ps_p device. The base lines are evenly distributed over the range of the vertical axis.
mlinplot rcw3_b1 space=free offset=[0.,2.0E-4,4.0E-4,6.0E-4,0.1]
Plot the currently selected rows of the two-dimensional NDF file, rcw3_b1. The base lines are set at 0.0 for the first row, 2.0E-4 for the second, 4.0E-4 for the third, 6.0E-4 for the fourth, and 0.1 for the fifth.


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