PICBASE | Selects the BASE picture from the graphics database.
PICCUR | Uses a cursor to select the current picture.
PICDATA | Selects the last DATA picture from the graphics database.
PICDEF | Defines a new graphics-database FRAME picture or an array of FRAME pictures.
PICEMPTY | Finds the first empty FRAME picture in the graphics database.
PICENTIRE | Finds the first unobscured and unobscuring FRAME picture in the graphics
PICFRAME | Selects the last FRAME picture from the graphics database.
PICGRID | Creates an array of FRAME pictures.
PICIN | Finds the attributes of a picture interior to the current picture.
PICLABEL | Labels the current graphics-database picture.
PICLAST | Selects the last picture from the graphics database.
PICLIST | Lists the pictures in the graphics database for a device.
PICSEL | Selects a graphics-database picture by its label.
PICTRANS | Transforms co-ordinates between the current and BASE pictures.
PICVIS | Finds the first unobscured FRAME picture in the graphics database.
PICXY | Creates a new picture defined by co-ordinate bounds. |
LUTABLE | Manipulates an graphics device colour table.
LUTBGYRW | Loads the BGYRW lookup table.
LUTCOL | Loads the standard colour lookup table.
LUTCOLD | Loads the cold lookup table.
LUTCONT | Loads a lookup table to give the display the appearance of a contour plot.
LUTEDIT | Creates or edits an graphics device colour table.
LUTFC | Loads the standard false-colour lookup table.
LUTGREY | Loads the standard grey-scale lookup table.
LUTHEAT | Loads the heat lookup table.
LUTIKON | Loads the default Ikon lookup table.
LUTNEG | Loads the standard negative grey-scale lookup table.
LUTRAMPS | Loads the coloured-ramps lookup table.
LUTREAD | Loads an graphics device lookup table from an NDF.
LUTSAVE | Saves the current colour table of an graphics device in an NDF.
LUTSPEC | Loads a spectrum-like lookup table.
LUTVIEW | Draws a colour-table key.
LUTWARM | Loads the warm lookup table.
LUTZEBRA | Loads a pseudo-contour lookup table. |
ARDPLOT | Plots the boundaries of regions described in an ARD file over an existing picture.
CLINPLOT | Draws a spatial grid of line plots for an axis of a cube NDF.
CONTOUR | Contours a two-dimensional NDF.
DISPLAY | Displays a one- or two-dimensional NDF.
DRAWNORTH | Draws arrows parallel to the axes.
standard-deviation lines on a line plot.
ELPROF | Creates a radial or azimuthal profile of a two-dimensional image.
LINPLOT | Draws a line plot of the data values in a one-dimensional NDF.
LISTSHOW | Displays the positions stored in a positions list.
LOOK | Outputs the values of specified NDF pixels to the screen or a text file.
MLINPLOT | Draws a multi-line plot of the data values in a two-dimensional NDF.
OUTLINE | Draws the outline of a two-dimensional NDF.
SCATTER | Displays a scatter plot between data in two NDFs.
VECPLOT | Plots a two-dimensional vector map. |
ADD | Adds two NDF data structures.
CADD | Adds a scalar to an NDF data structure.
CDIV | Divides an NDF by a scalar.
CMULT | Multiplies an NDF by a scalar.
CSUB | Subtracts a scalar from an NDF data structure.
CUMULVEC | Sums the values cumulatively in a one-dimensional NDF.
DIV | Divides one NDF data structure by another.
EXP10 | Takes the base-10 exponential of each pixel of an NDF.
EXPE | Takes the exponential of each pixel of an NDF (base ).
EXPON | Takes the exponential (specified base) of each pixel of am NDF.
LOG10 | Takes the base-10 logarithm of each pixel of an NDF.
LOGAR | Takes the logarithm of each pixel of an NDF (specified base).
LOGE | Takes the natural logarithm of each pixel of an NDF.
MAKESNR | Creates a signal-to-noise array from an NDF with Variance.
MATHS | Evaluates mathematical expressions applied to NDF data structures.
MULT | Multiplies two NDF data structures.
POW | Takes the specified power of each pixel of a data array.
SUB | Subtracts one NDF data structure from another.
TRIG | Performs a trigonometric transformation on an NDF. |
CARPET | Creates a cube representing a carpet plot of an image.
CHANMAP | Creates a channel map from a cube NDF by compressing slices along a nominated
COLLAPSE | Reduces the number of axes in an NDF by collapsing it along a nominated axis.
COMPADD | Reduces the size of an NDF by adding values in rectangular boxes.
COMPAVE | Reduces the size of an NDF by averaging values in rectangular boxes.
COMPICK | Reduces the size of an NDF by picking equally spaced pixels.
INTERLEAVE | Forms a higher-resolution NDF by interleaving a set of NDFs.
NDFCOMPRESS | Compresses an NDF so that it occupies less disk space.
PIXDUPE | Expands an NDF by pixel duplication.
PLUCK | Plucks slices from an NDF at arbitrary positions.
REGRID | Uses an arbitrary mapping to regrid an NDF.
SQORST | Squashes or stretches an NDF.
WCSALIGN | Aligns a group of NDFs using WCS information. |
CHAIN | Concatenates a series of vectorized NDFs.
FLIP | Reverses an NDF’s pixels along a specified dimension.
MANIC | Converts all or part of an NDF from one dimensionality to another.
NDFCOPY | Copies an NDF (or NDF section) to a new location.
PERMAXES | Permutes the axes of an NDF.
PIXBIN | Places each pixel value in an input NDF into an output bin.
PLUCK | Plucks slices from an NDF at arbitrary positions.
PROFILE | Creates a one-dimensional profile through an n-dimensional NDF.
REGRID | Uses an arbitrary mapping to regrid an NDF.
RESHAPE | Reshapes an NDF, treating its arrays as vectors.
ROTATE | Rotates a two-dimensional NDF about its centre through any angle.
SETBOUND | Sets new bounds for an NDF.
SLIDE | Shifts pixels in an NDF by a given amount along each axis.
WCSSLIDE | Applies a translational correction to the WCS in an NDF. |
BLOCK | Smooths an NDF using an n-dimensional rectangular box filter.
CONVOLVE | Convolves a pair of one- or two-dimensional NDFs together.
FFCLEAN | Removes defects from a substantially flat one- or two-dimensional NDF.
FOURIER | Performs forward and inverse Fourier transforms of one- or two-dimensional
GAUSMOOTH | Smooths a one- or two-dimensional image using a Gaussian filter.
LUCY | Performs a Richardson-Lucy deconvolution of a one- or two-dimensional array.
MEDIAN | Smooths a two-dimensional data array using a weighted median filter.
MEM2D | Performs a Maximum-Entropy deconvolution of a two-dimensional NDF.
ODDEVEN | Removes odd-even defects from a one-dimensional NDF.
WIENER | Applies a Wiener filter to a one- or two-dimensional array. |
FITSEDIT | Edits the FITS extension of an NDF.
FITSEXIST | Inquires whether or not a keyword exists in a FITS extension.
FITSEXP | Exports NDF-extension information into an NDF FITS extension.
FITSLIST | Lists the FITS extension of an NDF.
FITSMOD | Edits an NDF FITS extension via a text file or parameters.
FITSTEXT | Creates an NDF FITS extension from a text file.
FITSVAL | Reports the value of a keyword in the FITS extension.
FITSWRITE | Writes a new keyword to the FITS extension.
SETEXT | Manipulates the contents of a specified NDF extension.
SETSKY | Stores WCS Information in an NDF. |
PERMAXES | Permutes the axes of an NDF.
WCSADD | Creates a Mapping and optionally adds a new co-ordinate Frame into the WCS
component of an NDF.
WCSALIGN | Aligns a group of NDFs using WCS information.
WCSATTRIB | Manages attribute values associated with the WCS component of an NDF.
WCSCOPY | Copies WCS information from one NDF to another.
WCSFRAME | Changes the current co-ordinate Frame in the WCS component of an NDF.
WCSMOSAIC | Tiles a group of NDFs using World Co-ordinate System information.
WCSREMOVE | Removes co-ordinate Frames from the WCS component of an NDF.
WCSSHOW | Examines the internal structure of a WCS description.
WCSSLIDE | Applies a translational correction to the WCS in an NDF.
WCSTRAN | Transforms a position from one NDF co-ordinate Frame to another. |
ARDGEN | Creates a text file describing selected regions of an image.
ARDMASK | Uses an ARD file to set some pixels of an NDF to be bad.
ARDPLOT | Plots the boundaries of regions described in an ARD file over an existing picture.
CHPIX | Replaces the values of selected pixels in an NDF.
COPYBAD | Copies the bad-pixel mask from one NDF to another.
ERRCLIP | Removes pixels with large errors from an NDF.
EXCLUDEBAD | Copies a two-dimensional NDF excluding any bad rows or columns.
FFCLEAN | Removes defects from a substantially flat one- or two-dimensional NDF.
FILLBAD | Removes regions of bad values from an NDF.
GLITCH | Replaces bad pixels in a two-dimensional image with the local median.
MFITTREND | Fits independent trends to data lines that are parallel to an axis.
MOCGEN | Creates a Multi-Order Coverage (MOC) map describing regions of an image.
NOMAGIC | Replaces all occurrences of magic-value pixels in an NDF array with a new value.
OUTSET | Sets pixels outside a specified circle in a two-dimensional NDF to a specified value.
PASTE | Pastes a series of NDFs upon each other.
REGIONMASK | Applies a mask to a region of an NDF.
RIFT | Adds a scalar to a section of an NDF data structure to correct rift-valley defects.
SEGMENT | Copies polygonal segments from one NDF to another.
SETMAGIC | Replaces all occurrences of a given value in an NDF array with the bad value.
SUBSTITUTE | Replaces all occurrences of a given value in an NDF array with another value.
THRESH | Edits an NDF such that array values below and above two thresholds take
ZAPLIN | Replaces regions in a two-dimensional NDF by bad values or by linear interpolation. |