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Performs forward and inverse Fourier transforms of one- or two-dimensional NDFs


This application performs forward or reverse Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) of one- or two-dimensional NDFs . The output in the forward transformation (from the space domain to the Fourier) can be produced in Hermitian form in a single NDF, or as two NDFs giving the real and imaginary parts of the complex transform, or as two NDFs giving the power and phase of the complex transform. Any combination of these may also be produced. The inverse procedure accepts any of these NDFs and produces a purely real output NDF.

Any bad pixels  in the input NDF may be replaced by a constant value. Input NDFs need neither be square, nor be a power of 2 in size in either dimension; their shape is arbitrary.

The Hermitian transform is a single image in which each quadrant consisting of a linear combination of the real and imaginary parts of the transform. This form is useful if you just want to multiply the Fourier transform by some known purely real mask and then invert it to get a filtered image. However, if you want to multiply the Fourier transform by a complex mask (e.g. the Fourier transform of another NDF), or do any other operation involving combining complex values, then the Hermitian NDF must be untangled into separate real and imaginary parts.

There is an option to swap the quadrants of the input NDF around before performing a forward FFT. This is useful if you want to perform convolutions with the FFTs, since the point-spread function (PSF) image can be created with the PSF centre at the array centre, rather than at pixel (1, 1) as is usually required.


fourier in hermout


A value to replace bad pixels before performing the transform. The input image is also padded with this value if necessary to form an image of acceptable size. A value of "Mean" will cause the mean value in the array to be used. [0.0]
Hermitian frequency-domain input NDF containing the complex transform. If null is entered no Hermitian NDF is read and then the application should be supplied either separate real and imaginary NDFs, or the power and phase NDFs. Prompting will not occur if one of the other (inverse) input NDFs has been given on the command line, but not HERMIN as well. This parameter is only relevant for an inverse transformation.
Hermitian output NDF from a forward transform. If a null value is given then this NDF is not produced.
Title for the Hermitian Fourier-transform output NDF. A null (!) value means using the title of the input NDF. ["KAPPA - Fourier - Hermitian"]
Title for the frequency-domain imaginary output NDF. A null (!) value means using the title of the input NDF. ["KAPPA - Fourier - Imaginary"]
Input frequency-domain NDF containing the imaginary part of the complex transform. If a null is given then an image of zeros is assumed unless a null is also given for REALIN, in which case the input is requested in power and phase form. This parameter is only available if HERMIN is not used. One way to achieve that is to supply IMAGIN, but not HERMIN, on the command line. This parameter is only relevant for an inverse transformation.
Frequency-domain output NDF containing the imaginary part of the complex Fourier transform. If a null value is given then this NDF is not produced. [!]
IN = NDF (Read)
Real (space-domain) input NDF for a forward transformation. There are no restrictions on the size or shape of the input NDF, although the it may have to be padded or trimmed before being transformed. This parameter is only used if a forward transformation was requested.
If TRUE, then the inverse transform–-frequency domain to space domain–-is required, otherwise a transform from the space to the frequency domain is undertaken. [FALSE]
OUT = NDF (Write)
Real space-domain output NDF. This parameter is only used if an inverse transformation is requested.
Title for the frequency-domain phase output NDF. A null (!) value means using the title of the input NDF. ["KAPPA - Fourier - Phase"]
Input frequency-domain NDF containing the phase of the complex transform. If a null is given then an image of zeros is assumed unless a null is also given for PHASEIN, in which case the application quits. This parameter is only available if HERMIN, REALIN, and IMAGIN are all not used. One way to achieve that is to supply PHASEIN, but none of the aforementioned parameters, on the command line. This parameter is only relevant for an inverse transformation.
Frequency-domain output NDF containing the phase of the complex Fourier transform. If a null value is given then this NDF is not produced. [!]
Input frequency-domain NDF containing the modulus of the complex transform. Note, this should be the square root of the power rather than the power itself. If a null is given then an image of zeros is assumed unless a null is also given for PHASEIN, in which case the application quits. This parameter is only available if HERMIN, REALIN, and IMAGIN are all not used. One way to achieve that is to supply POWERIN, but none of the aforementioned parameters, on the command line. This parameter is only relevant for an inverse transformation.
Frequency-domain output NDF containing the modulus of the complex Fourier transform. Note, this is the square root of the power rather than the power itself. If a null value is given then this NDF is not produced. [!]
Title for the frequency-domain power output NDF. A null (!) value means using the title of the input NDF. ["KAPPA - Fourier - Power"]
Input frequency-domain NDF containing the real part of the complex transform. If a null is given then an image of zeros is assumed unless a null is also given for IMAGIN, in which case the input is requested in power and phase form. This parameter is only available if HERMIN is not used. One way to achieve that is to supply REALIN, but not HERMIN, on the command line. This parameter is only relevant for an inverse transformation.
Frequency-domain output NDF containing the real part of the complex Fourier transform. If a null value is given then this NDF is not produced. [!]
Title for the frequency-domain real output NDF. A null (!) value means using the title of the input NDF. ["KAPPA - Fourier - Real"]
If TRUE, the transform origin is to be located at the array’s centre. This is implemented by swapping bottom-left and top-right, and bottom-right and top-left array quadrants, before doing the transform. This results in the transformation effectively being done about pixel x = INT(NAXIS1/2)+1 and y = INT(NAXIS2/2)+1, where NAXISn are the padded or trimmed dimensions of the NDF. [FALSE]
If TRUE, when the input array dimension cannot be processed by the transform, the output arrays will be trimmed rather than padded with the fill value. [FALSE]
Title for the real space-domain output NDF. A null (!) value means using the title of the input NDF. ["KAPPA - Fourier"]


fourier galaxy ft_gal
Makes an Hermitian Fourier transform stored in an NDF called ft_gal from the two-dimensional NDF called galaxy.
fourier hermin=ft_gal out=galaxy inverse
Takes an Hermitian Fourier transform stored in an NDF called ft_gal and performs the inverse transformation to yield a normal (spatial domain) image in NDF galaxy.
fourier in=galaxy powerout=galpow hermout=ft_gal fillval=mean
Makes an Hermitian Fourier transform stored in an NDF called ft_gal from the two-dimensional NDF called galaxy. Any bad values in galaxy are replaced by the mean data value of galaxy. In addition the power of the transform is written to an NDF called galpow.
fourier realin=real_gal out=galaxy inverse
Takes the real component of a Fourier transform stored in an NDF called real_gal and performs the inverse transformation to yield a normal image in NDF galaxy.


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