Processing math: 100%


Assigns a specified quality to selected pixels within an NDF


This routine assigns (or optionally removes) the quality specified by Parameter QNAME to (or from) selected pixels in an NDF . For more information about using quality within Kappa  see Section 16.

The user can select the pixels to be operated on in one of three ways (see Parameter SELECT).

The operation to be performed on the pixels is specified by Parameter FUNCTION. The given quality may be assigned to or removed from pixels within the NDF. The pixels operated on can either be those selected by the user (as described above), or those not selected. The quality of all other pixels is left unchanged (unless the Parameter FUNCTION is given the value "NS+HU" or "NU+HS"). Thus for instance if pixel (1, 1) already held the quality specified by QNAME, and the quality was then assigned to pixel (2, 2) this would not cause the quality to be removed from pixel (1, 1).

This routine can also be used to copy all quality information from one NDF to another (see Parameter LIKE).


setqual ndf qname comment mask


The name of the ARD file containing a description of the parts of the NDF to be ‘selected’. The ARD parameter is only prompted for if the SELECT parameter is given the value "ARD". The co-ordinate system in which positions within this file are given should be indicated by including suitable COFRAME or WCS statements within the file (see SUN/183), but will default to pixel co-ordinates in the absence of any such statements. For instance, starting the file with a line containing the text "COFRAME(SKY,System=FK5)" would indicate that positions are specified in RA/DEC (FK5,J2000). The statement "COFRAME(PIXEL)" indicates explicitly that positions are specified in pixel co-ordinates.
A comment to store with the quality name. This parameter is only prompted for if the NDF does not already contain a definition of the quality name.
This parameter specifies what function is to be performed on the ‘selected’ pixels specified using Parameters MASK, LIST or ARDFILE. It can take any of the following values.
  • "HS" –- Ensure that the quality specified by QNAME is held by all the selected pixels. The quality of all other pixels is left unchanged.

  • "HU" –- Ensure that the quality specified by QNAME is held by all the pixels that have not been selected. The quality of the selected pixels is left unchanged.

  • "NS" –- Ensure that the quality specified by QNAME is not held by any of the selected pixels. The quality of all other pixels is left unchanged.

  • "NU" –- Ensure that the quality specified by QNAME is not held by any of the pixels that have not been selected. The quality of the selected pixels is left unchanged.

  • "HS+NU" –- Ensure that the quality specified by QNAME is held by all the selected pixels and not held by any of the other pixels.

  • "HU+NS" –- Ensure that the quality specified by QNAME is held by all the pixels that have not been selected and not held by any of the selected pixels.

LIKE = NDF (Read)
An existing NDF from which the QUALITY component and quality names are to be copied. These overwrite any corresponding information in the NDF given by Parameter NDF. If null (!), then the operation of this command is instead determined by Parameter SELECT. [!]
A group of pixels positions within the input NDF listing the pixels that are to be ‘selected’ (see Parameter FUNCTION). Each position should be giving as a list of pixel indices (e.g. X1, Y1, X2, Y2,…for a two dimensional NDF). LIST is only prompted for if Parameter SELECT is given the value "LIST".
MASK = NDF (Read)
A mask NDF used to define the ‘selected’ pixels within the input NDF (see Parameter FUNCTION). The mask should be aligned pixel-for-pixel with the input NDF. Pixels that are bad in the mask NDF are ‘selected’. The quality of any pixels that lie outside the bounds of the mask NDF are left unaltered. This parameter is only prompted for if the Parameter SELECT is given the value "MASK".
NDF = NDF (Update)
The NDF in which the quality information is to be stored.
The quality name. If the supplied name is not already defined within the input NDF, then a definition of the name is added to the NDF. The user is warned if the quality name is already defined within the NDF.
If not null, then the whole QUALITY array is filled with the constant value given by QVALUE, which must be in the range 0 to 255. No other changes are made to the NDF. [!]
If TRUE, then an error will be reported if any attempt is subsequently made to remove the quality name (e.g. using REMQUAL). [FALSE]
If Parameter LIKE is null, then this parameter determines how the pixels are selected, and can take the values "Mask", "List" or "ARD" (see Parameters MASK, LIST, and ARD). ["Mask"]
If an NDF already contains any quality name definitions then new quality names are put in the same extension as the old names. If no previous quality names have been stored in the NDF then Parameter XNAME will be used to obtain the name of an NDF extension in which to store the new quality name. The extension will be created if it does not already exist (see Parameter XTYPE). [QUALITY_NAMES]
If a new NDF extension is created to hold quality names (see Parameter XNAME), then Parameter XTYPE is used to obtain the HDS data type for the created extension. The run time default is to give the extension a type identical to its name. []


setqual m51 saturated "Saturated pixels" m51_cut
This example ensures that the quality "SATURATED" is defined within the NDF m51. The comment "Saturated pixels" is stored with the quality name if it did not already exist in the NDF. The quality SATURATED is then assigned to all pixels for which the corresponding pixel in NDF m51_CUT is bad. The quality of all other pixels is left unchanged.
setqual "m51,cena" source_a select=list list=^source_a.lis function=hs+nu
This example ensures that pixels within the two NDFs m51 and cena which are included in the list of pixel indices held in text file source_a.lis, have the quality "SOURCE_A", and also ensures that none of the pixels which were not included in source_a.lis have the quality.
setqual m51 source_b select=ard ardfile=background.ard
This example assigns the quality "source_b" to pixels of the NDF m51 as described by an ARD description stored in the text file "background.ard". This text file could for instance have been created using routine ARDGEN.


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