Processing math: 100%


Computes ordered statistics for an NDF’s pixels using an histogram


This application computes and displays simple ordered statistics for the pixels in an NDF’s  data, quality, error, or variance array. The statistics available are:


histat ndf [comp] [percentiles] [logfile]


The name of the NDF array component for which statistics are required. The options are limited to the arrays within the supplied NDF. In general the value may "Data", "Error", "Quality" or "Variance" (note that "Error" is the alternative to "Variance" and causes the square root of the variance values to be taken before computing the statistics). If "Quality" is specified, then the quality values are treated as numerical values (in the range 0 to 255). ["Data"]
A text file into which the results should be logged. If a null value is supplied (the default), then no logging of results will take place. [!]
The method used to evaluate the mode. The choices are as follows.
  • "Histogram" –- This finds the peak of an optimally binned histogram, the mode being the central value of that bin. The number of bins may be altered given through Parameter NUMBIN, however it is recommended to use the optimal binsize derived from the prescription of Freedman & Diatonis.

  • "Moments" –- As "Histogram" but the mode is the weighted centroid from the moments of the peak bin and its neighbours. The neighbours are those bins either side of the peak in a continuous sequence whose membership exceeds the peak value less three times the Poisson error of the peak bin. Thus it gives an interpolated mode and does reduce the effect of noise.

  • "Pearson" –- This uses the 3 * median - 2 * mean formula devised by Pearson. See the first two References. This assumes that the median is bracketed by the mode and mean and only a mildly skew unimodal distribution. This often applies to an image of the sky.

NDF = NDF (Read)
The NDF data structure to be analysed.
The number of histogram bins to be used for the coarse histogram to evaluate the mode. It is only accessed when METHOD="Histogram" or "Moments". This must lie in the range 10 to 10000. The suggested default is calculated dynamically depending on the data spread and number of values (using the prescription of Freedman & Diaconis). For integer data it is advisble to use the dynamic default or an integer multiple thereof to avoid creating non-integer wide bins. []
PERCENTILES( 100 ) = _REAL (Read)
A list of percentiles to be found. None are computed if this parameter is null (!). The percentiles must be in the range 0.0 to 100.0 [!]

Results Parameters

A one-dimensional array of values giving the WCS co-ordinates of the centre of the (first) maximum-valued pixel found in the NDF array. The number of co-ordinates is equal to the number of NDF dimensions.
The maximum pixel value found in the NDF array.
MAXPOS( ) = _INTEGER (Write)
A one-dimensional array of pixel indices  identifying the (first) maximum-valued pixel found in the NDF array. The number of indices is equal to the number of NDF dimensions.
The formatted WCS co-ordinates at the maximum pixel value. The individual axis values are comma separated.
MEAN = _DOUBLE (Write)
The mean value of all the valid pixels in the NDF array.
The median value of all the valid pixels in the NDF array.
A one-dimensional array of values giving the user co-ordinates of the centre of the (first) minimum-valued pixel found in the NDF array. The number of co-ordinates is equal to the number of NDF dimensions.
The minimum pixel value found in the NDF array.
MINPOS( ) = _INTEGER (Write)
A one-dimensional array of pixel indices identifying the (first) minimum-valued pixel found in the NDF array. The number of indices is equal to the number of NDF dimensions.
The formatted WCS co-ordinates at the minimum pixel value. The individual axis values are comma separated.
MODE = _DOUBLE (Write)
The modal value of all the valid pixels in the NDF array. The method used to obtain the mode is governed by Parameter METHOD.
The number of pixels which were either not valid or were rejected from the statistics during iterative κ-sigma clipping.
The number of NDF pixels which actually contributed to the computed statistics.
The total number of pixels in the NDF (both good and bad).
PERVAL() = _DOUBLE (Write)
The values of the percentiles of the good pixels in the NDF array. This parameter is only written when one or more percentiles have been requested.
The sum of the pixel values in the NDF array.


histat image
Computes and displays simple ordered statistics for the data array in the NDF called image.
histat image method=his
As above but the mode is the centre of peak bin in the optimally distributed histogram rather than sub-bin interpolated using neighbouring bins.
histat ndf=spectrum variance
Computes and displays simple ordered statistics for the variance array in the NDF called spectrum.
histat spectrum error
Computes and displays ordered statistics for the variance array in the NDF called spectrum, but takes the square root of the variance values before doing so.
histat halley logfile=stats.dat method=pearson
Computes ordered statistics for the data array in the NDF called halley, and writes the results to a logfile called stats.dat. The mode is derived using the Pearson formula.
histat ngc1333 percentiles=[0.25,0.75]
Computes ordered statistics for the data array in the NDF called ngc1333, including the quartile values.



Moroney, M.J., 1957, Facts from Figures (Pelican)

Goad, L.E. 1980, Statistical Filtering of Cosmic-Ray Events from Astronomical CCD Images in Applications of Digital Image Processing to Astronomy, SPIE 264, 136.

Freedman, D. & Diaconis, P. 1981, On the histogram as a density estimator: L2 theory, Zeitschrift f"ur Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und verwandte Gebiete 57, 453.

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