A An alphabetical summary of Surf commands

ADD_DBM: Generate simulated dual beam images (page 112)
BOLREBIN: Generate a separate regridded image for each bolometer. (page 113)
CALCSKY: Calculate sky variation independent of source structure (page 117)
CHANGE_DATA: Change data (or variance) values in a dataset. (page 119)
CHANGE_FLAT: Change the stored flatfield information. (page 121)
CHANGE_NACENTRE: Shift Nasmyth centre of array (page 122)
CHANGE_POINTING: Change Az and El pointing offsets for map data. (page 123)
CHANGE_QUALITY: Change data quality. (page 124)
DESPIKE: Despike JIGGLE/MAP data (page 126)
DESPIKE2: Despike SCAN/MAP data (page 129)
DSPBOL: Interactive despiking and data inspection (Requires Kappa) (page 131)
EXTINCTION: Corrects demodulated data for atmospheric extinction (page 133)
EXTRACT_DATA: Write bolometer positions and data to text a file (page 134)
EXTRACT_FLAT: Write flatfield information to text file (page 136)
FLATFIELD: Multiply the data array by the flatfield volumes. (page 137)
INTREBIN: Generate a separate regridded image for each integration. (page 138)
MAPSUM: Generate a summary of map observations (page 142)
OBSSUM: Summarize all observations (page 144)
PHOTSUM: Generate a summary of photometry observations (page 146)
PLTBOL: Interactive data inspection (Requires Kappa) (page 148)
POINTSUM: Generate a summary of pointing observations (page 149)
QDRAW: Plot photometry data (requires Kappa). (page 151)
REBIN: Rebin all data onto a rectangular grid (page 152)
REDUCE_NOISE: Process raw noise data files (page 156)
REDUCE_SWITCH: Convert raw demodulated data to standard format and process individual switches. (page 157)
REMDBM: Remove dual beam signature from SCAN/MAP images (requires Kappa). (page 158)
REMIP: Remove instrumental polarisation from polarimetry data (page 159)
REMSKY: Remove sky contribution from each jiggle (page 161)
RESTORE: Remove dual-beam response from SCAN/MAP data. (page 164)
RLINPLOT: Interactive data inspection via mlinplot (Requires Kappa) (page 165)
SCAN_RLB: Remove linear baselines from SCAN/MAP data (page 166)
SCUBA2MEM: Calculates bolometer positions with chops (page 168)
SCUCAT: Concatenates photometry results into a single NDF. (page 170)
SCUCLIP: Perform sigma clipping of each bolometer (page 172)
SCUCLKERR: Determine potential inconsistency in the SCUBA time headers (page 173)
SCUHELP: Interactive help system (page 174)
SCULOG: Provide detailed descriptions of all observation data. (page 176)
SCUMAKEWT: Generate fourier weights of chop function (page 178)
SCUNOISE: Display SCUBA noise data (page 179)
SCUOVER: Overlay bolometer array on image (page 180)
SCUPA: Show position angle of array (Requires Kappa) (page 182)
SCUPHOT: Reduces photometry data to a single point per integration (page 183)
SCUPLOT: Interactive despiking and data inspection (Requires Kappa) (page 185)
SCUQUICK: Semi-automated data reduction pipeline. (page 187)
SCUSETENV: Set SCUBA environment variables (JAC only) (page 190)
SCUSHIFT: Shift bolometers on A-to-D card (page 191)
SDIP: Script to reduce and display skydip data (requires Kappa). (page 192)
SETBOLWT: Calculate and set bolometer weights (requires Kappa) (page 193)
SIGCLIP: Remove spikes from photometry data (requires Kappa). (page 194)
SKYDIP: Calculate sky opacity from skydip data (page 195)
SKYSUM: Generate a summary of skydip observations (page 197)