application copies the
WCS component from one
NDF to another, optionally modifying it
to take account of a linear mapping between the
pixel co-ordinates in the two NDFs. It
can be used, for instance, to rectify the loss of WCS information produced by older
applications which do not propagate the WCS component.
, the user is
asked for confirmation before replacing any existing WCS component within the
input NDF. No confirmation is required if there is no WCS component in the
input NDF. [TRUE]
LIKE = NDF (Read)
The reference NDF data structure from
which WCS information is to be copied.
NDF = NDF (Read and Write)
input NDF data structure in which the WCS information is to be stored. Any
existing WCS component is over-written (see Parameter CONFIRM).
This parameter is used to get a confirmation that an existing WCS
component within the input NDF can be over-written.
TR( ) = _DOUBLE (Read)
values of this parameter are the coefficients of a linear transformation from
pixel co-ordinates in the reference NDF given for Parameter LIKE, to pixel
co-ordinates in the input NDF given for Parameter NDF. For instance, if a feature has
pixel co-ordinates (
Z,…) in the reference NDF, and pixel co-ordinates
in the input NDF, then the following transformations would be used, depending on how
many axes each NDF has:
- one-dimensional:
- two-dimensional:
- three-dimensional:
If a null value (!
) is given it is assumed that the pixel co-ordinates of a given
feature are identical in the two NDFs. [!]
wcscopy m51_sim m51
copies the WCS component from the NDF called m51 to the NDF called m51_sim, which may
hold the results of a numerical simulation for instance. It is assumed that the two
NDFs are aligned (i.e. the pixel co-ordinates of any feature are the same in both
NDFs). wcscopy m51_sqorst m51 [125,0.5,0.0,125,0.0,0.5]
This example assumes that
an application similar to SQORST has previously been used to change the size of a
two-dimensional NDF called m51, producing a new NDF called m51_sqorst. It is assumed
that this SQORST-like application does not propagate WCS and also resets the
pixel origin to [1, 1]. In fact, this is what SQORST actually did, prior to
Kappa version 1.0. This example shows how WCSCOPY can be used to rectify this
by copying the WCS component from the original NDF m51 to the squashed NDF
m51_sqorst, modifying it in the process to take account of both the squashing and
the resetting of the pixel origin produced by SQORST. To do this, you need
to work out the transformation in pixel co-ordinates produced by SQORST, and
specify this when running WCSCOPY using the TR parameter. Let’s assume the
first axis of NDF m51 has pixel-index bounds of I1:I2 (these values can be
found using NDFTRACE). If the first axis in the squashed NDF m51_sqorst spansM
pixels (where M is the value assigned to SQORST Parameter XDIM), then it will
have pixel-index bounds of 1:M. Note, the lower bound is 1 since the pixel
origin has been reset by SQORST. The squashing factor for the first axis is
and the shift in the pixel origin is:
Likewise, if the bounds of the second axis in m51 are J1:J2, and SQORST Parameter YDIM
is set to N, then the squashing factor for the second axis is:
and the shift in the pixel origin is:
You would then use the following values for Parameter TR when running WCSCOPY:
Note, the zero terms indicate that the axes are independent (i.e. there is no rotation
of the image). The numerical values in the example are for an image with pixel-index
bounds of 52:251 on both axes which was squashed by SQORST to produce an image with 100
pixels on each axis.