The original set of recipes and names were prescribed in G.S. Wright & S.K. Leggett, 1997, Scripts for UFTI, orac009-ufts, v01.
In hindsight you may decide that there was a better recipe for your data than stored in the RECIPE header. Also you may have used a faster variant of a recipe at the telescope, but now want the full reduction. Here is a classified list so that you can select an alternative. Magnitudes and dimensions apply to UFTI, except for the NOD_SELF_FLAT_NO_MASK recipes, whose magnitude ranges are for IRCAM; and the NOD_CHOP recipes which are applicable to Michelle. For IRCAM, dimensions are 10% smaller; for IRIS2 dimensions are 6.8 larger; for UIST they are either 33% smaller or 22% larger depending on the camera. The magnitude ranges are courtesy of Sandy Leggett and apply to UKIRT.
Calibration Recipes
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Recipe Name | Type of Data | Function and Comments |
ARRAY_TESTS | Array check | Calculates read noise and dark current. |
DARK_AND_BPM | Dark and Mask | Measures dark current and creates a new bad-pixel mask for UIST. |
DIFFERENCE_STATS | Array Check and Mask | Calculates statisticd for Michelle darks in a pairwise manner. |
LAMP_FLAT | Mask | Creates and files imaging flat fields derived from a calibration lamp for ESO instruments. |
MAKE_BPM | Mask | Creates a bad-pixel mask by standard-deviation thresholding. |
MEASURE_READNOISE | Array check | Measures and files the readnoise for UIST from a set of dark frames. |
REDUCE_DARK | Dark | Averages and files observations as the current dark. |
REDUCE_FLAT | Flat | Reduces an imaging flat field. |
SKY_FLAT | Flat | Creates and files a flat field derived from five jittered frames. Mostly for use with BRIGHT_POINT_SOURCE recipes. Requires a dark. |
SKY_FLAT_FP | Flat | Creates a Fabry-Perot sky flat (from jittered blank-sky exposures) FP at on- and off-line wavelengths. Requires a dark. |
SKY_FLAT_MASKED | Flat | As SKY_FLAT but masks objects to give a better flat field. |
SKY_FLAT_POL | Flat | Obtain a ‘master’ polarimetry flat field from the median average of eight jittered frames; the waveplate is cycled after every second frame. Makes a copy of the flat for each waveplate angle. Requires a dark. |
SKY_FLAT_POL_ANGLE | Flat | Obtain four polarimetry flat fields, one for each waveplate angle, from the median average of jittered frames. Requires a dark. |
Very-bright-point-source recipes
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Recipe Name | Type of Data | Function and Comments |
, , and bright , | Normally a 5-point jitter but would be usable as 3-point. Requires a separate flat as the background is too low to self flat, and a dark. |
| As BRIGHT_POINT_SOURCE, but also performs aperture photometry of the source. |
| As BRIGHT_POINT_SOURCE, but produces filenames that include filters for easier identification for multi-colour observations. |
| As BRIGHT_POINT_SOURCE_APHOT, but produces filenames that include filters for easier identification for multi-colour observations. |
| As BRIGHT_POINT_SOURCE, but uses telescope offsets for registration. |
| As BRIGHT_POINT_SOURCE_APHOT, but uses telescope offsets for registration. |
Point-source recipes—thermal
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Recipe Name | Type of Data | Function and Comments |
NOD_SELF_FLAT_NO_MASK | Bright ; or all , faint | Nod jitter, self flats of differenced pairs of frames. Has superior and fast sky subtraction. No object masking. Requires a dark. Use 4-point jitter for , and 8-point for fainter and all . |
| As the previous recipe, but also performs aperture photometry of the positive and negative sources. |
| Nod jitter, interspersed sky frames. Sky subtraction, flat field created from sky frames only. Requires a dark. 4-point jitter (8-point sequence). |
Bright-point-source recipes
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Recipe Name | Type of Data | Function and Comments |
,, | Standard jitter, self flats. Normally 5-point jitter. Requires a dark. |
| As JITTER_SELF_FLAT, but also performs aperture photometry of the source. |
| As JITTER_SELF_FLAT but faster as it lacks object masking. It only suitable for uncrowded fields. |
| As JITTER_SELF_FLAT_APHOT, but produces filenames that include filters for easier identification for multi-colour observation sequences. |
| A sky frame and jitter on target. The sky is subtracted from the target frame before flat fielding. Requires a separate flat, as the background is too low to self flat, and a dark. No longer recommended as sky varies too quickly. |
| As SKY_AND_JITTER, but also performs aperture photometry of the source. |
Faint-point-source recipes
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Recipe Name | Type of Data | Function and Comments |
Faint ,, | Standard jitter, self flats. Normally 9-point jitter. Requires a dark. |
| As JITTER_SELF_FLAT but produces an inventory of the locations and brightnesses of sources within the mosaic. |
| As BRIGHT_POINT_SOURCE but produces an inventory of the locations and brightnesses of sources within the mosaic. Preferred when a self-flat is not appropriate. |
| Fastest JITTER_SELF_FLAT recipe as it lacks object masking, automatic registration and resampling. |
| As JITTER_SELF_FLAT, but faster as it lacks object masking. It only suitable for uncrowded fields. |
Extended-source recipes
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Recipe Name | Type of Data | Function and Comments |
QUADRANT_JITTER | Galaxies, quasars and nebulae of small (45 arcsec) angular extent | 4-point jitter; masks the quadrant containing the target to make the flat, then masks the objects. Requires a dark. |
| As QUADRANT_JITTER but without object masking. |
| Fastest QUADRANT_JITTER variant as it lacks object masking, automatic registration and resampling. |
MOVING_QUADRANT_JITTER | Compact comets (45 arcsec) | As QUADRANT_JITTER, but uses ephemeris data to track the non-sidereal source. |
| As QUADRANT_JITTER but uses telescope offsets for registration. Telescope tracks object. |
EXTENDED_3x3 | Galaxies and nebulae with angular extent 2 arcminutes | Sky-subtracted 33 grid mosaic on target. Frames alternate between sky and target. Requires a dark. |
| As EXTENDED_3x3 but lacks resampling and registers using telescope offsets. |
EXTENDED_5x5 | Galaxies and nebulae with angular extent 3 arcminutes | Sky-subtracted 55 grid mosaic of the target. Frames alternate between sky and target. Requires a dark. |
| As EXTENDED_5x5 but lacks resampling and registers using telescope offsets. |
Point-source recipes—mid-infra-red
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Recipe Name | Type of Data | Function and Comments |
NOD_CHOP | Bright and (limits to be determined) | Chopped and nodded observations to remove sky background and telescope contributions; differences both chopped beams and nodded pairs of frames giving a mosaic with two positive and two negative images. There is no masking or flat-fielding. Requires a bias in CHOP mode, e.g. from recipe ARRAY_TESTS. |
| As the previous recipe, but also performs aperture photometry of the combined four images (after extraction and centroid registration). |
| As NOD_CHOP, but removes column and row artifacts from the mosaic, then it combines each chopped and nodded image using a median filter to form an image of the source with four times the signal. This image is then smoothed to enhance the visibility of faint sources. |
| As NOD_CHOP, but for chopped and nodded observations that are taken in a scan pattern. A mosaic is formed at each scan position. |
Moving (non-sidereal) source recipes
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Recipe Name | Type of Data | Function and Comments |
MOVING_JITTER_SELF_FLAT | Minor planets, comets | As JITTER_SELF_FLAT, but uses ephemeris data to track the non-sidereal source. |
| As JITTER_SELF_FLAT_BASIC, but uses ephemeris data to track the non-sidereal source. |
| Standard jitter, using telescope offsets. This is needed when the telescope has tracked on the non-sidereal target. Requires a dark. |
| As NOD_CHOP, but uses ephemeris data to track the non-sidereal source in the mid-infra-red. |
MOVING_QUADRANT_JITTER | Compact comets | As QUADRANT_JITTER, but uses ephemeris data to track the non-sidereal source. |
| As QUADRANT_JITTER but uses telescope offsets for registration. This is needed when the telescope has tracked on the non-sidereal target. |
Polarimetry recipes
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Recipe Name | Type of Data | Function and Comments |
Polarimetry of point or small ( arcsec) extended sources | Makes a polarisation map from frames at the four waveplate angles at each of at least three jittered positions; the waveplate is moved before the telescope. An appropriate dark and separate flat fields at each waveplate angle (using SKY_FLAT_POL or SKY_FLAT_POL_ANGLE) must be obtained. |
Polarimetry of point or small ( arcsec) extended sources in mid-infra-red | Makes a polarisation map from chopped and nodded frames at the four waveplate angles at two nod positions; the waveplate is moved before the telescope is nodded. There is no object masking or flat fielding. Requires a bias in CHOP mode, e.g. from recipe ARRAY_TESTS. |
Polarimetry of extended sources | Makes a polarisation map of an extended source from frames nodded between object and blank sky. The object-sky pairs must be taken at each of the four waveplate angles. Requires an appropriate dark and separate flat fields at each waveplate angle. |
Polarimetry of point or small ( arcsec) extended sources | Makes a polarimetry map from frames at the four waveplate angles at each of at least three jittered positions; the telescope is moved before the waveplate. An appropriate dark and flat fields at each waveplate angle must be obtained. |
Polarimetry of point or small ( arcsec) extended sources in mid-infra-red | As POL_ANGLE_NOD_CHOP but the telescope is nodded before the waveplate is moved. |
Polarimetry of point or small ( arcsec) extended sources in mid-infra-red | It is a hybrid of POL_ANGLE_NOD_CHOP and POL_NOD_CHOP as the waveplate angle iterates in pairs at each jitter position. |
Flat | Obtain a ‘master’ polarimetry flat field from the median average of eight jittered frames; the waveplate is cycled after every second frame. Makes a copy of the flat for each waveplate angle. Requires a dark. |
Fabry-Perot recipes
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Recipe Name | Type of Data | Function and Comments |
FP | Fabry-Perot | Uses a sequence of eight frames; object-sky pairs at on-line, off-line (blue), on-line and off-line (red) FP settings to make a mosaic. Requires a separate flat field (made by SKY_FLAT_FP) and a dark. |
| On/Off-line images with nodding to blank sky (as FP), and spatial jittering on-source. Requires a separate flat field and a dark. |
| On/Off-line images without nodding to blank sky (i.e. sequence of four frames), and spatial jittering on-source. Requires a separate flat field and a dark. |
SKY_FLAT_FP | Flat | Creates a Fabry-Perot sky flat (from jittered blank-sky exposures) FP at on- and off-line wavelengths. Requires a dark. |
The following recipes apply to both UFTI and IRCAM unless otherwise noted. Where there are processing differences for the two instruments, they are noted in the reference specification. Also there is an ARRAY_TESTS recipe for each instrument, of which only UFTI’s is presented below for technical reasons.
In the Configurable Steering Parameters sections the defaults appear at the end of the parameter’s
description between [ ]
The non-generic recipes of the original release are not documented here, but are still available for reducing pre-ORAC (2000 August) data. They are listed in the Deprecated variants section of their generic counterpart. Each behaves as the generic counterpart, except the number of jitter points is fixed. Thus the JITTER9_SELF_FLAT reduces a nine-point jitter.