Starlink Project
Starlink Cookbook 7.2
Martin Clayton and Anthony Holloway
15 June 1998
Simple Spectroscopy Reductions
This Cookbook describes the basic concepts and methods used in optical astronomical spectroscopy; it is aimed at those new to the field. Complete worked example reductions for both one- and two-dimensional longslit spectra, using real datasets, are described. Common problems and their solutions are discussed. A section on related resources is included, as is a glossary of commonly used terms.
[1] L. Achmad and L. Pasquini,
CASPEC Thorium-Argon Atlas in the 3050–3650Å Region,
ESO Document ASD-MAN-SCI-000-001, May 1995.
[2] M. J. Bly & P. M. Allen,
XDISPLAY Setting Remote Xwindows,
Starlink User Note 129.4, March 1996.
[3] S. D’Odorico, M. Ghigo and D. Ponz,
An Atlas of the Thorium-Argon Spectrum for the ESO Echelle Spectrograph in the
λλ 3400–9000Å Region,
ESO, 1987.
[4] Michael Bessell and Max Pettini,
UCLES Spectrum of the Thorium-Argon Hollow-Cathode Lamp,
AAO UM 28.1, January 1991.
[5] Martin Clayton,
Introduction to Echelle Spectroscopy,
Starlink Guide 9.2, October 1996.
[6] Martin Clayton,
Echelle Data Reduction Cookbook,
Starlink Cookbook 3.1, August 1996.
[7] Malcolm J. Currie, G. J. Privett & A. J. Chipperfield,
CONVERT, A Format-conversion Package,
Starlink User Note 55.6, December 1995.
[8] Malcolm J. Currie,
KAPPA—Kernel Application Package,
Starlink User Note 95.8, August 1992.
[9] Peter W. Draper,
CCDPACK—CCD Data Reduction Package,
Starlink User Note 139.4, November 1995.
[10] Keith Horne,
An Optimal Extraction Algorithm for CCD Spectroscopy,
pp. 609–617, Pub. A. S. P. Vol. 98, June 1986.
[11] I. D. Howarth, J. Murray, D. Mills & D. S. Berry,
DIPSO (V3.3)—A Friendly Spectrum Analysis Program,
Starlink User Note 50.19, January 1996.
[12] Image Processing Group, ESO,
MIDAS Users Guide,
Volumes B and C, November 1994.
[13] Tom Marsh,
The Extraction of Highly Distorted Spectra,
pp. 1032–1037, Pub. A. S. P. Vol. 101, November 1989.
[14] Philip Massey,
A User’s Guide to CCD Reductions with IRAF,
Central Computer Services, NOAO, June 1992.
[15] Ian S. McLean,
Electronic and Computer-Aided Astronomy,
Ellis Horwood Ltd., 1989.
[16] Dave Mills, John Webb and Martin Clayton,
ECHOMOP—Echelle Data Reduction Package,
Starlink User Note 152.2, December 1995.
[17] J. G. Robertson,
Optimal Extraction of Single-Object Spectra from Observations with Two-Dimensional
pp. 1220–1231, Pub. A. S. P. Vol. 98, November 1986.
[18] Keith Shortridge, Horst Meyerdierks, Malcolm Currie and Martin Clayton,
FIGARO—A General Data Reduction System,
Starlink User Note 86.12, October 1996.
[19] Francisco Valdes,
Guide to the Slit Spectra Reduction Task DOSLIT,
Central Computer Services, NOAO, April 1992.
[20] Francisco Valdes,
IRAF Tutorials: Extraction of Stellar Long Slit Spectra using DOSLIT,
April 1994.
[21] R. F. Warren-Smith & M. .D. Lawden,
HDS, Hierarchical Data System,
Starlink User Note 92.10, July 1995.
[22] R. F. Warren-Smith,
NDF, Routines for Accessing the Extensible N-Dimensional Data Format,
Starlink User Note 33.4, March 1995.
[23] T. N. Wilkins, D. J. Axon, J. W. Palmer & A. J. Holloway,
TWODPSEC, Some Additions to Figaro,
Starlink User Note 16.5, December 1997.