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Stores new WCS information within an NDF


This application adds WCS  information describing a celestial sky co-ordinate system to a two-dimensional NDF . This information can be stored either in the form of a standard NDF WCS component, or in the form of an IRAS90 astrometry structure  (see Parameter IRAS90).

The astrometry is determined either by you supplying explicit values for certain projection parameters, or by you providing the sky and corresponding image co-ordinates for a set of positions (see Parameter POSITIONS). In the latter case, the projection parameters are determined automatically by searching through parameter space in order to minimise the sum of the squared residuals between the supplied pixel co-ordinates  and the transformed sky co-ordinates. You may force particular projection parameters to take certain values by assigning an explicit value to the corresponding application parameter listed below. The individual residuals at each position can be written out to a logfile so that you can identify any aberrant points. The RMS residual (in pixels) implied by the best-fitting parameters is displayed.


setsky ndf positions coords epoch [projtype] [lon] [lat] [refcode]

[pixelsize] [orient] [tilt] [logfile]


The sky co-ordinate system to use. Valid values include "Ecliptic" (IAU 1980), "Equatorial" (FK4 and FK5), and "Galactic" (IAU 1958). Ecliptic and equatorial co-ordinates are referred to the mean equinox of a given epoch. This epoch is specified by appending it to the system name, in parentheses, for example, "Equatorial(1994.5)". The epoch may be preceded by a single character, "B" or "J", indicating that the epoch is Besselian or Julian respectively. If this letter is missing, a Besselian epoch is assumed if the epoch is less than 1984.0, and a Julian epoch is assumed otherwise.
The Julian epoch at which the observation was made (e.g. "1994.0").
IRAS90 = _LOGICAL (Read)
If a TRUE value is supplied, then the WCS information will be stored in the form of an IRAS90 astrometry structure. This is the form used by the IRAS90 package (see SUN/163). In this case, any existing IRAS90 astrometry structure will be over-written. See the “Notes” section below for warnings about using this form.

If a FALSE value is supplied, then the WCS information will be stored in the form of a standard NDF WCS component which will be recognized, used and updated correctly by most other Starlink software.

If a null value (!) is supplied, then a TRUE value will be used if the supplied NDF already has an IRAS90 extension. Otherwise a FALSE value will be used. [!]

The latitude of the reference point, in the co-ordinate system specified by Parameter COORDS. For example, if COORDS is "Equatorial", LAT is the declination. See SUN/163, Section 4.7.2 for full details of the allowed syntax for specifying this position. For convenience here are some examples how you may specify the declination -45 degrees, 12 arcminutes: "-45 12 00", "-45 12", "-45d 12m", "-45.2d", "-451200", "-0.78888r". The last of these is a radians value. A null value causes the latitude of the reference point to be estimated automatically from the data supplied for Parameter POSITIONS. [!]
Name of the text file to log the final projection parameter values and the residual at each supplied position. If null, there will be no logging. This parameter is ignored if a null value is given to Parameter POSITIONS. [!]
The longitude of the reference point, in the co-ordinate system specified by Parameter COORDS. For example, if COORDS is "Equatorial", LON is the right ascension. See SUN/163, Section 4.7.2 for full details of the allowed syntax for specifying this position. For convenience here are some examples how you may specify the right ascension 11 hours, 34 minutes, and 56.2 seconds: "11 34 56.2", "11h 34m 56.2s", "11 34.9366", "11.58228", "113456.2". See Parameter LAT for examples of specifying a non-equatorial longitude. A null value causes the longitude of the reference point to be estimated automatically from the data supplied for Parameter POSITIONS. [!]
NDF = NDF (Read and Write)
The NDF in which to store the WCS information.
The position angle of the NDF’s y axis on the celestial sphere, measured from north through east. North is defined as the direction of increasing sky latitude, and east is the direction of increasing sky longitude. Values are constrained to the range 0 to two-pi radians. A null value causes the position angle to be estimated automatically from the data supplied for Parameter POSITIONS. [!]
PIXELREF( 2 ) = REAL (Read)
The pixel co-ordinates of the reference pixel (x then y). This parameter is ignored unless REFCODE="Pixel". Remember that the centre of a pixel at indices i,j is (i0.5,j0.5). A null value causes the pixel co-ordinates of the reference point to be estimated automatically from the data supplied for Parameter POSITIONS. [!]
PIXELSIZE( 2 ) = _REAL (Read)
The x and y pixel sizes at the reference position. If only one value is given, the pixel is deemed to be square. Values may be given in a variety of units (see Parameter LAT). For example, 0.54 arcseconds could be specified as "0.54s" or "0.009m" or "2.618E-6r". A null value causes the pixel dimensions to be estimated automatically from the data supplied for Parameter POSITIONS. [!]
A list of sky co-ordinates and corresponding image co-ordinates for the set of positions which are to be used to determine the astrometry. If a null value is given then the astrometry is determined by the explicit values you supply for each of the other parameters. Each position is defined by four values, the sky longitude (in the same format as for Parameter LON), the sky latitude (in the same format as for Parameter LAT), the image pixel x co-ordinate and the image pixel y co-ordinate (both decimal values). These should be supplied (in the order stated) for each position. These values are given in the form of a ‘group expression’ (see SUN/150). This means that values can be either typed in directly or supplied in a text file. If typed in directly, the items in the list should be separated by commas, and you are re-prompted for further values if the last supplied value ends in a minus sign. If conveyed in a text file, they should again be separated by commas, but can be split across lines. The name of the text file is given in response to the prompt, preceded by an ‘up arrow’ symbol (^).
The type of projection to use. The options are: "Aitoff" –- Aitoff equal-area, "Gnomonic" –- Gnomonic (i.e. tangent plane), "Lambert" –- Lambert normal equivalent cylindrical, "Orthographic" –- Orthographic.

The following synonyms are also recognised: "All_sky" –- Aitoff, "Cylindrical" –- Lambert, "Tangent_plane" –- Gnomonic.

See SUN/163 for descriptions of these projections. A null value causes the projection to be determined automatically from the data supplied for Parameter POSITIONS. [!]

The code for the reference pixel. If it has value "Pixel" this requests that pixel co-ordinates for the reference point be obtained through Parameter PIXELREF. The other options are locations specified by two characters, the first corresponding to the vertical position and the second the horizontal. For the vertical, valid positions are T(op), B(ottom), or C(entre); and for the horizontal the options are L(eft), R(ight), or C(entre). Thus REFCODE="CC" means the reference position is at the centre of the NDF image, and "BL" specifies that the reference position is at the centre of the bottom-left pixel in the image. A null value causes the pixel co-ordinates of the reference point to be estimated automatically from the data supplied for Parameter POSITIONS. [!]
The angle through which the celestial sphere is to be rotated prior to doing the projection. The axis of rotation is a radius passing through the reference point. The rotation is in an anti-clockwise sense when looking from the reference point towards the centre of the celestial sphere. In common circumstances this can be set to zero. Values may be given in a variety of units (see Parameter LAT). Values are constrained to the range 0 to two-pi radians. A null value causes the latitude of the reference point to be estimated automatically from the data supplied for Parameter POSITIONS. ["0.0"]


setsky m51 ^stars.lis ecl(j1994.0) 1994.0 logfile=m51.log
This creates a WCS component to a two-dimensional NDF called m51. The values for Parameters PROJTYPE, LON, LAT, PIXELREF, PIXELSIZE, and ORIENT are determined automatically so that they minimised the sum of the squared residuals (in pixels) at each of the positions specified in the file stars.lis. This file contains a line for each position, each line containing an ecliptic longitude and latitude, followed by a pair of image co-ordinates. These values should be separated by commas. The ecliptic co-ordinates were determined at Julian epoch 1994.0, and are referred to the mean equinox at Julian epoch 1994.0. The determined parameter values together with the residual at each position are logged to file m51.log.
setsky m51 ^stars.lis ecl(j1994.0) 1994.0 orient=0 projtype=orth
This creates a WCS component within the two-dimensional NDF called m51. The values for Parameters PROJTYPE, LON, LAT, PIXELREF, and PIXELSIZE are determined automatically as in the previous example. In this example however, an Orthographic projection is forced, and the value zero is assigned to Parameter ORIENT, resulting in north being ‘upwards’ in the image.
setsky virgo "!" eq(j2000.0) 1989.3 gn "12 29" "+12 30" bl 1.1s 0.0d
This creates a WCS component within the two-dimensional NDF called virgo. It is a gnomonic projection in the equatorial system at Julian epoch 2000.0. The bottom-left pixel of the image is located at right ascension 12 hours 29 minutes, declination +12 degrees 30 minutes. A pixel at that position is square and has angular size of 1.1 arcseconds. The image was observed at epoch 1989.3. At the bottom-left of the image, north is at the top, parallel to the y-axis of the image.
setsky map "!" galactic(1950.0) 1993.8 aitoff 90 0 cc [0.5d,0.007r] 180.0d
This creates a WCS component within the two-dimensional NDF called map. It is an Aitoff projection in the galactic system at Besselian epoch 1950.0. The centre of the image is located at galactic longitude 90 degrees, latitude 0 degrees. A pixel at that position is rectangular and has angular size of 0.5 degrees by 0.007 radians. The image was made at epoch 1993.8. At the image centre, south is at the top and is parallel to the y-axis of the image.
setsky zodiac "!" ec 1983.4 or 10.3 -5.6 Pixel 20m 0.3d pixelref=[9.5,-11.2] IRAS90=YES
This creates an IRAS90 astrometry extension within the two-dimensional NDF called zodiac. It is an orthographic projection in the Ecliptic system at Besselian epoch 1950.0. The reference point at pixel co-ordinates (9.5, 11.2) corresponds to ecliptic longitude 10.3 degrees, latitude 5.6 degrees. A pixel at that position is square and has angular size of 20 arcminutes. The image was observed at epoch 1983.4. At the reference point the y-axis of the image points to 0.3 degrees east of north.


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