Chapter 6
POL-2 – Advanced Data Reduction

 6.1 Adding new observations
 6.2 Experimenting with pixel sizes
 6.3 Investigating systematic error in IP
 6.4 Adding WCS information back into a vector catalogue
 6.5 Re-modelling the error estimates in a POL-2 vector catalogue
 6.6 Changing the de-biasing in a POL-2 vector catalogue
 6.7 Smoothing 450-µm POL-2 maps to 850-µm-map resolution
 6.8 Controlling the masks used by pol2map
 6.9 Checking for convergence in pol2map log files
 6.10 Combining multiple POL-2 fields

The pol2map tool for reducing POL-2 data was originally released for general science community use several years ago. The fact that its development remains ongoing directly reflects the continuing advances made at the cutting edge of POL-2 data reduction and analysis.

This advanced section of the POL-2 data reduction documentation aims to provide you with additional tools and options with which to refine your individual POL-2 data-reduction processes.

For further ideas, see Section 3.7.

6.1 Adding new observations

If you receive additional data after an initial POL-2 reduction of a partial dataset, then it is almost always easier (and the process more robust) for you to simply re-run the reduction process ”from scratch” for the whole, augmented dataset. Despite the associated additional processor time cost, therefore, you are generally recommended to adopt this approach, rather than to attempt to combine new observations with pre-existing pol2map reduction products.

For completeness, however, this section describes the six-step process of combining data for one or more new POL-2 observations into existing I, Q, and U maps and vector catalogue created by an earlier run of pol2map.

Create a text file listing all the existing auto-masked I maps for individual observations stored in the directory specified by Parameter MAPDIR, and then add in the raw data files for the new observations. The auto-masked I maps have names that end in _imap.sdf.
  % ls maps/*imap.sdf > infiles.list
  % ls rawdata/*.sdf  >> infiles.list
Create a new auto-masked, co-added I map including the new observation. The calcqu and makemap commands will be run on the new data and the resulting maps combined with the existing maps derived from the older observations to create the new map:
  % pol2map in=^infiles iout=iauto_new qout=! uout=! mapdir=maps \
A decision needs to be taken as to whether to re-create all the externally masked maps using external masks defined by the new auto-masked map. This will be the case if the auto-masked map has been changed significantly by the addition of the new observation. To do this, it is necessary to compare the old and new masks. The old masks should have been created earlier using the MASKOUT1 and MASKOUT2 parameters (see Step 3 in Section 3). To create the new masks that would be generated from the new auto-masked map, use this command.
  % pol2map  in=^infiles iout=! qout=! uout=! mapdir=maps mask=iauto_new \
       maskout1=astmask_new  maskout2=pcamask_new
Decide if the addition of the new data has changed the masks significantly. This involves comparing astmask.sdf and astmask_new.sdf (and also pcamask.sdf and pcamask_new.sdf).
If the mask has changed significantly and all observations need to be reprocessed using the new mask, or if skyloop is being used, remove the existing externally masked maps so that they will be re-created by the next invocation of pol2map. Note that this will increase the length of time taken by Step 6 enormously.

Ensure that the new auto-masked co-add is used in place of the old one, in order to define any new masks needed in future:

  % rm mapdir/*Qmap.sdf mapdir/*Umap.sdf mapdir/*Imap.sdf
  % mv iauto.sdf iauto_old.sdf
  % mv iauto_new.sdf iauto.sdf
Re-create the necessary externally masked maps and co-adds, and then create the new vector catalogue:
  % pol2map in=qudata/\* iout=iext_new qout=! uout=! mapdir=maps \
  % pol2map in=qudata/\* iout=! qout=qext_new uout=uext_new mapdir=maps \
       mask=iauto ipref=iext_new cat=mycat_new debias=yes

6.2 Experimenting with pixel sizes

Currently,the default map pixel size is 4′′ at both 850 and 450 µm. The pixel size is controlled by the PIXSIZE parameter in the Smurf pol2map command.

  % pol2map pixsize=12

The following four-step example shows how to investigate the impact of changing pixel size. In this example, 12′′ pixels and 7′′ pixels are compared.

Begin with an auto-masked total-intensity map from the raw data. For instance:
  % pol2map in=^myfiles.list iout=iauto12 pixsize=12 qout=! uout=! \
       mapdir=maps12 qudir=qudata
Create AST and PCA masks with 12′′ pixels from the iauto12.sdf file.
  % pol2map in=qudata/\* iout=! qout=! uout=! mapdir=maps12 mask=iauto12 \
       maskout1=astmask12 maskout2=pcamask12
Create masks with 7′′ pixels by resampling the 12′′ masks created at Step 2. This is done using the Kappa sqorst command:
  % sqorst  mode=pixelscale pixscale=\’7,7,7E-05\’ in=astmask12 out=astmask7
  % sqorst  mode=pixelscale pixscale=\’7,7,7E-05\’ in=pcamask12 out=pcamask7
Create the 7′′ externally masked I, Q, and U maps using the above 7′′ masks (note the mask parameter value is enclosed in single and double quotes).
  % pol2map in=qudata/\* iout=iext7 qout=qext7 uout=uext7 masktype=mask \
                    mask="’astmask7,pcamask7’" mapdir=maps7 ipref=iext7  \
                    cat=cat7 debias=yes

Using larger pixels usually produces slower convergence, and so the above process will take longer than usual—be patient!

Using larger pixels can sometimes encourage smooth blobs and other artificial features to appear in the map. The iauto12.sdf file should be examined to check that it does not have such artificial features.

Check the masks (astmask12.sdf and pcamask12.sdf) to make sure they look reasonable.

It is usually advisable to leave PIXSIZE at its default value and instead use the BINSIZE parameter to control the bin size in the vector catalogue—see Section 4.6).

6.3 Investigating systematic error in IP

The error on the IP is reported to be of the order of 0.5%. It is possible to investigate the effects of the systematic error in IP by creating maps using the upper and lower limits on the IP value. The makemap configuration parameter called ipoffset can be used to conduct such an investigation. To use it, run pol2map twice, as follows.

  % pol2map config="ipoffset=-0.25"
  % pol2map config="ipoffset=0.25"

This will produce maps using the upper and lower IP limits (a range of 0.5%). If pol2map has already been run on POL-2 data, then a file will already exist that was created using the mean IP (the mean IP is used if ipoffset is omitted from the configuration value, or the configuration parameter itself is omitted).

6.4 Adding WCS information back into a vector catalogue

Vector catalogues produced by pol2map contain information about World Coordinate Systems (WCS) in two different forms:

The catalogue contains RA and Dec columns that hold the sky position (FK5, J2000) of each vector, in radians.
The catalogue header contains a Starlink “WCS FrameSet” which defines (amongst other things) the projection from pixel coordinates within the I, Q, and U mosaics, to RA and Dec. This FrameSet is used by Starlink software, together with the pixels coordinates stored in the X and Y columns, to determine the RA and Dec of each vector. The WCS FrameSet also defines the polarimetric reference direction used by the Q, U, and ANG values. See “Using World Co-ordinate Systems” within SUN/95 (the Kappa manual) for more information on the ways in which Starlink software handles WCS information.

Starlink software such as Polpack, Kappa, and Gaia rely on the WCS FrameSet for all WCS-related operations (drawing annotated axes, aligning data sets, etc). Thus, problems are likely to arise if the WCS FrameSet is removed from the vector catalogue. This could happen if, for instance, inappropriate software is used to process an existing catalogue, creating a new output catalogue. Under such circumstances, the WCS FrameSet might not be copied to the output catalogue, causing subsequent WCS-related operations to fail. It is safe to use Polpack, Kappa, Gaia, and Cursa, as all these packages copy the WCS FrameSet to any new output catalogues. Unfortunately, the popular Topcat catalogue browser (see and the STILTS package ( upon which it is based, do not copy the WCS FrameSet to any output catalogues.

For this reason, Polpack contains a command that can be used to copy the WCS FrameSet from one catalogue to another. For example: a user creates the catalogue mycat.FIT using pol2map, uses Topcat to remove low signal-to-noise vectors, and then saves the results to a new catalogue called selcat.FIT. The WCS FrameSet would then be missing from selcat.FIT, and so it would be necessary to copy it back into place again from the original catalogue file, mycat.FIT. To do this, run the “polwcscopy” command.

  % polwcscopy in=selcat ref=mycat out=selcat2

This would create a third catalogue selcat2.FIT, which would be a copy of selcat.FIT, but with the WCS information inherited from mycat.FIT.

6.5 Re-modelling the error estimates in a POL-2 vector catalogue

If the MAPVAR=YES option is used when running the Smurf pol2map script, the I, Q, and U error estimates in the resulting vector catalogue will be based on the spread of pixel values at each point on the sky in the I, Q, and U maps made from individual observations. Thus, if 20 observations are processed by pol2map to create a vector catalogue, then each DI, DQ, or DU error estimate in the vector catalogue will be based on the spread of 20 independent measurements of I, Q, or U. Even though 20 observations is a lot of POL-2 data, 20 is still a fairly small number from which to produce an accurate estimate of the error. Consequently, it is usual to see a large level of random “noise” on the error estimates, as in the following example, which shows the total-intensity (I) error estimates taken from a 12′′ vector catalogue near Ophiuchus L 1688 (Figure 6.1).

Figure 6.1: The initial total-intensity (I) error estimates taken from a 12′′ vector catalogue near Ophiuchus L 1688. Note that the noise level increases towards the edge of the map due to there being fewer bolometer samples per pixel near the edge.

The uncertainty on the error estimate can cause some vectors that are clearly wrong (e.g. because they are very different from nearby vectors) to have anomalously low error estimates and so to be included in the set of “good” vectors (i.e. vectors that pass some suitable selection criterion based on the noise estimates).

One simple solution to this could be to apply some spatial smoothing to the error estimates. This would be a reasonable thing to do if there were no compact sources in the map. The errors close to a compact source are generally higher than those in a background region because of factors such as pointing errors and calibration errors. These factors cause a compact source to appear slightly different in each observation, and so cause higher error estimates in the vector catalogue. The above error estimates map shows this effect in the higher values at the very centre. Simply smoothing this map would spread that central feature out, artificially decreasing the peak error and increasing the errors in the neighbouring background pixels.

An alternative to smoothing is to split the total noise up into several different components, create a model of each component, and then add the models together. The pol2noise script in Smurf enables the user to re-model the noise estimates in a vector catalogue using such an approach. This facility is used by setting MODE=REMODEL on the pol2noise command line:

  % pol2noise mycat.FIT mode=remodel out=newcat.FIT exptime=iext debiastype=mas

This creates an output catalogue (newcat.FIT) holding a copy of the input catalogue (mycat.FIT), and then calculates new values for all the error columns in the output catalogue. The new I, Q, and U error values are first derived from a three-component model of the noise in each quantity, and then errors for the derived quantities (PI, P, and ANG) are found. New values of PI and P are also found using the specified de-biasing algorithm. The file iext.sdf holds the total-intensity co-add map created by pol2map and is used to define the total exposure time in each pixel. The re-modelled total-intensity error estimates are shown in (Figure 6.2).

Figure 6.2: The re-modelled total-intensity (I) error estimates taken from a 12′′ vector catalogue near Ophiuchus L 1688. Note the reduced noise in comparison with Figure 6.1.

Most of the noise has gone without reducing the resolution. The script displays the original and re-modelled error estimates for each Stokes parameter (I, Q, and U), the residuals between the two, and a scatter plot (Figure 6.3). The best-fitting straight lines through each scatter plot are also displayed.

Figure 6.3: Example of the output displayed during the POL-2 vector catalogue error estimate re-modelling process. Comparison Stokes parameter (I, Q, and U) plots are shown, together with residuals images and associated straight-line fits.

The three components used to model the error on each Stokes parameter(I, V, or U) are described below.

The background component: This is derived from an exposure-time map (obtained from iext.sdf in the above example). The background component is equal to A.tB, where t is the exposure time at each pixel, and A and B are constants determined by doing a linear fit between the log of the noise estimate in the catalogue (DQ, DU, or DI) and the log of the exposure time (in practice, B is usually close to -0.5). The fit excludes bright source areas, but also excludes a thin rim around the edge of the map where the original noise estimates are subject to large inaccuracies. Since the exposure-time map is usually very much smoother than the original noise estimates, the background component is also much smoother.
The source component: This represents the extra noise found in and around compact sources caused by pointing errors, calibration errors, etc. The background component is first subtracted from the catalogue noise estimates and the residual noise values are then modelled using a collection of Gaussians. This modelling is done using the GaussClumps algorithm provided by the findclumps command in the Starlink Cupid package. The noise residuals are first divided into a number of “islands”, each island being a collection of contiguous pixels with noise residual significantly higher than zero (this is done using the FellWalker algorithm in Cupid). The GaussClumps algorithm is then used to model the noise residuals in each island. The resulting model is smoothed lightly using a Gaussian kernel of FWHM 1.2 pixels.
The residual component: This represents any noise not accounted for by the other two models. The noise residuals are first found by subtracting the other two components from the original catalogue noise estimates. Any strong outlier values are removed and the results are smoothed more heavily using a Gaussian kernel of FWHM 4 pixels.

The final model is the sum of the above three components. The new DI, DQ, and DU values are found independently using the above method. The errors for the derived quantities (DPI, DP, and DANG) are then found from DQ, DU, and DI using the usual error-propagation formulae. Finally new P and PI values are found using a specified form of de-biasing (controlled by the Parameter DEBIASTYPE).

6.6 Changing the de-biasing in a POL-2 vector catalogue

The new poledit command in the Starlink Polpack package has an option to recalculate the PI (polarised intensity) and P (percentage polarisation) values using a specified form of de-biasing. If the existing catalogue is in file mycat.FIT, this can be done with the following commands.

  % polpack
  % poledit mycat newcat mode=debias debiastype=mas

This will create a new file, newcat.FIT, containing a copy of mycat.FIT, but with new P and PI columns re-calculated from the existing Q, U, I, and DPI values using the “Modified Asymptotic” (MAS) bias estimator (any de-biasing used to create the original catalogue is ignored). The options for the DEBIASTYPE parameter are:

MAS: de-bias using the modified asymptotic estimator;
AS: de-bias using the asymptotic estimator; and
None: do not include any de-biasing.

Figure 6.4 shows the results of using the poledit command with the various DEBIASTYPE parameter options listed above.

Figure 6.4: The effects of using the various poledit debias options. The horizontal axis is PI/DPI (polarised intensity signal-to-noise ratio) with no de-biasing. The vertical axis is the new PI/DPI value created with each of the DEBIASTYPE options listed above (red is “AS”, blue is “MAS”, and green is “None”).

6.7 Smoothing 450-µm POL-2 maps to 850-µm-map resolution

The pol2map script has a parameter, SMOOTH450, to enable the user to smooth 450 µm POL-2 maps to the same resolution as their 850 µm counterparts. It is only accessed when processing 450 µm data, and defaults to False, which results in no changes to the behaviour of pol2map. If SMOOTH450 is set to True, pol2map performs an additional smoothing that results in the resolution of the resulting I, Q, and U co-adds (and the vector catalogue) being degraded to the resolution expected for 850 µm data. This allows 450 and 850 µm results to be compared more easily. A side-effect of the smoothing is that the noise levels in the final 450 µm maps and catalogues is lower.

The smoothing is applied to the I, Q, and U maps made from each individual observation before using them to form the I, Q, and U co-adds. The same smoothing kernel is used for I, Q, and U and is formed by deconvolving the expected 850 µm beam shape using the expected 450 µm beam shape as the PSF (Point Spread Function). The “expected” beam shapes are two-component Gaussians as described in [10].

Figure 6.5 shows the effect of the SMOOTH450 on the mean radial total-intensity profile of 3C 279 determined from 25 POL-2 observations. It can be seen that the smoothed 450 µm curve is very similar to the 850 µm curve.

Figure 6.5: The mean radial total-intensity profile of 3C 279 determined from 25 POL-2 observations. The black curve shows the 450 µm profile produced using SMOOTH450 = NO (the default), the red curve shows the 450 µm profile produced using SMOOTH450 = YES and the blue curve shows the 850 µm profile.

Figure 6.6 shows an example of the effect of the SMOOTH450 on a vector map for POL-2 observations of the molecular cloud DR 21. The main difference is that there are many more red vectors than blue vectors. This is because the smoothing introduced by SMOOTH450 has reduced the noise level, thus allowing more vectors to pass the above selection criterion.

Figure 6.6: 450 µm POL-2 vector maps created from four observations of DR 21, both with and without the use of the SMOOTH450 parameter. The blue vectors were created with SMOOTH450 = NO, and the red vectors with SMOOTH450 = YES. Both red and blue used the same selection criterion (I>5*DI && DP <0.5 && DANG < 10).

6.8 Controlling the masks used by pol2map

As noted earlier, the map-making process used by the pol2map command uses two masks, each of which divides the field up into source and background regions.

The AST mask: This is used to define the background regions that are to be forced to zero after each iteration of the map-maker algorithm (except the last iteration). This form of masking helps prevent the growth of artificial large-scale structures within the map. Any real astronomical signal present within the masked background regions will tend to be suppressed in the final map, so it is important that the AST mask correctly identifies regions of significant emission down to a low level.
The PCA mask: This is used to define the source regions that are to be excluded from the Principal Component Analysis. This analysis is used to remove the correlated backgrounds in the bolometer time-stream data. The time-stream data for astronomical sources are not correlated across bolometers, and so tend to disrupt the PCA. For this reason source regions are excluded from the analysis.

Two separate masks are used because experience has shown that disruption of the PCA is caused mainly by the brighter central source regions. Consequently, the source regions within the PCA mask can be smaller than the source regions within the AST mask, as illustrated in Figure 6.7.

Figure 6.7: A total-intensity map of DR 21, showing the AST mask in green and the slightly smaller PCA mask in blue.

Default masks are created automatically by pol2map in a manner specified by the MASK parameter.

On ‘Step 1’ of a typical POL-2 data reduction, MASK is left at its default value of Auto, causing new masks to be generated automatically at the end of each iteration of the map-making algorithm. This “auto-masking” process identifies an initial set of sources by thresholding the current map estimate at the SNR value specified by Configuration Parameter xxx.ZERO_SNR, where xxx is either AST or PCA, depending on which mask is being generated. Each of these initial source regions is then expanded to include adjoining pixels down to the SNR level specified by Configuration Parameter xxx.ZERO_SNRLO.
On ‘Step 2’ and ‘Step 3’ of a typical POL-2 data reduction, MASK is set to the co-add of all the total-intensity maps created at Step 1. The pol2map script first creates a pair of AST and PCA masks from the supplied co-added map, and then uses these masks on all iterations of the map-making algorithm 1. The findclumps command in the Starlink Cupid package is used by pol2map to create the masks. The process used by findclumps is the same as describe above for Step 1–initial sources are defined by a fixed SNR threshold within the supplied co-add and these are then extended down to a lower SNR threshold. The pol2map command sets these threshold values to the values of the four configuration parameters listed above—AST.ZERO_SNR, AST.ZERO_SNRLO, PCA.ZERO_SNR, and PCA.ZERO_SNRLO.

These configuration parameter all default to the following values specified in the pol2map script:


To investigate the effects of changing these values, new values can be supplied, using the CONFIG parameter of the pol2map command 2. Here is an example.

  % more conf
  ast.zero_snr = 2.5
  ast.zero_snrlo = 1.5
  % pol2map config=^conf

Any values not specified will retain their default values listed above.

6.9 Checking for convergence in pol2map log files

When processing POL-2 data, it is important to know that the map-making algorithm converged correctly for all observations. This information is available in the pol2map log file, along with the rest of the makemap or skyloop output. However, the log file can be very long, and so finding the relevant information may not be straightforward, particularly for users unfamiliar with the screen output usually created by makemap or skyloop.

To help with this, a simple Python script called pol2logcheck.py3 is available, which searches a specified pol2map log file for the relevant information and reports any observations that did not converge. This can be used as in the following example.

  % omc1/pol2map.log.3
   Looks like a step 1 log file
    The following observation(s) failed to converge:
      20190104 #14

6.10 Combining multiple POL-2 fields

To combine POL-2 observations for multiple overlapping fields, the best way to proceed is probably as follows4.

Run ‘Step 1’ independently for each field. In other words, use pol2map to create an auto-masked total-intensity map for each field. The following assumes that pol2map is run within directories called field1, field2, etc., to create the auto-masked maps and the I, Q, and U time-stream data for each field.
Co-add the auto-masked total-intensity maps for all fields. First, create a text file holding the paths to the separate auto-masked total-intensity maps, and then run pol2map as follows.
          % more infiles
          % pol2map in=^infiles iout=iauto_mosaic \
                    qout=! uout=! multiobject=yes
Run ‘Step 2’ and ‘Step 3’ for each field, using the mosaic created above as the mask field for all fields. For instance, for the first field:
          % cd field1
          % pol2map in=qudata/\* iout=iext qout=! \
                    uout=! mapdir=maps mapvar=yes \
                    skyloop=yes mask=../iauto_mosaic
          % pol2map in=qudata/\* iout=! qout=qext \
                    uout=uext mapdir=maps mapvar=yes \
                    skyloop=yes mask=../iauto_mosaic \
                    ipref=iext cat=mycat debias=yes
then, do the same for field2, field3, etc. If preferred, Steps 2 and 3 can be combined into a single invocation of pol2map.
          % cd field1
          % pol2map in=qudata/\* iout=iext qout=qext \
                    uout=uext mapdir=maps mapvar=yes \
                    skyloop=yes mask=../iauto_mosaic \
                    ipref=iext cat=mycat debias=yes
Co-add the external-masked I, Q, and U maps for all fields and create a vector catalogue from the co-added maps. First, create a text file holding the paths to the external-masked I, Q, and U maps for all fields, and then run pol2map as follows.
          % more infiles
          % pol2map in=^infiles iout=iext_mosaic \
                    qout=qext_mosaic uout=uext_mosaic \
                    multiobject=yes cat=mycat_mosaic \
                    debias=yes ipcor=no

1For completeness, it should be mentioned that the COM and FLT models are also masked, in addition to the AST and PCA models. At Step 1 (the auto-masking stage), the masking of COM and FLT is controlled by a similar set of configuration parameters to those of AST or PCA, except that xxx becomes COM or FLT. At Steps 2 and 3 (the external-masking stages), the COM and FLT models are masked using the PCA mask generated by findclumps, and so COM and FLT masking cannot be controlled independently of the PCA mask.

2Note that prior to 2019 July 10, this method could only be used at Step 1 (the supplied settings were ignored if supplied at Steps 2 or 3). Later versions of pol2map do not suffer from this limitation—the supplied values are honoured at all steps.

3This script is available at

4This method requires the use of a Starlink build from 2019 June 9 or later.